The Democratic senator leading the inquiry into the dismissal of federal prosecutors insisted Sunday that Karl Rove and other top aides to President Bush must testify publicly and under oath, setting up a confrontation between Congress and the White House, which has said it is unlikely to agree to such a demand…
…But Senator Patrick J. Leahy, Democrat of Vermont and chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, seemed to rule out such a move on Sunday. He said his committee would vote Thursday on whether to issue subpoenas for Mr. Rove as well as Harriet E. Miers, the former White House counsel, and William K. Kelley, the deputy White House counsel.
“I do not believe in this `We’ll have a private briefing for you where we’ll tell you everything,’ and they don’t,” Mr. Leahy said on “This Week” on ABC, adding: “I want testimony under oath. I am sick and tired of getting half-truths on this.”
As if Rove won’t just lie under oath…but it would be fun to watch them grill the porcine little troll.
The quotes from the parents of the young porn star in this story are unbelievable: ABC
“We’re not kinky parents,” Mike said.
Married for 29 years, he and Shelby say that their own secret to staying monogamous was watching porn movies. For them, Sunny’s co-stars are her “dates,” and they say they’d rather her have sex on a porn set than with a “civilian” who might eventually break her heart.
“She does her thing, safely, in a good environment, and I don’t worry about that. When she comes back home, I just ask her how her date was,” Mike said.
Mike and Shelby are proud of Sunny’s success. Mike said that when he first saw Sunny on the Playboy channel, his reaction was, “Well, dreams do come true, I guess.”
Creepy. And this is something to be reported on tee-vee as “news”? Maybe they were running low on “happy stories” from Iraq last week…
A new survey paints a pessimistic picture of Iraqis’ confidence in their own government and in coalition forces.
Only 18% of Iraqis have confidence in US and coalition troops, while opinion is almost evenly split on whether to have confidence in Iraq’s government.
About 86% of those questioned expressed concern about someone in their household being a victim of violence.
More than 2,000 people were questioned. The poll was commissioned by the BBC, ABC News, ARD German TV and USA Today.
The number of deaths in Iraq since the start of the conflict could be as high as one million, according to a new estimate.
An Australian scientist published the figure using four sets of independent data, including information from the United Nations Children’s Fund and the UN’s population division, as well as medical literature.
Dr Gideon Polya’s figure is far higher than the previous biggest estimate of 655,000.
“Using the most comprehensive and authoritative literature, and UN demographic data yields an estimate of one million post-invasion excess deaths in Iraq,” he said.
Leahy says he’s tired of the lies: NYT
As if Rove won’t just lie under oath…but it would be fun to watch them grill the porcine little troll.
The quotes from the parents of the young porn star in this story are unbelievable: ABC
Creepy. And this is something to be reported on tee-vee as “news”? Maybe they were running low on “happy stories” from Iraq last week…
(h/t to feministing)
curly and I saw that segment the other day. We both had very strange faces when looking at each other. The ‘ick’ factor was high.
Pessimism ‘growing among Iraqis’
Actually, 18% seems rather high. You can fool some of the people all of the time.
Death Toll Hits ‘Million’
And yet, they’re still claiming a number of 59,000 on the MSM ‘news’ shows, with no mention of the 941,000 body discrepancy.
Since this site has been described as Hillary-bashing, I only think it’s fair that I share this. As far as I know, it hasn’t been discussed here.