It snowed overnight last night and I woke to the ground covered in four inches of snow. As I write this I can hear the wind howling.

My happy story is simple tonight. It is also going to be short because I have a crew of rather short pirates wanting hot cocoa with marshmallows. They’re a desperate band of cut-throats even if one of them is wearing a ballet tutu for a reason I cannot begin to fathom.

This morning after breakfast, we bundled up the <s>girls</s&gt pirates in so many layers of clothing I didn’t think the 2 year old would be able to walk. It’s her first real snowfall and her sisters were eager to be outside.

I told Ms. Carnacki she should go out with them, that it was important for them for their mother to be a role model about such things as braving the cold and shoveling the steps.

So three minutes later I was outside shoveling the steps and then helped the girls down.

They tromped through the snow and my oldest dropped and made a snow angel and I could almost swear that she could make the wings without moving her arms. They’re already there. Just invisible. I could almost swear that then she hit me with a snowball.

She laughed and I fired back and they retreated to the shelter of their treehouse.

They really got into the spirit of it. The almost 5 year old called time out and called me over. I knew she was up to something. She’s 99.9 percent pure mischief on her good days.

“Is this where you inevitably and not unexpectedly trick me?” I asked.

“No,” she said, her voice filled with barely suppressed giggles.

I came close and she dumped a sand bucket’s worth of snow on my head and I retreated back to the shelter of the tool shed.

We had a lot of fun. As much as much of me hates the cold of winter, there is something to be said for having a back yard of snow to play in.

We went inside for lunch and Ms. Carnacki had hot cocoa and tomato soup ready for us.

It’s true you know. Many times the greatest pleasures in life are the simplest.

That’s my happy story for this evening. Your story might be about anything you want it to be.