That’s what author Mike Tidwell said in an editorial in today’s Los Angeles Times.
And it’s Bush’s fault:
We should call it quits not because New Orleans can’t be made relatively safe from hurricanes. It can be. And not because to do so is more trouble than it’s worth. It’s not. Instead, the hammers and brooms and chain saws should all be put away and the city permanently boarded up because the Bush administration has already given New Orleans a quiet kiss of death.
Apparently, Bush has decided the city is not worth saving. He has quietly slashed the guts out of what is known as the Coast 2050 Plan by funding it with only $200 million. This might be enough to fix the infrastructure symptoms, but not ameliorate the cause of the overall problem.
Again Bush has reverted to form like a Mafia strangler or knifer. The public know little about this beyond environmentalists and other activists–the same groups, of course, that are viewed with anathema by business and tourism interests. But there won’t be any business or tourism worth saving if this is set in stone.
Katrina destroyed the Big Easy — and future Katrinas will do the same — because 1 million acres of coastal islands and marshland vanished in Louisiana in the last century because of human interference. These land forms served as natural “speed bumps,” reducing the lethal surge tide of past hurricanes and making New Orleans habitable in the first place. A $14-billion plan to fix this problem — widely viewed as technically sound and supported by environmentalists, oil companies and fishermen alike — has been on the table for years and was pushed forward with greater urgency after Katrina hit. But the Bush administration has turned its back on this plan.
Instead of investing the equivalent of six weeks of spending on the Iraq war or the cost of the Big Dig in Boston, we must now prepare to pay for another, inevitable $200-billion hurricane in Louisiana. Which is why, tragically, we are better off simply cutting our losses and abandoning New Orleans right now.
And yet people are trying to return and to rebuild as we speak, and many are doing this alone, without FEMA or even insurance. Without implementing and funding the Plan to its fullest, another Katrina will wreck the city, says Tidwell. Mark Davis, director of the Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana, thinks, “Either they don’t get it or they just don’t care. But the results are the same: more disaster.” Read the whole article. Once again, the Bush administration is in disgraceful denial, and this denial will result in potentially more lives lost.
This administration does not care about its people, starting and beginning with the people who lived on the Gulf Coast. And many of them voted for this same administration.
As someone who dearly loves New Orleans, it pains me immeasurably to call for this retreat. I mean what I say. Shut the city down. To encourage people to return to New Orleans, as Bush is doing, without funding the only plan that can save the city from the next Katrina is to commit an act of mass homicide.
Anyone who doesn’t like this news — farmers who export grain through the port of New Orleans, New Englanders who heat their homes with natural gas from the Gulf of Mexico, cultural enthusiasts who like their gumbo in the French Quarter — should direct their comments straight to the White House.
Mike Tidwell is the author of Bayou Farewell: The Rich Life and Tragic Death of Louisiana’s Cajun Coast (Pantheon, 2003).
This is so digusting and sickening. These bastards truly don’t give a damn.
Thanks for staying on this blksista. I have always loved your writing, just haven’t said so till now. 😉
This is the collateral damage in the Iraq War. We can’t even rebuild our own cities.
blksista — do you think comments to the White House will make a damn bit of difference? Shouldn’t we pressure our Senators/Reps instead?
mobilize your environmental chapters. Call your senators and representatives, especially those who are on environmental committees.
Just do it!
But, we opened a soccer stadium in Iraq!
Shays and the rest of those Repub enablers are sick. They need to be kicked out come ’06.
I spit on Bush’s shadow.
And then I smile because I know the people of NOLA don’t give a flying beignet for politicians’ efforts to write them off. They’ll rebuild on their own and the Phoenix or Jazz and Dixieland will rise from the ashes.
Creole cooking puts starch in a person’s spine; while rebuilding the Big Easy, won’t be easy, my hunch is that the capital of Mardi Gras will not die. No matter how many niggardly Republicans may try to kill it. No matter what Mother Nature throws at it. NOLA will return. NOLA is a life force, a state of mind, not just a plat map.
In fact, folks all over this country are volunteering in the rebuilding effort, pitching in without the sanction of the White House Wanker. I bet there’s thousands of us in the liberal blogosphere who’d donate money, time, and material should this and other like-minded blogs run a drive to collect funds and buddy-up labor and transportaion. Habitat for Humanity would make an excellent focal partner.
Whaddya think? I say, let our fellow Americans rebuild the city our government has turned its back on.
Perhaps you (or someone) could answer a nuts-and-bolts question for me. Bear in mind that I’ve never visited LA, so I don’t know the area.
Let’s say I want to volunteer in NO for a month or two. Where is it practical to live? How far away from the city?
Sorry — I’m ignorant.
Best gusess is right now, the Vieux Carre may be the most viable location. As for living on the outskirts, pretty much everything north and east of NOLA within reasonable distance is pretty well wiped off the map. So I’d look to the west. Do you have an RV or camper?
Officially, I believe Baton Rouge is carrying the load as the support base to NOLA recovery and reconstruction. Anyone out there know?
groups doing work.
ACORN-New Orleans is an activist group that is trying to keep folks from being evicted while still evacuated.
You may want to help medical teams at Tulane University or Charity Hospitals that are still extant.
Womens groups need volunteers to help with children and mothers.
Much more needs to be done on the outskirts of New Orleans and in places in MS, too.
Just what exactly do you want to help with? Remember, housing is at a premium.
Remember, housing is at a premium.
This is what concerns me.
Just what exactly do you want to help with?
The general response is with something damnit. I’m at the point where I can’t read any more of these diaries and not do something more than contact my senators, with whom I already have an ongoing ‘relationship,’ if you will, regarding New Orleans. One point of frustration is that their responses seem to target issues that are of concern, but do not address critical need.
A more specific response — I am self-employed, so I have some flexibility in being able to take some “time off”. However, I have to balance loss of income plus the cost of my living expenses while in an unknown area. This is probably a key obstacle for most people.
Another option is that I can volunteer remotely, but my very specific skills that are of value in some venues probably are not too useful for New Orleans right now (scientific/statistical). I’m terrible with children, so looking at the ideas you’ve presented, ACORN would probably be the best fit thus far.
Every year I take some time off in the Spring to visit a part of the country I’m not familiar with. My attitude is that if I can make myself useful in New Orleans, it would be a bonus.
If your expertise is in science/stats you might want to check with agencies/companies dealing with the environmental aspects of the hurricanes. Also recommend keeping an eye on the Fed Reg and/or agencies issuing RFPs in your field. The Corps of Engineers, EPA, LA Health, insurance companies, and ever-hovering law firms will be compiling and analyzing mass quantities of data.
Check out this site, and email them for more info. They’ll be living rough – camping, basically. But you’d be on site.
I am going to be there for several days around holiday time.
send me an email when you return.
yahoo dot commie
with commonground, and live with the volunteers is Algiers, right across the river from the French quarter. A great group of people from all over the country. Here is their contact info:
thanks duranta. One of the greatest benefits of blogs is this informal vetting by which you can make an informed decision.
you are doing yeowoman’s work keeping the spotlight on NoLa’s abandonment. Thank you.
So much of our culture, the food, the music … comes from the Delta … we can’t let it die … it’s part of what makes this country great. This is a link from Nov. 25 discussing the state of the hospitals in NO and why the doctors, nurses are instead still working out of tents for gods sake…..and no one seems to be able to fund money to rebuild or repair or build new hospitals.
If you don’t have basic health care/hospitals provided for any city no one will want to come back-unless the very poor of course who couldn’t afford health care anyway..oh wait…
I’d also read several articles on bush diverting money that had been appropriated for Katrina..and certainly wasn’t surprised. Nothing much good is going to happen in NO as to real funding/progress and rebuilding while bush in office period. And no one should be surprised about it.
I watched the hearings yesterday on cspan and it was riveting in many ways.
My heart broke for the women who spoke. I also watched the body language of the few congressmen and it was obvious to me they Have no clue about poverty and oppression. They were very uncomfortable and didn’t either understand what these women were telling them or honestly do not care.
My guess is the congressmen don’t like ‘strident shrill witnesses. But if anyone has ever been a victim of any kind of outrageous abuse, neglect etc., the anger and disappointment will rise and emotions will take over the ‘discussion’ until one is believed and/or validated.
These women saw what they saw and know what they know.
I particularly LOVED the way the women interupted the congressmen when they knew they were being ‘belittled’, not-belived or dismissed.
NEVER underestimate the ‘meek’ when they have been violated. Never!
Who was the asshat from Indiana, who used the “I had a black roommate in college” story as an introduction to the “but my wife and I were terrorized by a [read black] gang of thugs in NO”?
He was disgusting.
You’d think that the diarrhea of the mouth that ail Members of Congress would embarrass them, but it does not.
You’d also think that the FUCKING OBVIOUS racism of that statement would preclude him from saying it, but it does not.
Color me totally unsurprised.
Note to racists: trying to cover your racist ass by saying you once had a _____ [college roommate, neighbor, co-worker, postman, etc.] of another race is like Nixon saying “I’m not a crook”.
I once worked with an attorney who was concerned about how his all white legal staff might appear to a racially integrated jury. Okay, valid concern. His “solution”? Bring in a minority to… you guessed it, fetch things for him. I was at a total loss as to where to begin on that one.
Absent of smacking him upside the head, I couldn’t tell you, either.
The rank disrespect just makes me so angry. They’ve let a major city be destroyed and they can’t be bothered because it might be seen as (gasp!) helping Black people.
Their stupidity and racism is boundless.
I don’t think it is fear of being seen helping black people, I think it is interest in helping white people.
Good point.
These people don’t believe in government, period. Good of the public? Not with these types.
Though I do think the racism helps–it’s a mask covering the deeper truths. You won’t be outraged that the federal government is ignoring the needs of a major US city if you have artificial reasons for dismissing the plight of people who’ve lived through that hell.
Their stupidity and racism is boundless.
I’ve got to admit that I watched that thing on C-Span twice because I found it so revealing. Shays started out insisting that he wanted to make sure something like that never happened again and ended by calling those women liars. I couldn’t believe he did that. If Shays honestly believes they were lying he should have them investigated, God know he has the power.
The GOP focus, far as I can tell, was focused on denying reality and discrediting the witnesses. As if the only concentration camps the world had ever known were invented by the Germans in WW2, as if the levy failures in NOLA weren’t the direct result of corruption and neglect, as if Gretna hadn’t already acknowledged it’s novel theories about the limits of help for one’s fellow citizens and the inventive uses of interstate bridges during the largest national disaster the nation has ever known.
Cynthia McKinney now there’s a bright spot. I love that beautiful, fierce woman and I loved the women who testified.
I find myself wondering what will happen in LA politics now that the DLC branch of the LA Dem party (which has, lets face it, complete control) demonstrated the results of the DLC’s policies towards the poor and towards some …unresolved….race issues. I think it’s pretty certain that LA is red now, that’s what happens when half a million Dem voters die or have to leave the state and not even the Democrats are willing to identify or count the dead.
For some reason this refusal to count the dead and the massive indifference to this policy revolts me as much as the photos of Abu Grahib.
Ditto all the comments above and thanks for striving to keep all informed.
New Orleans will be rebuilt regardless of the slasher’s intent. There is still a great will to survive and the people of New Orleans are the one’s who will decide what the future of that city is. Much like my as yet unflagging belief that there are still enough of us Americans left to steer this country away from the path that it is on.
Spit on Bush? That’s like giving a mass murderer probation. Spitting is a start.
Blksista, have you thought at all about how we might try to launch some effort, as admittedly small as it would be, to mass educate people, semi-useless representatives and such? Like what Tampopo is trying to do with Alito? I have. Often. But we are all being assaulted from so many different directions it’s hard to know where to focus energies. This feeling of impotence is beginning to eat at me. I feel a connection with the man who was arrested after climbing the White House fence. If somehow we could tap that rage and frustration. It’s out there. I have to believe that this path we are on is not a forgone conclusion.
Time is at a premium for me. This is the only way that I know how.
This was also cross-posted at Kos, and there has been a lot of response to it. Except for saying that we should throw the bums out in ’06, nothing concrete has been suggested.
I think that folks should start mobilizing other environmental groups and calling their congresscritters.
Fact is, a lot of Americans have already turned their backs on New Orleans and its people. They’re just wondering why these people haven’t found jobs yet or housing where they are–and why they haven’t gotten on their lives. It’s true.
But if it had happened somewhere else…like if the New Madrid had decided to kick up and sink a lot of Midwest cities in Ohio or Missouri…FEMA and Bush would look like a murderers. Everyone is at risk for this.
I’ve read Bayou Farewell and this is such a huge tragedy. Even though the public is on to Bush in so many ways, one of the things they haven’t caught on to yet is his abject cruelty. He is absolutely bereft of the ability to feel anything for a fellow human being. He’s a sociopath, and his party with him. Those damn hurricane victims actually expected the government to HELP them during and after a disaster!!! Don’t they know that first aid and a ride out of town constitutes an ENTITLEMENT program that they are not deserving of?
Even if there was no Iraq to pin on Bush, his administration’s handling of Katrina will be enough to put him down in history as the cruelest, most shortsighted, evil man of our century. If measurable profits or corporatism isn’t involved, Bush is incapable of seeing the worth of a marshland reclamation project, or aid to New Orleans devastated poor. That seems to be the theme of conservative thought: “What’s in it for me right now?” Bush is a disgusting waste product of conservative thinking.
A good way to help out from afar might be to follow the suggestion of my friend in New Orleans, and buy some holiday gifts from these local merchants. Here is her message:
Do you enjoy shopping online or through catalogs?
Hate the mall this
time of year? Then please help New Orleans recover by
buying your
Christmas gifts online from small New Orleans
Please send this list of links to everyone you know.
of the economic impact you can have on those who are
struggling to keep
their small businesses afloat this year. Even one or
two gifts
purchased will be a big help.
Thank you!
Unique Jewelry
Local Artists
Cute New Orleans T-shirts
Louisiana Caviar
Retro Women’s Fashion
Fabulous Lingerie
Monogrammed Heirloom-quality
New Orleans-inspired Jewelry
Children Clothes and Gifts
Great Local Music
Tim Laughlin, Jazz Clarinet
Don Vappie and the Creole Jazz
Tabasco Gift Baskets email
Unique Art Clothing
Unique Jewelry
New Orleans Jewelry Designer
Balinese Jewelry
Women’s Clothing
Traditional Men’s Wear
featuring the Crawfish Polo Shirt
Fun Original Hats
Cafe Du Monde
Our famous coffee and chicory, beignets and gifts
Pelican Publishing Home of the Friends of the
Cabildo Architecture
Octavia Books
Earthsavers Skin Care
Rouge Beauty
Wondering what would be the amount of time spent by the MSM if instead of a born-again conservative, a so-called “liberal” would have lost an American city…
I just get a faint only imaging it.
A pleasure
And as Tidewell points out, rebuilding New Orleans properly requires a major Federal effort. Given that BushCo has even tried privatizing the Army, defense being the one thing that even die-hard conservatives are supposed to support the government in doing, I don’t know what it would take to get a genuine commitment out of this Administration. I expect it will be impossible, and that we’re back to the “taking control of Congress in 06” argument.
On a person to person basis, I like the idea of patronizing NO artists and small businesspeople. Great suggestion.
Of course it will be impossible. Conservatives have to prove that government isn’t necessary – the free market will do everything it would have.
Though if the free market somehow fails, it’s because people didn’t have sufficient moral fibre, or had been made soft by years of government aid. Not because conservativism is a stupid, poisonous philosophy.
The compassionate Republican President has history written all over him with the 100k pp of Governor Blanco and the inadequate response to Liberal NOLA. In GOP states of Mississippi and Texas, when Rita moved across, there were less problems encountered with FEMA. Red-red communicates a lot better with $$$ funding than the mix red-blue which turns everyone purple handling the relief effort.
Gwendolyn Alexander tried frantically to get information on their friends, an elderly couple left behind in New Orleans after she herself was evacuated. After persistance to find out what happened to them: 88 year old Antonio Jackson, called Toni and her husband 97 year old Eddy, Gwendolyn went back to their home again this week.
Outside on the wall next to the front door the text “0 bodies, no one inside” was sprayed on 14 September when officials went by the house.
With New Orleans officials at her side Gwendolyn entered the home and found behind the kitchen door the body of Eddy. Later the officials found the remains of Toni on the living room floor.
VIDEO of interview by CNN I could only locate on Yahoo News site
AMERICAN SHAME: The Edgar Hollingsworth Story :: May he R.I.P.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
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