A lot of personal issues are going on my life at the moment, which I will not bother to bother you with the details. I didn’t watch the debates, but apparently some deadbeat, obnoxious, homophobic, xenophobic, racist, sexist real estate developer who made most of his money by being born rich, conning his investors and through government assistance won the evening according to various polls and pundits.
What that says about the Rebuplican party and its supporters I find truly frightening.
Prayers to you and your family that everything will turn out well.
I came away thinking Kasich ‘won’ in that he seemed not to be nuts, was able to present a good resume that applied to the situation, laudable executive achievements, and was both optimistic and able to pander to the religious without becoming ungrounded. He also avoided all that in-fighting. Of course I’m not a GOP primary voter, gutter-drunk on a cocktail of fear and jesus juice. They want a gladiator.
To be fair, on the opposite side of the mirror so do I.
Until I read “real estate developer” I was having trouble figuring out who you were referring to.
It seems that Roger Ailes’s ticket is Kasich/Fiorina for the moment.
Trump got them all to admit that he could buy politicians and in contrast they could be bought by other billionaires. And counted coup for putting the rabid immigration position on the table.
Ben Carson’s open advocacy of war crimes (medical professional) was stunning. As was Walker’s open declaration of war on Iran.
Glad you took a brief break to check in. Do what you need to do. You know we all are thinking of you and your family.