Here’s the story Republicans are telling themselves:
Despite the protestations of Democrats, this election was not a mandate for bipartisanship. (Isn’t it funny how the losers always want bipartisanship?) The electorate chose divided government not to increase cooperation between the parties, but to increase gridlock. It’s not “What is the government doing for me?”; it’s “What is the government doing to me?”
In politics, you’re on borrowed time as soon as you stop listening to the voters. After huge losses in 2006 and 2008, Republicans had to show that they heard the voters and were willing to change. They went on listening tours, held town-hall meetings, and produced a Pledge to America that was directly informed by the voters’ input. They also got serious about spending with a self-imposed earmark moratorium, which has now been extended through the entire 112th Congress.
Now Republicans have erased all the Democratic gains of 2006 and 2008, and then some, in a single cycle. So are Democrats listening to the voters and changing in response? Absolutely not. They mouth promises about jobs, reducing the deficit, and cutting earmarks, but there is no action.
The reality is that the electorate opposes gridlock by a 56-31 percent margin. If the Republicans think they have their hand on the pulse of the electorate, they’re wrong.
People are going to continue to hate Republicans.
The big question is, “Will the people who hate them eventually go to the polls?”
They certainly didn’t seem to give a shit earlier this month. If they don’t vote, then it doesn’t really matter.
My fear is that things will be so fucked up when they get finished, that people will just hate the whole specter of government of any kind. Going to be a major train wreck the next two years. No telling who those low information voters will hold accountable. My faith is very low right now.
Corporate Profits Were the Highest on Record Last Quarter
Why do they hate us?
Then if Saint Ronnie, Princess Sarah and all her ‘baggers are right, it should start tricklin’ down any day now.
Just in time for Christmas!! Gotta love those crazy lugs. How thoughtful of them.
lol…Gotta wonder if its “smoke and mirrors” and there isn’t going to be a trickle down huh?
much bigger. From Bob Herbert in the NYT:
Aiming low has been Obama’s major flaw. If he addresses it we could still turn this nation around.
But that’s the whole problem. To paraphrase, the President didn’t kick the GOP when they were down. He let them off the mat. And we haven’t taken advantage of things when we could(the establishment backing the awful candidacy of Lee Fisher in Ohio for instance).