George W. has always been able to use large news distractions to pull off some of his most unfortunate deeds. The greatest one, of course, was using 9/11 to keep people agitated so he could invade Iraq.
Now, with the news agencies all concerned with Larry Craig’s Congressional activities in public mens rooms, we are ignoring the fact that Bush is crying “nukes” again (remember when we had to invade Saddam’s territory before those Iraqi nukes could be used on us over here?).
In his speech to the American Legion, Bush makes statements like:
Iran’s active pursuit of technology that could lead to nuclear weapons threatens to put a region already known for instability and violence under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust.
He went on to accuse Iran of making nuclear weapons in the disguise of a civilian energy program. It little seems to matter that the United Nations watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), struck an overview deal with Iran last week. Bush’s minions consider this a coverup strategy.
Bush is once again crying “nukes” and we will find ourselves at (continued) war because of it. War supporters, like John McCain, are adding voice to this:
“Iran’s Holocaust-denying president today told the media that ‘soon we will see a huge power vacuum in the region’ as the American effort in Iraq collapses and that his regime is ‘prepared to fill the gap’ in Iraq… [Washington will] do everything necessary to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.
Of course, Holy Joe Lieberman is also calling for an attack on Iran and, if given the right distractions, other Congressmen and Senators could join in. Paul Craig Roberts, in Counterpunch, adds this:
The Bush administration could bring Congress around by announcing a “Gulf of Tonkin” incident or by orchestrating a “terrorist attack.” However, this is unnecessary as Bush has prepared the ground for bypassing Congress with his propagandistic allegations that Iran, by arming Iraqi insurgents, sponsoring terrorism, and building nuclear weapons, is the major part of the ongoing “war against terrorism.” Now that Iran is blamed for rising violence in Iraq, an attack on Iran follows as a matter of course. All Bush has to do is to continue with his lies in order to bring the American public to a new war hysteria.
We sit back in front of the television watching this garbage, or with the newspaper, or, dare I say it, even reading the top headline on the Huffington Post (“GOP Distances Itself From Senator’s Bathroom Bust” is that headline as I write this), and get caught up in the unfortunate sexuality of Republicans, while ignoring the NeoCon prodded wardancing of their leader.
We have to keep this issue on the front burner!
Under The LobsterScope