I’d like to add one thing to Ed Kilgore’s takedown of Aaron Blake. Not only is it sub-mental to suggest that an opinion poll lends legitimacy to the Benghazi probe that provides the Republicans with an actual mandate to hold the hearings, but it’s not even logical to argue that an opinion poll could undermine the credibility of the Democrats’ argument that the Benghazi hearings will be pointless and politicized.
Here’s how Blake argued this point:
But the polls demonstrate that Democrats can’t credibly suggest that the mere existence of this Benghazi panel is superfluous and unnecessary. A majority of the American people believe in its purpose, which gives it validity from the outset.
Follow with me, here. Whether or not the hearings will be “superfluous and unnecessary” depends on whether they will provide any new and useful information. The best way to predict the outcome of the hearings is not to poll the American people. No one with half a brain thinks that.
Of course, all major U.S. “polls” are just window dressing for partisan results, but that fact notwithstanding…are you saying the “the will of the people” means nothing in the U.S. anymore?
That’s what I’ve been saying here for years.
You write:
Good so far, Booman.
And then you write further:
That’s not half-bad, either. Anyone with half a brain who thinks that after 50 years and more of total news rubbish the “American people” have even a quarter of a brain remaining is himself fast asleep and dreaming.
But here’s the problem with all this…the verbatim poll question:
It doesn’t ask people to “predict predict the outcome of the hearings.” It just asks them if they think more investigation would be appropriate. And they asnwer…as they must due to the amount of hype that they have been subliminally forcefed, pro and con…”Yes. We want more investigation.”
A real world translation of all of this?
The RatPubs have done a better job w/their spin than have the DemRats.
“Americans say 58 to 32 percent that Obama has covered things up rather than being honest about what happened.”
RatPubs 58, DemRats 32. If that was one of your beloved football game scores, who would win?
The team that has won would win, of course.
You’re part of the spin world now, Booman. Y’all better get your fellow DemRat spinmeisters together and work out a plan. The lame talking points that you offer here are just going to continue to run up the score for the RatPub side.
Not that it really matters all that much. The fix will fix everything eventually.
Until next time or the time after that or…
Awwww…you know!!!
Every fix unfixes after a while.
Bet on it.
I don’t know, with Bergdahl!!TM in full swing, it’s hard to find just one wanker today. I didn’t believe it was possible for the right to get even more fucking crazy.
Take away rational thought and dismiss historical and current facts and there is no limit to how crazy RWNJ can get. Why they haven’t even imprisoned a presidential candidate of a legitimate political party in 95 years. And we’ve yet to see them reprise and update Nixon’s 1950 Senate campaign strategy that accused Helen Gahagan Douglas of being a communist (terrorist in 2014 language). (Whoa — didn’t know that JFK donated Nixon’s 1950 campaign.)
“JFK donated Nixon’s 1950 campaign”
Whoa! Conspiracy theory time!
Nah — the Kennedys were big time anti-communists. Joe McCarthy was a family friend and Bobby worked for him. Something those that deify them tend to forget/overlook/dismiss and don’t properly factor in, absent a life changing experience that leads to a crisis in confidence, how little humans move away from their earliest worldview. (Hillary the Goldwater Girl would be comfortable with Hillary the neo-liberal/neo-conservative.)
Stuff like that makes me think seriously about AG’s Permagov.
Don’t. Just be aware of political candidates roots — family, economic position, location, religion, age, etc. Was FDR as POTUS predictable? More so than his critics would have anyone believe. Less so if he hadn’t been able to win over a solid majority of the public.
Institutions are only semi-permanent. And those on the inside resist change. Even when doing so, as at the VA medical centers, could result in selling them off to the private sector. Perhaps those VA employees should ask those that had their jobs out-sourced how it worked for them.
Check it out:
Oliver North (Yes, Oliver North) Accuses Obama Of ‘Financing A Terrorist Organization’. This is the kind of crap we have to put up with because Democrats in the 1980s didn’t impeach Reagan and his (not really) “out-of-the-loop” VP.
So wonders the vermin that illegally sold arms to Iran and used the illegal cash to illegally fund terrorists in Nicaragua.
“No one with half a brain thinks that.”
As the supposed poll was answered by for the most part GOP members. What does that tell you about their state of mind? For answer look above.
By the way the GOP are grasping at any straw they can to try and look relevant.