
In a comment on Booman's dissection of last night's HRC rout of Bernie Sanders in NY (What Now For Bernie?), Parallax wrote:

Ultimately the Democratic party is our team. That includes all of us.

That got me to thinking. I posted a response, and now I am posting that same response as a stand-alone post. Read on.


I don’t think it is “our team” anymore, Parallax. It most certainly is not my team, and hasn’t been at least since Gore and the rest of the Dem establishment basically caved in to the theft of the presidency by the Bush II campaign in 2000.

It apparently is no longer the team of a great number of Sanders supporters, either. Regardless of whether they have realized this fact yet or have not, when the “healing” clownshow is performed at the convention it will become obvious to many of them what is really up. Once again a progressive candidate has been beaten by a member in good standing of the Permanent Government with the almost total collusion of the mass media, and the same damned thing will happen in 2020. Bet on it.

This is not a generational thing, nor is it a demographics thing. It’s a power thing, and the Democratic Party machine is totally in bed with the .01%. Only the founding of a new party that is dedicated to public funding rather than corporate ownership will change this state of affairs, and so far I do not see the slightest hint of such a thing happening on any level that would be able to mount a good fight in 2020. I would be delighted to hear Sanders get up in front of the convention and essentially say:

OK motherfuckers, I’ve had it with this shit. I tried to warn you and you didn’t listen. We’re taking our bat, our ball and our gloves and we’re going to go build a new field. Best of luck in the future. You’re gonna need it. Build it and they will come. Buh-bye, bubbelehs!!!”

But of course…he won’t.

So here we are, stuck with Hillary Clinton.

Running against whom?

Aye…there’s the rub!

The safesayers think HRC will beat whomever the RatPubs nominate, but I’m not so sure. I think Trump…even with the almost unanimous opposition that will be mounted against him by the centrist media machine…will be able to clean her clock in a head-to-head battle. Her only hope is that the dummies in the RNC successfully do their Rat thing, bump Trump and put some tomato can up against her.

Stay tuned.

It’s gonna get even more interesting soon.
