Spoke to DJ tonight and they are doing absolutely wonderful in Portland!
The move from redneck nowhere CA to Portland OR is the best thing since sliced bread for them! The kids are doing well – Danni is loving her new school and Wesley will start next week. The move was a little tough on Wes….
DJ has a computer virus and will be offline from posting and email for a while until it’s repaired.
She sends her love and energy and snarkiest vibes to all.
The only thing I learned from my blog after 4 months – some days you have nothing to say… I have a reserve of stuff that I keep in the saved diaries for those days. One day I’ll write a bunch of stuff and then have nothing to say….and it’s okay!
I’ll give DJ your love when I chat with her! She positively glows over the telephone!
Usually I ask if I’m going to quote from other sites. If I’m just linking to sites that I like, I just link!
Most of us flattered that someone else reads our sites! I was floored when someone from another blog included me in her blogroll – we hadn’t shared comments in months! We are both Pagan so it worked well.
Sometimes if it’s possible break them into categories…or just list them. Man Eegee’s site has a pretty good list of blogroll! Mine’s a little skimpier…a different focus on the blogs.
This spring when I go to a new, regular blog format, I’ll include more. First I need to figure out blog software.
Thanks for the update on Janet and the Damnit family.
If you remember could you pass along my love to her as well?
Thanks SallyCat and thanks for the warm fire.
I think you may have just given yourself away, my dear. I’m a lil chilly here, but the fire is going and warming me up. Did you send me a lil something? 😉
Hmmm… I got a Sauvignon Blanc yesterday in the mail, with no note. So I don’t know who it’s from… You were on my list of two hunches, but now I have no idea. How fun.
1200 books? How wonderful! I think I’ve only got about 300 or so here, with some not even read yet. I’ve just started reading again, which feels so good… (Don’t ask the title, you’ll just laugh). 🙂
Our collection run the gamut from my 1850’s history books and 1880’s first edition’s of american writers to Nora Roberts, Iris Johansen (Serial killers!) and Stephen Coonts!
I read everything except Stephen King type books and ‘virginal Victorian Romance’! I like good sexy if the books go that way…including some pretty classy erotica books.
It it’s printed – I’ll probably consider reading it! If it was up to me the TV would just collect dust.
I’m reading The Ethical Slut at the moment. Haha… It’s actually a very good book. 🙂
Stephen King’s older works were good, but I haven’t read much of his recent stuff. Recent being about ten years or so. Virginal Victorian romance?? Never heard of it. 🙂 Or never bothered with it.
I’ve had the TV off for months, and just this past week turned it on again, only for the Seinfeld reruns. They’re quite funny. 🙂
It would be so easy for me to give up tons of stuff before my books. They are my friends since childhood. In fact some silly teenage romance books friends gave me in middle school are still in my collection!
So I thought I’d drop in a fresh all night cafe for the crowd tonight….it’s cool but not rainy in Northern CA tonight…
The wine is a subtle Sauvignon Blanc and the cat is snuggly on my lap!
Lovely image. And my Drambuie fits in perfectly!
Spoke to DJ tonight and they are doing absolutely wonderful in Portland!
The move from redneck nowhere CA to Portland OR is the best thing since sliced bread for them! The kids are doing well – Danni is loving her new school and Wesley will start next week. The move was a little tough on Wes….
DJ has a computer virus and will be offline from posting and email for a while until it’s repaired.
She sends her love and energy and snarkiest vibes to all.
Give her my love – I miss hearing her voice!
I’ve been doing behind the scenes stuff on Eat4Today — I hope it’s ready for unveiling tomorrow.
So, no I can relax and sip Drambuie. Is that so wrong?
I liked the site and it’ll be great!
The only thing I learned from my blog after 4 months – some days you have nothing to say… I have a reserve of stuff that I keep in the saved diaries for those days. One day I’ll write a bunch of stuff and then have nothing to say….and it’s okay!
I’ll give DJ your love when I chat with her! She positively glows over the telephone!
Thank you so much for your kind words! And you reminded me of an article I wanted to write for tomorrow!
Can I add your site to our blogroll (the Booman Tribune is lonely all by itself)?
I’d be honored to be on your blogroll!
I suspect that any fellow Boo Tribbers you want to include would also be flattered!
Are there rules? Do I ask? Do they offer? Do I just add who I want?
It’s all so new to me.
Usually I ask if I’m going to quote from other sites. If I’m just linking to sites that I like, I just link!
Most of us flattered that someone else reads our sites! I was floored when someone from another blog included me in her blogroll – we hadn’t shared comments in months! We are both Pagan so it worked well.
Sometimes if it’s possible break them into categories…or just list them. Man Eegee’s site has a pretty good list of blogroll! Mine’s a little skimpier…a different focus on the blogs.
This spring when I go to a new, regular blog format, I’ll include more. First I need to figure out blog software.
I saw that you have a link to Manee’s site. It reminded me that it’s been a while since I’ve been there.
Thanks for the update on Janet and the Damnit family.
If you remember could you pass along my love to her as well?
Thanks SallyCat and thanks for the warm fire.
I think you may have just given yourself away, my dear. I’m a lil chilly here, but the fire is going and warming me up. Did you send me a lil something? 😉
Just warm and friendly thoughts….I’ve been thinking about calling or emailing now that I’m home from the mountains.
Is someone sending lil’ things? I got one New Years and don’t know from who….
Hmmm… I got a Sauvignon Blanc yesterday in the mail, with no note. So I don’t know who it’s from… You were on my list of two hunches, but now I have no idea. How fun.
Hope you’re doing well sweetie.
Things are good…the usual first of the year changes….
I’ve been tagged by FarFetched for the 5 weird habits!
It’ll take me a while to figure out which ones are weird though! And finding 5 more blogs to tag….tee hee hee…
Carnacki already tagged me, so don’t even think about it. 😉 Mine were boring anyways…
I’ve actually seen some blog with a ‘100 things about me’ page and I think I will do something similiar shortly. I just love stuff like that.
It’s hard trying to decide what’s normal for me and maybe weird to other people though!
Is it weird to database and then alphabetize my 1200+ books?
1200 books? How wonderful! I think I’ve only got about 300 or so here, with some not even read yet. I’ve just started reading again, which feels so good… (Don’t ask the title, you’ll just laugh). 🙂
Our collection run the gamut from my 1850’s history books and 1880’s first edition’s of american writers to Nora Roberts, Iris Johansen (Serial killers!) and Stephen Coonts!
I read everything except Stephen King type books and ‘virginal Victorian Romance’! I like good sexy if the books go that way…including some pretty classy erotica books.
It it’s printed – I’ll probably consider reading it! If it was up to me the TV would just collect dust.
I’m reading The Ethical Slut at the moment. Haha… It’s actually a very good book. 🙂
Stephen King’s older works were good, but I haven’t read much of his recent stuff. Recent being about ten years or so. Virginal Victorian romance?? Never heard of it. 🙂 Or never bothered with it.
I’ve had the TV off for months, and just this past week turned it on again, only for the Seinfeld reruns. They’re quite funny. 🙂
Nite nite. Time for bed. Sweet dreams to you…
So we don’t break margins!
I like the title of your book…it works for me!
It would be so easy for me to give up tons of stuff before my books. They are my friends since childhood. In fact some silly teenage romance books friends gave me in middle school are still in my collection!
You noticed that too ;o)
I think your first instinct may be right afterall.
You may very well be correct, Sir. 🙂
Off to sleep
See everyone in the new cafe in the morning – time for sleep here on the left coast!
Okay, Mommy, I’ll go to bed like a good (?) girl… 🙂
Next time you talk to DJ, remind her to watch out for those narsty NSA virii… 😉
We’ve got a fresh new cafe open just for you!