One of my favorite blogs which features satire with a liberal twist is Fafblog. And my favorite commentator there goes by the nom de plume of The Medium Lobster, self described as follows:

The Medium Lobster is a higher being with superior knowledge from beyond space and time. To your limited perception, he appears to be just another medium lobster. To your limited perception.

In his most recent post on Friday, he points out that not only is the Senate’s proposed elimination of the writ of habeas corpus for terrorism suspects (so that the federal courts can no longer challenge their detentions) a good thing, but that we should also consider whether it makes sense to expand this policy to another group of people who are far more dangerous than mere terrorists, at least in terms of their known body count:

But why stop with terror when the same tactics could aid America so much more in its war on crime? A lean, streamlined criminal justice system could skip straight from arrest to imprisonment without the lengthy hassle of a criminal trial, while simultaneously eliminating the dangeous possibility that any guilty suspect could evade justice through the loophole of being innocent. Mr. Graham would protest that at Guantanamo “we are dealing with enemy combatants, not common criminals,” but the fact of the matter is that common criminals are far more dangerous. In 2003 alone, over seventeen thousand deaths were the result of homicide in the United States – nearly six times the total domestic body count of terror so far. If we insist on denying the most basic rights of an old man randomly pulled out of an Afghan village, can we ask any less of the two hundred million potential criminals roving America’s streets?

continued below:
Yes, conservatives should have the courage of their convictions. Why stop with terror suspects when the American people themselves are the most dangerous threat to the safety and security of our nation. Thank you, Medium Lobster, for pointing out the obvious: the Bill of Rights is for sissies!

Be sure and email a copy of his essay to your Republican Senators, and those few brave and patriotic Democrats who voted with them, with the following admonishment:


You know deep down they really want to.