Here’s what I want to know. Why don’t the producers of cable news programs invite disgraced Democrats like James Traficant to represent the left side of every debate? His hair is far better than Newt Gingrich’s or Tom DeLay’s hair. Karl Rove doesn’t even have any hair. Dick Cheney’s basically got a chrome-dome. It’s completely unfair that complete losers like Oliver North or Charles ‘Tex’ Colson can get on the air anytime they want, and our convicted felons are completely shut-out. What? Do we need an affirmative action program for people like William ‘Freezer Cash’ Jefferson so that they can get equal time with the GOP’s cable news line-up.

And we must have at least one formerly deaf-from-too-much-Oxy-Contin-fan-of-Caribbean-child butt-sex to put on the radio and issue our marching orders. If not, let James Traficant do a radio show from his hospital prison. He ran for Congress from prison and got 15% of the vote. And you know what that means!! The man can get better ratings than Ollie North!!