King George the Usurper, already a criminal conspirator per the Coup de 2000, isn’t the only one worried these days; his favorite pet and fellow theocrat, Tony Blair, has some worries himself with Plamegate about to make both mens’ lives hell, the kind of nagging worries that don’t go away, the kind that criminal evidence in the public domain brings.
[Update: 10:11 EDT Condi starts wagging on this side of the pond..] So, yes, the wagging begins.
Today tensions escalated sharply with Iran.
“We are very suspicious about the role of British forces in perpetrating such terrorist acts,” the ISNA student news agency quoted Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as saying.
“Our people are used to these kind of incidents, and our intelligence agents found the footprints of Britain in the same incidents before,” Ahmadinejad said during a cabinet meeting.
This is either wagging, if the Brits are actually conducting black ops “terrorist” attacks, or it’s absolute incompetent, arrogant stupidity.
Iran is already like an angry stirred-up beeshive with 130,000 (or whatever amount) of US troops next door. Why start whacking at the beeshive when they likely have some nasty weapons that could be lobbed at Israel and/or US barracks in a pre-emptive (God forbid) attack on Israel because they sense an atmosphere of impending pre-emptive hostilities, aimed initially at their nuclear facilities?
Welcome to the world of neo-con pre-emption amongst internationally recognized states, a dangerous, dangerous world.
Of course, Bush likely has the goods on Blair and has blackmailed him into wagging or else. After Downing Street Memos, it isn’t hard to extrapolate that they are co-conspirators in the Iraq lies and they are both in it to the bitter end.
After all, their is some heady-duty evidence of wrong-doing in the public domain: “The intelligence and facts were being fixed around the [Iraq] policy”… ouch!
How much of this kind of dog crap has to be in the public domain before scared prosecutors do their jobs? Fitz appears to be doing his job, but we don’t have the indictments yet, and we don’t know if he will go easy or not if they do come?
And don’t forget that the hawks, of which Bush is one, wanted to start attacking Syria very recently, but only Condi stopped this from happening…
Oh dear.
This is something the Dems should get out ahead of and stop.
We’re not going to go to Iran with the blessing of the UN (China, Russia on the Security Council will prevent that).
So that leaves NATO. Most NATO members are sane. But then there is lil Tony Blair the Duped Puppy.
What are these madmen thinking?
A quick Google brings up these facts (from the CIA factbook):
Population of current quagmire, tying up 130,000 US troops:
Iraq 26,074,906 July 2005 est.
Population of the planned quagmire:
Iran 68,017,860 July 2005 est.
So, the neocon geniuses think we can take on a country even more fervently anti-US than Iraq was, after what we’ve done to Iraq, after threatening them (Iran) repeatedly.
Okay, fine. Lets say that despite unmasking Super-Duper Secret Agent Judy and her band of Clowny cohorts, the neocons manage to trick us into war again.
So now we take 130,000 troops from Iraq, and invade a country with 2.5 times as many citizens. Brilliant. Ab-so-lutely brilliant. Will we just round up another 200,000 troops? Draft? What about Iraq? We’ll need another 130,000 to stay there. Or are we going to just cut and run after all? And that 330,000 total troops in Iran only gets us to parity with our (undermanned) Iraq troop levels (in troops/citizen). Considering how all our real (i.e. non-political) generals say we’re already understaffed…
I give up. How these neocons think they can peddle their wishful thinking and unrealistic fairy tales of middle east peace through conquering armies to the administration, let alone the public…
The only way they can follow up on an attack on Iran and maintain the occupation of Iraq, is through a draft. I don’t get a sense that they are ready to do that yet. Especially with Bush’s sinking support at home. But going against conventional wisdom is par for the course with them.
Assuming they don’t go for a draft, the only other way to attack Iran that I can think of would be the use of Nukes. Smaller tactical weapons. If they attack with nukes, I can imagine that we will have to defend ourselves against a large group of outraged foreign countries. The ensuing national emergency would almost definetily give them the pretext to re-instate the draft.
That sounds so crazy and far fetched doesn’t it? That sounds like the Bush Admin.
Condi becomes latest WHIG to cooperate with Fitz and the Grand Jury. Few details…ongoing investigation…blah, blah, blah.
Interesting interpretation of her comments tho: “The fact that Rice expects a report [from GJ] to be made suggests she believes indictments will be coming forth as well.”
It ain’t over till it’s over.