I’ve spent the day in two odd, contrasting worlds. The first was the final leg of the drive back from Denver to Seattle, wherein (since virtually nothing else is available on the radio dial) I listened to red-meat conservatives like Rush, Hannity, Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, and Laura Ingraham wax uber-enthusiastic over John McCain’s pick of Sarah Palin as his running mate.
Then I got home, and I’ve been reading endless progressive blog posts and comments crowing over what a weak and disastrous pick Palin is.
On this one, I think the conservatives have it right. Palin is a brilliant pick, and instantly makes McCain more competitive in a way few VP picks could have done (or have ever done in the past). Here’s why.
Palin has two obvious weaknesses: her complete lack of experience and an ethics question about her (specifically) and anyone associated with the Republican Party in Alaska (more generally). Progressives are overrating both. Palin’s strong narrative as a reformer taking on Alaska’s corrupt old boy network will overwhelm her own love affair with Big Oil (the source of much of her state party’s ethics misery) and the relatively minor personnel matter she’s being investigated for. Moreover, it reinforces McCain’s own (inaccurate and manufactured) image as a reformer who’s battled against DC’s corrupt corporate culture.
Meanwhile, Palin’s thin resume does help the Democrats by contradicting that line of attack on Barack Obama. But it’s a non-issue for Palin. When was the last time someone declined to vote for a president because his running mate was inexperienced? The closest recent example was Bush Sr. picking Dan Quayle in 1988, and despite Quayle’s embarrassing lack of gravitas, Poppy won. Rather easily.
And Sarah Palin is no Dan Quayle. She’s a perfect fit for McCain’s campaign in several respects:
* She’s an extreme social conservative, someone the party base can enthusiastically mobilize around — which they weren’t doing for McCain. He just picked up a ton of volunteer energy.
* But Palin’s likeable and doesn’t come off as wingnut-crazy — meaning she can appeal to low-information independents in a way that, say, Tom Coburn never could.
* Her gender doesn’t just court (OK, pander to) disaffected Hillary supporters. It also negates some of the “historic” zeitgeist surrounding Obama’s campaign, because her election would be ground-breaking, too.
* Her personal story is compelling on any number of levels: blue collar, working mother, part-Eskimo husband, Downs Syndrome infant (that she refused to abort), son in Iraq. It helps counter the Obamas’ very appealing family narrative, which was on full display in Denver.
* And she’s physically attractive. Which matters. Ask (hetero) women if they think Obama is cute. (Hint: he is.)
As a bonus, Palin even helps lock up Alaska’s three electoral votes for McCain — believe it or not, polls had Alaska in play, between Obama’s appeal to independents and the troubles of Ted Stevens, Don Young, et al.
Note that all of these attributes are about McCain getting elected — not what Palin would actually bring to the job of Vice President of the United States. She is no Gore or Cheney; she is not being expected to play a significant role in a McCain White House, the way Biden surely would for Obama. But that doesn’t matter unless you win, and McCain just increased his chances of winning in a way that picking Mitt Romney or any of the other names that were bandied about never would have.
It’s easy to mock McCain for, essentially, picking a trophy VP. Except that Sarah Palin is only a means to the trophy McCain really wants. With her selection, he has served notice that Obamamania or no, McCain will continue to be a formidable candidate right through November.
It’s becoming apparent that McCain made an impulsive last minute choice on a candidate that wasn’t fully vetted or considered. In one day’s digging, it was revealed she lied or at least fudged her “bridge to nowhere” stance and her cleaning up ethics stance (insofar as she campaigned with Stevens last month). There’s much more dug up today too.
The narrative will change soon about the impulsiveness of picking someone so green, and how that reflects poorly on McCain’s judgment.
She has a really annoying voice, and a typical Miss America speaking style. She mispronounces nuclear, and thinks Iraq is a rack for eyes.
I agree with this post. My sister asked me earlier today what I thought and Why McCain would pick her. My responses mirror this story:
She is a young, pretty woman, and a Washington outsider, all of which reinforces McCain’s “maverick” image (illusory though it may be). It also appeals to PUMAs (illusory though they may be).
She is an evangelical and pro-lifer, which appeals to the wing-nut base and people like my single-issue (abortion) Catholic mom.
I am betting her ethics problems will go away.
Chances are her pregnant 17 year old daughter will turn out to not be pregnant after all.
Her experience, meager though it may be, is executive experience rather than legislative (even if it is for a small town and one of the least populated states), so they can still say Obama is lacking in experience where it counts.
I think rational people would see her as woefully unqualified, but many voters are rarely rational. They vote on their emotions, not their brains, especially when they are under-informed or misinformed by the corporate media and right wing echo machine. That’s how the GOP has been so successful, and this pick is brilliant given the voter idiocy our country is mired in.
My god! This is a woman who thinks creationism should be taught in public schools. She thinks abortion should be banned even in the case of rape.
She says nucular, and eye ran and eye rack.
And that VOICE!!
problem is that the millions of people to whom she appeals also say nukular, eye rack, eye ran, and they also want creationism taught in school.
I’m not going to be quick to dismiss this as a desperate Hail Mary pass. Way too many people in the country will be charmed by her. They aren’t thinking about what would happen if she were elevated to the oval office.
It will be interesting to see how she responds to the hurricane. I think that will give us a clue.
PS Oh yes – and then there is that ’80’s beauty queen hair.
Please, don’t call them “conservatives”. Conservatives in the original sense of the word want to preserve existing institutions; people like Palin want to destroy existing institutions, namely, the modern state: that is a radical, not a conservative, political stance.
Since we’ve stopped calling ourselves liberals, preferring instead the term “progressive”, there is no reason to continue calling these reactionaries “conservatives”, which is how they want to be called. It’s much better to use a term for them that makes sense from our, as opposed to their deluded point of view: they are best called “regressives”, the opposite of progressive.
Quayle was also likeable, conservative and attractive. So she is like Quayle.
You say she is “not expected to play a significant role…” John McCain could die before the freaking election, much less while in office, for crissakes. We shouldn’t act like she’ll be sitting on her butt.
Now I get the idea that we shouldn’t rest on our laurels–I don’t think we ever should. But this is a disaster, and it’s only if we don’t call it that that McCain wins.
Pure and simple.
Or impure and complex.
Have it your way.
Sorry…she’s fuckable. Elections are won on percentage points.
And…also sorry…she’s a female. Ditto the “elections are won on percentage points” idea.
Any group of female (or homosexual male) loons who would vote for Obama because he’s “cute”…third time sorry, but read “fuckable” there, please…is instantly negated by the equivalent group of male (or homosexual female) loons who will vote for McCain because his running mate is “cute”.
Percentage point parsing.
There goes the sex appeal advantage.
Coupled with the PUMA-hyped loons who are mad at Obama and the Dems because they didn’t pick Ma Clinton, people who were thinking of voting for McCain or abstaining out of spite?
UH oh!!!
As I said…elections are won on percentage points.
It’s at the very least a small win.
Coupled with the fact that in the VP debates Biden will be forced to be “gentle with her” (If indeed he possesses enough personal self-control to do so.), and there’s another small win.
Need I repeat the “‘percentage points” meme?
If they can whittle it down to Diebold-level percentage points?
UH oh!!!
Well during the debate, Biden can easily deal with this. He can practically pretend she isn’t even in the room and use every opportunity to rip into McCain..
didn’t McCain call his own wife a “cunt”, wait until he ask Palin to go make him sandwich, the men got real work to deal with.
I give her 2 weeks.
I was thinking along the same lines…we had Harry Reid talking about McCain has been abusive to anyone he’s worked with in the senate, and McCain has called his wife unspeakable names and offered her up for a topless biker chick beauty contest…I just can’t see him being able to work with this woman without blowing his top, especially if he sinks in the polls.
That said, I think the wingnuts will be out in force to get her elected, and she was chosen to send them a message that here might be a reward for them if he’s elected.
Ignore her and he will be accused of dissing her because she is a woman.
Oppose her with any but the gentlest of attitudes and he will be accused of beating on a pretty, defenseless young woman.
It’s a “GOTCHA!!!”
I agree, that’s the idea, to make the election as close as possible once again and steal it with corrupt officials and electronic technology screw-ups. It worked in 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006, why not now?
McCain has an incredibly low opinion of the intelligence of woman voters, but it’s up to us to make it clear how really anti-woman she is. Even in her choice to have her most recent child she decided that going into labor would not stop her from getting on a very long plane ride, and having a handicapped child has not stopped her from spending months on the road.
Every policy the lady has is bad for women. Even her choices in funding in Alaska are bizarre. But McCain thinks that her plumbing will make women vote for her.
I do agree that we now have a challenge to inform. McCain has also motivated some of his ultra conservative base, but they would never vote Dem anyway and the thought that those voters were planning to stay home really wasn’t realistic.
I wonder what Cindy McCain’s reaction is to her hubby spending lots of quality time with a trophy VP?
The key issue here is that DEMS don’t get arrogant or complacent. Palin is a figure many conservatives and even moderates can identify with – you attack her personally, and you attack them. You look down on her or engage in personalised attacks, and you inflame them.
The simplest thing to do is do what Obama said DEMS should do with McCain – respect him personally and attack his policies and track record. Treat her with respect as a person and see how savvy she really is – I very much doubt that she won’t narrow the voter pool is fishing in, even if it does help motivate his base.
Her inexperience will show as times goes on. Every slip will be magnified by her inexperience and her selection will come to epitomise the risky and impulsive nature of McCain.
How many creationists are there out there?
Palin poses a threat in terms of getting the Rightwing religious base back into the picture. How many creationists there are isn’t the whole question, but rather where the creationists are: key states like Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, West Virginia. I’m in Dayton, Ohio, where McCain introduced Palin yesterday, and the newspaper had her front paged with lots of glowing attributes and rave reviews. And just south of us is the Creationist Museum across the river in Kentucky.
I wouldn’t dismiss the potential damage that Palin can do.
Okay, I get that a lot of regressives are thrilled with Sarah. She’s beautiful, she’s a creationist, anti-abortion, anti-environment, etc. etc.
But the choice of Sarah Palin raises several questions about McCain’s judgment.
Why did he bypass more experienced (and vetted) VP candidates to pick someone he’d only met twice? Did he think about the fact that this very inexperienced, much younger, unknown might have to step into the presidency? Did he just want someone he could be certain would be subservient to him?
The thought of a President Sarah Palin makes all the blood drain out of my head.
John McKept knows her as well as I do.
Which is to say–not at all. They didn’t vet her at all. It is a nakedly, cynically political act. That’s all this is.
We should still take it to dynamic duo, though. Don’t set the bar low. Keep that bar high.
the republican base is not enough. some independents aren’t enough. can she take serious numbers of votes away from obama, who’s seriously grown his base? will anyone switch? that’s the only real question. i don’t think the answer is yes.
Fascinating! So bland and pretty are “capabilities” that at the very least won’t interfere with neocon information strategy.
This entry claims got a degree in Journalism, too. Could be helpful, if they need her to deliver messages to the public with predetermined spin.
Bland and pretty with a look that is a leftover from her ’80’s beauty pageant days, a voice that shatters the eardrums, and a message that shatters the mind!
Alaskan politics are always about the money. I’m strongly suggesting that she is defrauding the state’s insurance company by claiming the baby as hers. Typical Republican… get somebody else to pay for her religious beliefs.
A friend asked if I suspected incest (teenagers with younger eggs usually don’t have deformed babies), and this was my response, slightly edited.
I’m not sure about incest…. The Palins eloped, supposedly to save her family the cost of a wedding. [Track was born less than 8 months after the wedding. No mention of being premature.] Todd has some college, but will never rise above middle management… probably happiest hunting/fishing with his kids while his wife brings in the money. No money in the families, no inheritances, which will lead to my final point.
“Governor Palin was extremely pleasant to flight attendants and her stage of pregnancy was not apparent by observation as she didn’t show any signs of distress,” Boren said.
BTW, many of the links, including the official Alaska links, are scrubbed. Almost all pictures have been pulled recently. There’s a tug-of-war at Wikipedia. If they aren’t trying to hide something, why are they editing the Internet even as we probe?????
WHY would she lie about being the mother? Simple. Insurance fraud. A Down Syndrome child will require a lifetime of 24 hour care. Expensive. Ongoing. [With good care, the child can live for decades. And reproduce.] As Governor, Ms. Palin has excellent health insurance. Her teenage daughter? She might be covered by her mother’s plan for the next year or so, but the out-of-wedlock child wouldn’t be covered under anybody’s plan. [Now, if she is VP, then a child considered hers will receive the finest medical care America can provide, just like Cheney’s care.] When in doubt, follow the money. This has nothing to do with family values and everything to do with having us pay the medical costs.
I am a real feminist… I’ve faced harassment, sexual assault, discrimination… and created 4 careers from scratch. I detest the word “girl”, because it belittles and minimizes us. I strongly believe that women are just as capable of governing, (or doing any job requiring problem-solving, intelligence, decision-making) as are men. Within my lifetime we will have a female President. One worthy of us.
However, this woman has no judgment and no experience. She isn’t even trainable for the job of President (she lacks curiosity), and doesn’t realize how far she falls short. Ms. Palin is vicious, petty, vindictive, vain, and cruel… not qualities we need in a diplomatic post. Why would McCain gamble on somebody already under investigation when he could have chosen Snowe or Hutchinson or Fiorina or Whitman or…???
If he wanted a woman to balance the ticket, he had a choice of credible women. But he gambled with his gonads holding the stakes. He chose yet another beauty queen. I doubt if there are enough fashion models and beauty queens to fill out his Administration.
But perhaps he can bother to find a few who aren’t corrupt to the core.
Sarah Barracuda and McNasty. Ready to face global challenges? Or ready to enrich themselves. As long as there are insurance companies to bail them out, we will all pay the price.
Inexperience doesn’t hurt. Politicians are not loved, and there is good reason for this. Think Iraq. Focus on her unpleasant radical views.