Congress keeps putting band-aids on the problem while human beings perish along la frontera.
The group had entered the United States illegally from Mexico, with the help of a human smuggler who abandoned them after the woman became ill, said Rob Daniels, a Border Patrol spokesman.
The solution is not to increase military presence, or build Berlin Wall-style fortifications; it is to take a hard look at the economic destabilization that has been caused directly by U.S. policy.
It’s getting so bad that the Mexican tequila industry is shrinking to make way for corn to produce ethanol to feed the U.S. Beast. Tip of the sombrero to Cookie Jill at skippy for this nugget of news:
The price of corn is also affecting the bedrock of Latin American comida – tortillas
For years, Mexico depended heavily on U.S. grown corn for tortillas. With more than 100 ethanol plants in the United States and a number of new ones expected to come on line in the near future, the price hike is spawning a new call for that nation to free itself from its American corn dependency. Easier said than done, because Mexican farmers look at the price they can fetch for corn to be used in fuel production and want a piece of the ethanol action.
As the Senate begins final work on an immigration “compromise”, the debate will be full of squabbling for increased border security, more prevalent workplace raids; and how long and how much immigrants will need to suffer before they come out of the shadows of U.S. American Society.
What will be missing is the key question: why the mass migration?
The answer lies somewhere between the fields of maize and the pocketbooks of the global elite – with the price being paid in human blood.
Crossposted from Latino Político
Ah, but a lot of them dispprove because it’s not MEAN enough, Manny.
yep, I call them the Operation Wetbacker crowd. (nice to ‘see’ you, btw!)
I have long been an advocate of liberation theology. Though I will not be called a Chrisitan due to how the religious right has degraded that title, I believe true Christianity is socialistic. Global corporate elites are the scourge of the planet; economically, socially, spiritually and environmentally. Only by addressing the ever increasing disparity in wealth within countries and among countries will we be able to create justice and therefore peace on this earth. Whether this can be accomplished without world shattering violence is the question of our age: because we can only arrive at true peace through justice; not an imperial, neo-colonial peace through victory. It’s unfortunate our Christian President doesn’t fucking get it.
Gustavo Gutierrez is a modern-day prophet, imo, and someday the Catholic Church will regret silencing him. The spirit of liberation theology lives on though, because it resonates so deeply with the people who know they’ve been screwed.
I miss the liberal Church I grew up with in the 60’s. And I sound like the old fuddy duddies that hated English Masses that we used to giggle about.
Just wondering out many people, who are heads of household, will die during their travels for the touch back procedures? Makes you wonder just how mean are the Republicans, it becomes apparent that CIR is really an Anti-Latino/Mexican bill:
Just waiting for 2008 so we can see the tidal wave of Latino’s leaving the Republican party.
I was pondering the other day if the U.S. would have a California moment ala the aftermath of the Proposition 187 atrocity. It mobilized a backlash against the hardliners in a way that is still reverberating.
We shall see what happens, especially if the nativists do get what they want in this compromise and the public continues to see families destroyed and minority communities hunted in the streets due to our skin color and accents.
I keep hearing Kris Kobach’s name spewed out by Sen. Sessions and Kansas elected him as the head of the Kansas Republican party…
…it’s been a long time since a racist/minuteman supporter has been elected the head of the Republican Party. It appears Strong Thurmond has been reincarnated vis a viz Kris Kobach.
So Kris Kobach is the new head of the state GOP, eh? Looks like the Arizona Chair, Randy Pullen is in good company.
Yet more proof of the effects of legitimizing hate-based politics.
you think Kris Kobach could have driven across town, where his daddy owns Buick Dealership and learned a little culture.
HA! what are the gringos gonna do without their slushee margaritas now? And what about the college kids, looks like spring break will never be the same in Mexico.
XP – even as we write, I imagine there is a corporation (a conglomeration of people) at work. There are those following “trends” who take note of events. Then there are those who analyze for the “opportunity” within the events.
So, less agave for real tequila? Well, get the chemists working to identify the “flavor” ingredient in agave. Then have them design a synthetic one.
Get marketing going on research to determine the best name to give the new product and the best way to sell the synthetic tequila to the group with the money to pay for it – consider the global economy.
Get the production group to analyze the cheapest place to set up production – one with limited pollution restrictions and “cheap” labor.
Get the transportation and delivery group to determine the least expensive way to get the product to the market place.
Get the sales group preparing the best way to present this to investors.
Everybody busy, earning a living – maybe even driving vehicles filled with ethanol, or using public transportation that runs on ethanol.
Margarita, anyone? It’s made with that new tequila, what is it called? Heard it was good.
Unfortunately, you are correct. We are good at making fake stuff now. We used to be great at making original stuff, but now, it is synthetic this and synthetic that.
hola amigo, those spring breaks will be a thing of the past for people who can’t afford passports after the rule goes into effect in January. Scratch that, it will just make them even more exclusive, elite parandas.
Houston is already getting backlogs for passports. Lord knows I don’t have one.
The most amazing accomplishment of anti-immigrant propaganda is that the matter has been cast into an us-versus-them scenario, when the truth is that all of our necks are ultimately being crushed beneath the same globalist boot. Classic divide-and-conquer.
Workers of the world unite.
yup, the lines have been drawn too boldly. I wish there was more room for collegiality, but they’ve forced the hand of activists by militarizing our homeland, opening up concentration camps, and advocating mass-deportation by any means necessary.