Since somebody already guessed the right answer, I’ll say—it’s a harp, on it’s side, covered in snow, sort of….hmmm, an open piano covered in snow, sort of?
Boy I’m slow tonight. Read that three times before it hit me. Actually I might like to use that for the title if’n ya don’t mind? That’d create a little mystery and throw’m off the track for a while anyway…
Doggone we’ve got some smart cookies around these here parts. You’ve pretty much nailed it. Since I’m thinking it might be too great a challenge to name the plant, see here for info and some pics to click on.
Shucks! Now ya got me thinking ol’ CM1 ought to have further enhancements to the prize.
So along those lines… that would leave two choices for CM1;
1. Come for a visit to ND to see the real thing (however, a tad nippy this time of year, and limited bonfire options);
2. Submit snail mail address to my sig line address, as I expect to print some 8x10s soon.
True. One has to be quick to take their Visa or Mastercard away from them. Forgive me. I get carried away.
That would be a frightening sight to have coming dead on.
I think we used to have a small farm locally that featured Beefaloe and I think they also raised ostrich or emu or some other flightless big bird…they don’t fly, right?
I tried to bring a deer home once but my daughter tossed it out the window like she would do with any toy she could get her hands on in the backseat of the car… </snark>
I love the posture in that shot. I zoomed in and it looks like he’s stretching out for a better bite. They’re so much fun to watch. Sadly, our rural area has been overdeveloped and we’ve forced them out of their natural home.
Could we have a morning open thread on a regular basis, something like the European Breakfast? Some days – not every day, but some days, I wake up and read the paper and find something I’m just dying to share here . . . and there’s no place to put it. Usually the last FP story is up from the night before, or someone has posted a new (and usually very good one) and whatever it is I want to share would be OT. And the FBC isn’t quite the right place for it (I know, nothing is off-topic in the FBC, but you know what I mean.)
. . . and from the comments that follow, there seems to be some interest.
BooMan asked “what I envisioned” – I basically just had in mind a place to post news stories (brief excerpt and link?) that we read in the mornings. Lots of us probably start our day with a newspaper and a cuppa. Sometimes I see one that I’d like to share.
Stay around and discuss, or not. Again, lots of us can’t – have to run off to work or start the day afk.
So I’m thinking – post the diary – “Morning Papers Open Thread”? – with a story or two to prime the pump. I wouldn’t generally be able to stick around during the day, and don’t know how reliable I’d be about getting them up after the Spring semester starts, but maybe I could get it started during the break between the semesters.
I like Fran’s way of listing the various articles at the eurotrib. Seems like there should be some way to use a similar format here.
No doubt we’d have many more comments… so how to avoid getting them tangled up in the list? But I see where sometimes Jerome a Paris will say to go to another thread for discussion purposes on a particular topic.
So there could be some sort of open thread dedicated to these news of the day articles.
I like that, sometimes I hear stuff in the morning while I’m getting the kids off to school, and think “I should share that”, but like you said, have no where that it fits in.
Do you want to post it, and whoever has stuff to share can just post in there? Or did you have something else in mind?
definitely some interest. Next week is the last week of school – exams to make and grade, final grades for the semester to calculate and post, sisters arrive on Friday, daughter’s graduation on Saturday . . . egad!
So, how about we give it a test run the week after that? BooMan suggested maybe some of the FBC proprietors/waitstaff might have some tips. A picture of a newspaper and a cup of coffee, maybe? (Have I seen such a picture at the FBC?)
Or if anyone else wants to jump in sooner . . . but I’ll volunteer to give it a try that week.
Spouse and I are having dinner out (nothing too fancy), then going out to see holiday lights. Spouse due home in about a half hour or so; think I’ll take another shower since I’m feeling a little stinky tonight… π
(November 9, 2005) –The east and west portals of Philadelphia’s City Hall will be illuminated this holiday season in a dazzling new display of color and light, thanks to the Center City District (CCD). CCD has retained Artlumiere, a French production firm that specializes in creating spectacular lighting effects for architecturally significant buildings in Europe and Asia, to create the new display at City Hall.
A changing variety of colors will highlight the sculptures and rich architectural details of Philadelphia’s historic landmark and will be on display from 5 p.m. to midnight, November 30 through January 1.
With an innovative blend of artistic creativity and lighting technology, artists Friedrich Foerster and Sabine Weissinger from Casa Magica have worked with Artlumiere to design a Technicolor lighting extravaganza that will change nightly.
Borrowing heavily from theater lighting techniques, the artists started by taking high-quality digital photographs of City Hall. Using the photos as a template, Casa Magica created a unique design, which is then projected back onto the building from precisely the same vantage point as the original photographs using special, high-powered projectors. The artistically adapted image lines up perfectly with the architecture of the building to create an extraordinary new form of expression that will be visible along the entire length of Market Street.
Voices Carry – ‘Til Tuesday
Name (Live) – Googoo Dolls
Get Together – Indigo Girls (covering The Youngbloods)
From The Beginning – Emerson Lake & Palmer
Pets – Porno For Pyros
Crazy Life – Toad The Wet Sprocket
Ordinary World – Duran Duran
Send Her My Love – Journey
If You Could Read My Mind – Gordon Lightfoot
Rollin’ – Luscious Jackson
Whatchoo guys got? Remember, they have to be the first 10 songs that come up on random/shuffle from your collection, and no skipping or searching!
Strong Enough – Sheryl Crow
Stupid Questions – Keller Williams
Invisible – Amy Rigby
Oblivion – Macy Gray
Blue Morning – Hartford Dillar Hartford
A Little Bit Lonesome – Kasey Chambers
Big River Blues – Jorma Kaukonen
Rosalie McFall – Grateful Dead
Numb – Linkin Park
The Horizon Has Been Defeated – Jack Johnson
Out of Touch – Lucinda Williams
Till the Tide Creeps In – The Thrills
Anyone else out to make some noise tomorrow? We have a big march scheduled for human rights,labor rights, etc. Just about to go down to the store for some Maalox which is what we use (mixed half & half in water) in these parts to wash pepperspray out of the eyes. Also getting out the big majic marker to write the phone number of NLG/jail support on my arm. Not that I’m expecting trouble or anything. Ahh, life’s little rituals…
Great Idea and thanks for the spelling. . .man. . .I can’t seem to get the right letters in the words or the right spelling tonight. . .yeah I know, tonight???
Hey, if anyone is interested in my Christmas Project, you can take a look at it Here
Indy, how’s the weather in your town? One of my all time favorite places you live in, by the way.
Definately doesn’t look anything like that word above. . . yiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes. Been doing that all day. My fingers just don’t know where they are any more. . .well, on the keyboard that is.
snuggle in here for the night…
Inside safe and warm
Gee – my drive-by timing has been good today….
Stay safe and warm everyone….
Great picture! Have a good weekend, SC.
Speaking of snow, can you identify this photo?
Even though it could be morse code, it looks like my deck when there’s not a lot of snow on it. So I’m probably wrong on both counts.
You’re the winner!!! I was thinking Morse Code too, but I had recycled some 2x2s on this deck, hence the narrow lines.
Your prize, a couple of AuFinches;
That’s perfect — they’ll keep the chickadees that hang around right outside my window company.
Similar guess to AndiF’s, but I think it could be the side of a building…
Hmmm, next time I’ll wait a little longer before revealing the answer, so I can have more fun reading the guesses.
Have any more?
Since somebody already guessed the right answer, I’ll say—it’s a harp, on it’s side, covered in snow, sort of….hmmm, an open piano covered in snow, sort of?
I was going to guess a piano roll. Maple Leaf Rag, perhaps?
Boy I’m slow tonight. Read that three times before it hit me. Actually I might like to use that for the title if’n ya don’t mind? That’d create a little mystery and throw’m off the track for a while anyway…
Help yourself. I’d be flattered.
That would be the right answer over on the Jazz Jam thread, LOL!
My bad…
The rear window of a snow blanketed car, just as the rear window defroster is starting?
That last one was just way too easy. So here’s another challenge. One hint; this was taken in the fall. Good luck!
Click Here for larger image.
Hmmm…frost on a window?
The brown shadows at the lower edge are interesting…do I get more than one guess?
unlimited guesses allowed, especially since I haven’t decided on the “prize” yet.
It looks like seeds (en masse) from some plant floating around your feet as you are looking sown snapping a pic.
looking down snapping a pic… OOPS!
Yeah. Those look like feet. How about, a picture shot looking downward through a glass table covered in hard frost?
Another winner!!
Doggone we’ve got some smart cookies around these here parts. You’ve pretty much nailed it. Since I’m thinking it might be too great a challenge to name the plant, see here for info and some pics to click on.
And for your prize;
That’s a really nice prize but he’ll have a heckuva time getting that thing home.
Shucks! Now ya got me thinking ol’ CM1 ought to have further enhancements to the prize.
So along those lines… that would leave two choices for CM1;
1. Come for a visit to ND to see the real thing (however, a tad nippy this time of year, and limited bonfire options);
2. Submit snail mail address to my sig line address, as I expect to print some 8x10s soon.
So, I guess that means he and brinn won’t be splitting up steaks, roasts, jerky and trim?
Hey, the only way I can shoot one is with a camera and I’ve been laughed clear out of WV for not hunting.
That is a beautiful photo. They all are.
Well, would Bison meat do. It’s about the only red meat I eat anymore.
Well, would Bison meat do.
It’s fine with me but I bet it’ll piss off the bison. ha! snort
dang, those things are right good size, aren’t they?
a park ranger was telling me it took a damn fast horse to say ahead of one of them if he was charging!!!
True. One has to be quick to take their Visa or Mastercard away from them.
Forgive me. I get carried away.
That would be a frightening sight to have coming dead on.
I think we used to have a small farm locally that featured Beefaloe and I think they also raised ostrich or emu or some other flightless big bird…they don’t fly, right?
nope, they don’t fly π
Right, then that would explain why they’re kept on a leash when taken for a walk.
Wow! Cool… I’ll get the adress out shortly if you are serious.
The photos and art I see on this site are always great. I have a black and white printer so they would never print out quite the same.
From what I have seen I guarentee that anything would hang on the walls somewhere to show.
I hope to get some prints done next week, if my printer-mahn is not too bogged down with Christmas traffic.
Photography and politics, those I’m serious about, the rest is snow off the buck’s back.
I tried to bring a deer home once but my daughter tossed it out the window like she would do with any toy she could get her hands on in the backseat of the car… </snark>
Absolutely stunning photos, NDD. Beautiful.
thanks for the compliments ww.
Freely offered, NDD. I’m wild for arresting images.
My first thought of ‘arresting images’ is to see Rove and co frog-marched out of the Capitol.
Absolutely — entirely arresting images of arrest, worthy of giving my general television boycott a rest.
See offer inspired by rumi here
Was it another photo of your’s I saw that had a 6 or 8 point with his head tilted back, looking up?
Perfect catch, it was.
Yeah, that was here in the FBC this forenoon.
Hey, that one was the “little” buck, there’s another bigger one that’s been a little too shy for me so far.
I love the posture in that shot. I zoomed in and it looks like he’s stretching out for a better bite. They’re so much fun to watch. Sadly, our rural area has been overdeveloped and we’ve forced them out of their natural home.
if indeed they are seeds ….
I thought it might be ice crackles in a puddle…ND is cold, you know…
It reminds me a little of a shattered windshield with sun glare, but those shadows at the bottom have me stumped…
Blasphemy! I say!
Warm hearts here are melting ice into puddles… all over the place.
what WAS I thinking?!? π
I asked BooMan on the open thread today
. . . and from the comments that follow, there seems to be some interest.
BooMan asked “what I envisioned” – I basically just had in mind a place to post news stories (brief excerpt and link?) that we read in the mornings. Lots of us probably start our day with a newspaper and a cuppa. Sometimes I see one that I’d like to share.
Stay around and discuss, or not. Again, lots of us can’t – have to run off to work or start the day afk.
So I’m thinking – post the diary – “Morning Papers Open Thread”? – with a story or two to prime the pump. I wouldn’t generally be able to stick around during the day, and don’t know how reliable I’d be about getting them up after the Spring semester starts, but maybe I could get it started during the break between the semesters.
What do you all think?
I saw the earlier discussion while still at work. Great idea – I have felt the same way many times.
If you start it, I’d be happy to check in…and open an afternoon version if the morning one gets too big… π
Would give me a place to post some of the tidbits I spot on the Safari RSS reader…especially the “Oddly Enough” pieces from Reuters. π
Great Idea!!
I like Fran’s way of listing the various articles at the eurotrib. Seems like there should be some way to use a similar format here.
No doubt we’d have many more comments… so how to avoid getting them tangled up in the list? But I see where sometimes Jerome a Paris will say to go to another thread for discussion purposes on a particular topic.
So there could be some sort of open thread dedicated to these news of the day articles.
I like that, sometimes I hear stuff in the morning while I’m getting the kids off to school, and think “I should share that”, but like you said, have no where that it fits in.
Do you want to post it, and whoever has stuff to share can just post in there? Or did you have something else in mind?
Half the mornings I check in I have some little tidbit of news that is self explanatory and no diary relating to post it in.
A diary like that is the perfect place to stash those notables that aren’t worth writing an entire diary entry over, but need to be shared.
definitely some interest. Next week is the last week of school – exams to make and grade, final grades for the semester to calculate and post, sisters arrive on Friday, daughter’s graduation on Saturday . . . egad!
So, how about we give it a test run the week after that? BooMan suggested maybe some of the FBC proprietors/waitstaff might have some tips. A picture of a newspaper and a cup of coffee, maybe? (Have I seen such a picture at the FBC?)
Or if anyone else wants to jump in sooner . . . but I’ll volunteer to give it a try that week.
My wife was on call tonight and had to stay by the phone/computer, so I guess we will have to make it a Saturday night out on the town. lol
That’s ok… It means we can go out a little earlier and take a little longer! (There is always a silver lining.)
Spouse and I are having dinner out (nothing too fancy), then going out to see holiday lights. Spouse due home in about a half hour or so; think I’ll take another shower since I’m feeling a little stinky tonight… π
Speaking of holiday lights, take a look what they did to City Hall in Philly.
How the heck do they do that, some sort of laser lighting?
But here’s a little more info:
Just passing through and saying hi. Hi! Oh, and for up thread, pretty pictures. Yay!
Voices Carry – ‘Til Tuesday
Name (Live) – Googoo Dolls
Get Together – Indigo Girls (covering The Youngbloods)
From The Beginning – Emerson Lake & Palmer
Pets – Porno For Pyros
Crazy Life – Toad The Wet Sprocket
Ordinary World – Duran Duran
Send Her My Love – Journey
If You Could Read My Mind – Gordon Lightfoot
Rollin’ – Luscious Jackson
Whatchoo guys got? Remember, they have to be the first 10 songs that come up on random/shuffle from your collection, and no skipping or searching!
Strong Enough – Sheryl Crow
Stupid Questions – Keller Williams
Invisible – Amy Rigby
Oblivion – Macy Gray
Blue Morning – Hartford Dillar Hartford
A Little Bit Lonesome – Kasey Chambers
Big River Blues – Jorma Kaukonen
Rosalie McFall – Grateful Dead
Numb – Linkin Park
The Horizon Has Been Defeated – Jack Johnson
Out of Touch – Lucinda Williams
Till the Tide Creeps In – The Thrills
Oops, that was 12…
Ooh, another Keller Williams fan! He’s the most amazing guitar player. I saw him live last year.
I love him!
And have you ever seen Willie Porter? Another favorite of mine.
Never heard of Keller Williams, what’s the backstory there?
You can check him out here…
Lived the sweetest rose of color my Rosie McFall
Yeah, I knew you would like that song.
oooh, luscious jackson!
Saw them live once in Athens GA with some musician friends, which was how I got turned on to them. I like their weird sound.
Hey! Can the “cold Bound” join the Snowbound? Geeze, -14 at night and a high of 15 today. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
How about a Bailey’s and coffee to warm an old gals soul?
Great pictures, btw.
A double Bailey’s for you with temps that low!
I am becoming a cold wimp, I think.
Anyone else out to make some noise tomorrow? We have a big march scheduled for human rights,labor rights, etc. Just about to go down to the store for some Maalox which is what we use (mixed half & half in water) in these parts to wash pepperspray out of the eyes. Also getting out the big majic marker to write the phone number of NLG/jail support on my arm. Not that I’m expecting trouble or anything. Ahh, life’s little rituals…
Deginately going to cozy up to the fireplace. . .
I was going to say warm the cockels of my heart. . .but I’m not sure women have cockels. . .or am I thinking of something else here?
We can buy cockles. π
We can? But do we have to go to that ” Adult Acutrament Store” (hmmm, no way to put the french accent on that) to do it? I blush easy, you know.
Ha! Just stay there by the fire, and let anna in philly bring the adult accoutrements to you…
Great Idea and thanks for the spelling. . .man. . .I can’t seem to get the right letters in the words or the right spelling tonight. . .yeah I know, tonight???
Hey, if anyone is interested in my Christmas Project, you can take a look at it Here
Indy, how’s the weather in your town? One of my all time favorite places you live in, by the way.
Cold! But beautiful. I love it here, too. Even though I’m moving next year, I’ll always come back here. π
Guys who don’t have the romantic mussel to hang onto a woman.
Definately doesn’t look anything like that word above. . . yiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes. Been doing that all day. My fingers just don’t know where they are any more. . .well, on the keyboard that is.
No snow down there in sunny FLA?
Or my snow cone cartoon?
The “Snowbound Edition.” Whazzat?
But about the boobs, now that you’ve asked. . . would they be saline or silicone?
Definitely sillycone.