Jeff Huber asked this question in title of his most his recent post:

What Are We Doing In Somalia?

Now Jeff appears to be one of millions of well-meaning servicemen and ex-servicemen who have worked for the military in the faith that they were somehow preserving the American way of life, fighting for God, country and family, etc. It was at least somewhat that way during W.W. II, for sure.

But that was 60 years ago.

Here’s where it stands now.

First of all…”we” are not doing a damned thing.

This government does not represent the people of the United States, nor do the armed forces. They OCCUPY the United States, they do not represent the people of the United States. That should be perfectly clear upon simple examination of what the Butcher Boys are obviously going to do in Iraq a scant two months after the American people quite plainly told the government that they did not want to continue the war in Iraq. With “Whaddaya gonna DO about it, you fucking pansies!!!” as the REAL order of the day. Delivered steaming hot right to Ms. Pelosi’s door.

“Whaddaya gonna DO about it, you fucking pussy!!!”

And you know what?

She can’t do SHIT.

Read on for more.
She can’t do shit.

Not even if she really wanted to do so or understood what is really going down here, upon neither of which concepts would I willingly bet my life.

Just like they have told Iraq that they will do whatever it takes, the Dems have been told “Count the votes, assholes. Butch will veto any goddamned thing you do to try to stop it, and if you PUSH it…why we will FUCK YOU UP!!! Remember the Reichstag.”

Surge. A sanitizing word for the escalation of murder.

OK…given that simple fact, what are they doing?

They are doing the same thing that they have done since Vietnam in small wars and large, in overt ways and in covert ways.

They are overkilling in an effort to convince the opposition that the U.S. is so batshit crazy that it will fuck up your mama, your kiddies, your elderly relatives, your friends AND your fucking infrastructure EVEN IF DOING SO DOES NOT CORRESPOND TO THE APPARENT BEST INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATES.


Because they believe that the “best” best interests of the United States are served by making it quite clear that it will brook no resistance whatsoever.




Right up to the Big Bang if pushed.

Military terrorism.

It works…

it works on other, smaller systems. I know this for a fact because I have lived in neighborhoods where it was in effect.

I lived on a block with the Hell’s Angels. 3rd St. between 1st and 2nd Avenues. They are still there. Why? Because people are sacred shitless of them.

With good reason.

“We CRAZY!!! You complain about the noise waking up your kids and we will FUCK YOU UP!!!”

“We CRAZY!!!”

And they will.

I have lived with the Mafia.

Up close and personal.

In Joey Gallo’s Red Hook and in the black and latin music scenes of NYC.

Until recently, they owned those scenes lock, stock and barrel. And they STILL have a good sized interest in them.

How do they run their game?

Same way.

“We CRAZY!!! Oppose our criminal enterprise on any level at all and we will FUCK YOU UP!!!”

“We CRAZY!!!”

And they are.

Drug gangs. Cop gangs. The “Justice” system. Right on up and down the line.

The “We CRAZY!!!” tactic.

Blown up big time.

“We will FUCK YOU UP!!!”

As above, so below.

What are they doing in Somalia, in Iraq, in Iran, in their support of satrap powers like Israel?

They are saying “We CRAZY, motherfuckers!!! We CANNOT be beaten. Take it TOO far, and you know all those nuke subs lying around on the bottom of the Mediterranean?”

“We will FUCK YOU UP!!!”

“Got some possible Al Quedas hiding downtown in Mogadishu or wherever?”

“Why, boy, we will FUCK YOU NIGGERS UP!!!”

What are they “doing” in Somalia?

Gunship lynchings.

“Kill ’em all. God doesn’t even HAVE to sort ’em out…not OUR God, anyway…because we don’t really give a shit WHO we kill. Take out the innocents as well. It breeds surrender and terror, and we FEED offa that kind of shit.”

“We will FUCK YOU UP!!!”

THAT’S what they are doing.

Soon in a theater near you.

Bet on it.


What a blight upon the world we have become.


P.S. I want to add a little something here.

It is often said that the devil is in the details.

Well…the devil is in the words as well.


As brilliantly weighted a piece of spin work as has come down the pike in a long while.

(From the Compact Oxford English Dictionary)


  • noun 1 a sudden powerful forward or upward movement. 2 a sudden large temporary increase. 3 a powerful rush of an emotion or feeling.

  • verb 1 move in a surge. 2 increase suddenly and powerfully.

  – ORIGIN from Latin surgere `to rise’.

Got it?


It is THEIR word.

I have advocated the use of language as a weapon against these people since I first started posting over on the Sour Orange.

Do not refer to Butch as “President”. Do not even give him the respect of saying his name correctly.

USE the language.

DemRats and Ratpubs.

Name ’em.

Maybe we wIll hit the right Rumkplestiltskin name and they will all be forced to whirl around three times and disappear in a puff of foul-smelling smoke.


My ASS!!!

The term “surge” is merely being used as a sanitizing word for the continuing escalation of murder most foul.

The stench of death, not the surge of priapism.