The Nation is Failing its Mentally Wounded

Promoted by Steven D.

It sends them into emotional danger, then disdains their injuries.

This Op Ed at the Star Tribune could have been extended and filled the whole paper on what this Nation does, and has done throughout it’s history, as to those it sends to Wars, and frankly it isn’t only this Nation.

But I happen to have been born here and served it in another total Debacle, watching many of those who served there as well be Totally Destroyed Mentally as this Apathedic Country turn their backs on them, those who Don’t Serve and even a few who do!

It starts out with this:

There is something truly grotesque about urging that the United States take better care of the mentally wounded men and women who come home from Iraq. Mental wounds are a given of any war, which is why Americans should be absolutely sure war is necessary before they ever agree to put the lives of U.S. troops on the line.

It isn’t only those who are ignored, especially as time passes, as to the Mental Destruction, but also All who have been maimed or developed desvestating physical ailments due to that which this Nations Military and Civilian Leadership use in Theaters of War to fight the Enemies we keep making because of our actions and policies, or that which might already exist in the little countries we invade that our bodies were foreign to.

But no one disputes this much: Schulze took his life after he was turned away from two VA hospitals — in Minneapolis and St. Cloud — because their psychiatric units were full.

I watched, and fought with, my fellow ‘Nam Vets trying to wake an Apathedic Society to the effects of  ‘Agent Orange’, as they were dying, and being told the ailments had nothing to do with the Defoliants used there!
I’ve watched, and tried to do what I can, since the First Gulf War, along with those who served there, trying Once Again to Wake this Apathedic Society as to the ailments being suffered by what has been labeled ‘Gulf War Syndrom’. And as those who have been suffering from, and many dying to soon, once again watched the collective apathy and another brush off, by those we hire to lead, as to the Syndrom even existing.

I don’t give a Damn what so called Political Party you label yourself with, each is Exactly the same in it’s Apathy for those this Country sends into Conflicts and in what you do as to those who represent you, because no matter what political party affiliation they are They Represent You, Your Community, Your District, and they follow these failed policies over and over!

There are many Professional, Activists, Deeply Concerned Citizens, Volunteers who have been there throughout, helping these Veterans, hell one of the main reasons many Va Hospitals and Clinics function at all is because of the above people. But they are the Minority, and also are ignored by those who just plain don’t want to hear it. They Know Who They Are, as do those who receive their Help and Support.
The Apathedic also know who they are, and their in the Majority, some not doing a Damn Thing others using only Words and Phrases hoping others think they are involved and concerned, but in most cases it’s only their own lives that worry them.

The way to short, but Right On, Op Ed ends with this:

What kind of nation would put men and women in the Iraq hellhole and then treat them with such disdain when they come home wounded? The answers that come to mind aren’t very nice.

There is only One Way to end this current, Extremely Failed U.S. Policy, Debacle. As it turns out the next Generations of ‘enemies{?]’, and it already has. That’s for the Guilty, Us in this country the United States{?}, to Force our Representatives to sit down with All in the Region of the Persion Gulf and start Acting as we like to think of ourselves as, and To Stop The Rethoric Of Hatreds and Propaganda, Stop acting like those we Label as being Evil, for we only need look in a mirror to see the Evil!

Author: jimstaro

Carpenter/Supervisor, Activist, Veterans and Pro-Peace Member of many Groups. USN '67-'71 GMG3 Vietnam In-Country '70-'71