MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Goes Ballistic On The RNC Chairman For Playing The ‘Ethnic Card’

(Business Insider) – Things got awkward on the “Morning Joe” set with liberal host Chris Matthews launching into a fiery rant at Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus.

Matthews charged Republicans with injecting race into the campaign against President Barack Obama, criticizing Mitt Romney’s birth certificate joke from Friday and his welfare ads that many have debunked as misleading.

“It is an embarrassment to your party to play that card,” Matthews said of Romney’s joke, drawing an awkward, dismissive laugh from Priebus. “This stuff about getting rid of the work requirement for welfare is dishonest — everyone’s pointed out it’s dishonest.

“And you are playing that little ethnic card there. You can play your games and giggle about it, but the fact is that your side is playing that card.


The MSNBC host was livid over Mitt Romney’s recent birth certificate joke, and false claims that Obama ended work requirements for welfare.

“That cheap shot … was awful,” Matthews said, referring to the joke. “It is an embarrassment to your party to play that card … you are playing that ethnic card there.” As Priebus apparently laughed and co-host Joe Scarborough tried to get a word in, Matthews continued, “you can sit there and giggle about it, but the fact is your party is playing that card.”

Priebus tried to regain footing by next claim: “… Obama’s policies he is looking for guidance, for whatever reason, for Obamacare,  as far as spending is concerned,  as far as the stimulus packages is concerned, he is looking towards Europe for guidance.”  [Trying to tag Obama as a Socialist] Matthews explodes again over so much nonsense.