Friday Foto Flogging 2.07


Time for our latest installment of the Foto Flog. The Pond may not be quite what it used to be (nor should we expect that to be the case), but sometimes it’s nice to have a reminder of what once was, and what might still be possible. I think a couple photography enthusiasts still at least lurk here from time to time. This time around, I selected one of a number of photos I took at Crystal Cove State Beach, in sunny Southern California between the cities of Laguna Beach and Newport Beach. The beach is personal favorite of mine because of its terrain. I get a good day hike and a good set of photos each time I visit (regrettably only once a year now). This dead tree has been part of the Crystal Cove landscape for a good while now. It is always interesting to come back each year and see the subtle changes in its remains as the sun and tide (and, regrettably, some human visitors) slowly take their toll.

For photo blogging from the earlier series, see this diary by BobX (the last curator of the original Foto Flog series) and work backwards.

One last thing: You don’t have to have professional quality equipment or be a professional photographer to participate. I’m strictly an amateur hobbyist. I still have my old Canon 35 mm camera, but almost never use that due to lack of dark room, film development costs and whatnot. I use my current Galaxy S6 for photography (at least for the last couple years) – and before that an Android G4. These diaries are intended to be casual and offer a sense of community, in the spirit of the previous series. If you have some work of your own, feel free to share it.

I’ll be back next month with another installment.

Author: Don Durito

Left of center and lover of photography, music, pop culture, and life. Favorite quote - "There are no innocents. There are, however, different degrees of responsibility" (Lisbeth Salander, from Stieg Larsson's original Millennium Trilogy).