Ruling Comes in the Case of ‘Enemy Combatant’ Jose Padilla
By Jerry Markon
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, September 9, 2005; 12:27 PM
A federal appeals court ruled today that the president can indefinitely detain a U.S. citizen captured on U.S. soil in the absence of criminal charges, holding that such authority is vital to protect the nation from terrorist attacks.
4th Amendment gone
It appears that the Bushco’s fascists have acheived the complete utter destruction of the 4th Amendement to the Constitition of the United States of America.
From what I have read so far, the Asshat who lead this charge is currently on the short list for Bushco Fascists Supreme Court nomination number 2.
The decision by a three-judge panel was written by Judge J. Michael Luttig, who is one of a number of people under consideration by President Bush for nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court.
I don’t know about anyone else, but I came close to doing something I vowed I would never do in this lifetime. I have been very ill for the last 7 days as the destruction of life I am witnessing and the destruction of my country has taken a profound toll upon my soul. My wife was able to mitigate my decision to perform a skinwalker ritual that probably would have destroyed me as a human being. That I despise and have such putrid hate for these non human animals who are systematically destroying my country brings me no honor or happiness. I am, as Infidelpig suggested, trying to feed the good wolf.
ghostdancer — I think we are all trying to feed the good wolf the best we can, I admit that it is taking a great deal of effort on my part to keep doing so. I too have been sick this past week, the heaviness in my heart finally took it’s toll physically, my fever is down but the anger still burns.
It’s been a while since I pulled out my highlighted copy of the PATRIOT Act (I DID read it before the useless piles of flesh in Congress voted it into law), but I’m pretty sure I remember the definition of terrorist and terrorism being SO vague that we are all at risk from this new “law of the land”.
May I ask what a skinwalker ritual is? (it’s ok if you don’t want to tell me)
How is your family doing? Please let them know I’m here for them if there’s anything they need…
Family is doing fine, my brother found a job with Papa Johns, where he worked before in Biloxi. They are doing what they need to do and restart their lives.
skinwalkers ritual is a dark and for many evil trail from which there usually is no return. I nearly chose that trail in my despair and anguish over the complete failure of our government to help American citizens survive this disaster.
That bushco is a fucking piece of shit who has not one ounce of humanity left in him is readily apparent. That this adminstration and its lackey’s and suckups are the most incompetent and criminal gang of miscreants to every infect our government causes me such shame in my country.
I’m glad to hear that they are well.
I too feel the shame, but we need you here, friend, don’t go anywhere from which you won’t return.
I sincerely believe that this is our only reliable option. Elements of it are already in play, as you can see.
These strategies have had success in the past with authoritarian/fascist regimes.
This is truly disturbing news. And the judiciary in this country has gone from downright scary to poke-your-eyes-out infuriating in a short time.
I have to keep telling myself to remember the love and to not let the hate consume me. Even to not feel the hate but to turn it into positive energy in some way. It’s getting harder these days, but it’s something I have to do. If I follow a path blinded by hate, however justified, I know I won’t end up in a peaceful place.
(Sounds like the plot from a really bad sci-fi blockbuster prequel. But who wants to be Anakin?)
Hope over fear.
It is one of my many mantras these days…
You are ill because you are connected to all those who are suffering and dying in this disaster. I actually started experiencing symptoms in the week leading up to the hurricane, because I felt it in the ether. On the one hand, it easy to accept that we are one with those who are victimized. It is harder to accept that we are also one with the victimizers. We are either in unity, or we are not. I believe we are. You are driven to rage and risking your own sense of goodness, because these people reflect your shadow to you constantly. You can either be seduced by that shadow, or you can honor your shadow for what it shows you, and make the life affirming choices you are capable of, because it does not own you. Bushco has power because we have lived in denial of our shadow too long, and now it rises from our subconscious like the worst of nightmares. Feed the good wolf, but don’t turn your back on the bad wolf, or it will move through your subconscious unobserved and tear you apart a piece at a time. Namaste.
Ghostdancer as one of the many on this site who care very much for you please don’t do anything rash and out of despair.
Please email me if you want to get in touch with Infidelpig, as I know he would welcome the chance to talk with you. He has spoken many times of wanting to be in contact with you.
Look towards the future if you are able and see the light at the end of the tunnel. The dark underbelly of admin. is exposed as is all dark and evil things these days and out of this I am confident, yes confident that some good if not a lot of good will come.
All of us are emotionally affected these days, many physically as well. You are not alone, together we can overcome.
I’m so glad you didn’t do the harmful ritual.
Please find some way to continue forward. It is so hard… there has been times when I’ve truly felt that if I didn’t have kids… I’d probably do something terrible and then kill myself. Ducttapefatwahs diary is so true – this is no longer America… I am so ashamed to even BE an American right now.
But we can’t give up. I am so sorry…
I wonder that if the protests don’t change anything, this country is headed for a very dark time. Since we can no longer vote for our rights… we will have to start to fight for them.
If you can, come to the march on 9/24, or attend one in a city or town near you.
The path to eliminating evil thoughts comes from taking positive action.
It is when we feel helpless and alone that our mind, overcome with such hatred and despair, begins to turn on its body. The best thing to do in times like that is to share your outrage with a community who support yoiur ideals.
my beautiful wife helped me walk through the nightmare within me. She was able to get me to see that I have two beautiful children who need their father in these very dark times in our country.
I despise these non humans, they indeed are skinwalkers, they befoul all they touch and destroy everything they can for the simple pleasure of destruction. I almost choose to become one like them in order to facilitate their destruction.
I choose life, my children, my wife and my family. I choose to fight these non humans with all that I am to regain what once was a country that strived to have honor, respect for others and dignity as a nation. Today all we have is a gang of organized criminals that make the mafia appear like a grandmothers tea party.
and with every step they have taken, they have chosen a path of no return. They are lost souls and the howls of anguish of their lost souls tears the very fabric of life. The anguish and lament of their souls is disquieting as they descend into the depths.
I’ve returned to some roots, some gree-gree for the soul as it were. They have fouled those who they can least afford to foul… They are cast adrift.
(Dubya) Down in the Flood (apologies to Blind Boy Grunt)
Crash on the levee,
Water’s gonna overflow,
Swamp’s gonna rise,
No boat’s gonna row.
Now, you can train on down
To williams point,
You can bust your feet,
You can rock this joint.
But oh, ain’t you gonna miss your best friend now?
You’re gonna have to find yourself
Another best friend, somehow.
Now, don’t you try an’ move me,
You’re just gonna lose.
There’s a crash on the levee
And, you’ve been refused.
Well, it’s sugar for sugar
And salt for salt,
If you go down in the flood,
It’s gonna be your own fault.
Oh, ain’t you gonna miss your best friend now?
You’re gonna have to find yourself
Another best friend, somehow.
Well, that high tide’s risin’,
don’t you let me down.
Pack up your suitcase,
don’t you make a sound.
Now, it’s king for king,
Queen for queen,
It’s gonna be the meanest flood
That anybody’s seen.
Oh, ain’t you gonna miss your best friend now?
Yes, you’re gonna have to find yourself
Another best friend, somehow.
Please see my comments in BooMan’s front page article. Although the hysteria over this opinion is VERY understandable, believe it or not this decision is pretty sound, and this opinion is coming from a very liberal lawyer.
wanna be dictator and the fascist lawyers he has brought into the mix will forever change our country.
Why is when a liberal court determines law it is judicial activism, when a fascist neo con fucking corrupt legal system that systematically strips Americans of its rights, it is not called the same thing.
Fuck bush and fuck most lawyers, the 99% of them give the rest a bad name and leave a bad taste in my mouth.
This country is being destroyed by a despot despicable and hate filled fear monger who will destroy my country.
I am watching them systematically destroy the Constitution that I love and respect, for personal gain and power.
I hope they all find horrific torment when they leave this plane of existence for at least a millenium.
COme on now. There are alot more than 1% good, decent, honest lawyers out there. Please let us not group our brothers and sisters that way. There is good and bad in all walks of life. Let us try to find the good. I am heartsick too Ghostdancer and you all know very well how I feel about what has been done to our country by these heartless people. We just may need some of those brilliant lawyers that are out there, that are here that still believe in truth and integrity. Can we agree on that. We need each other now more than ever. We do.
Well, since I am a lawyer and certainly am not in the 1% who are the best liberal lawyers, fuck you, too.
Glad to see we’re all in this together. No wonder we can’t win a fucking election.
in fact are not self serving self appointed guardians of the reichwing fascists a sincere apology.
I allowed my prejudice to heat my brain to a point of speaking in a manner that is truly inconsistent with my belief system.
I hope that you accept this apology and know that I believe there are legal minds that truly believe that our Constitution is a living breathing instrument to further the freedom of human beings not just in the US but in the world.
Again, my prejudice for whatever reason was not warranted nor deserved by you and I ask that you forgive me for my assault upon your profession.
Thank you
Apology appreciated and accepted. I completely understand your frustration. We all want to lash out these days.
Stay sane and stay together.
Thank you
Love without wisdom is chaos. Wisdom without love is brutality. Don’t let the psychopaths who’ve hijacked the machinery of government separate you from your loved ones.
They can trample human rights until we find the way to stop them, but they cannot claim our spirit.
Hello ghost. I don’t have any words of wisdom or comfort. I am thankful for your wife and family who are helping you and can hope the good wolf within you will grow even larger and stronger than it already is. It is only the good wolf that can help us go on to try to do whatever we can to overcome what is happening to us and to our country.
I think we are all being poisoned by our ever growing hatred of bush and this whole administration which would lead us to become crippled with our hatred and then useless to do anything which means they will have won. I have to believe my hatred will become useful.
Wado my brother.
I have been out of touch this past few weeks, and only momentarily have I been able to see what this path you seek may take from you, and the rest.
Remember my brother, after the storm, comes the time of the Rainbow, and we are Rainbow Warriors.
Let this one from Earth Mother pass, for it was their warning.
Our time is coming, for it will be the time of the Rainbow, then, we shall set upon our true paths, into the spirit of light, that I know shines fully within your soul.
The Wolf is our gaurdian, our protector, listen now to the cry of this wolf, and then we shall see the Rainbow.
For it is the time of the Blue Star, study, listen, and watch with me my brother.
I have prayed to the Great Spirit, but it was not what you asked in anger, it was what I felt in truth.
These are our paths, and these are my words.
Wakan Tanka Aho
Wado Ghostdancer
White Wolf
I too have looked into the abyss,and seen myself.
This community is a strong one,though,and would lose much wisdom without Ghostdancers way.So I ask you to consider,the martyr gains much,perhaps,but those who love the martyr lose more.
The great heart is the heart that carries pain for others.