Who else but Instapundit! (a/k/a Glenn Reynolds)
GALLUP: Sharp Increase in Concern About Ineligible Voters This Year. “As Americans cast their ballots in this year’s historic presidential election, just 18% are very confident that votes across the country will be accurately cast and counted, down sharply from 29% who said so just prior to the 2004 election.” I’ve been warning about this for years. It’s a crisis of confidence that may turn out to be worse than the financial crisis, in time.
[editor’s note, by Steven D] Emphasis added by me, just to be clear.
Shorter Ol’ Perfesser: Why are all these liberals and colored people thugs and criminals being allowed to vote?
Must be nice to be this stupid, rancid and bigoted. And still have tenure.
What I notice is that Democrats are always working to be inclusive as possible, while the Republicans are interested in minimizing voter participation. That tells us just about everything we need to know about the difference between the two parties.
I think the Repugs are freaking out so badly this year because the road ahead looks mighty bleak for them. The Latino demographic is growing faster than any other segment of the electorate, and those folks are mostly Democrats. And a huge number of Afrcian-Americans have been energized by Obama and will now remain engaged in the political process. Add to that the big jump in registered young voters, and our superiority in leveraging the Internet, and it’s a lousy prospect for the GOP in coming years. I don’t know how they can reform their party to become competitive in the future. If they lost any one of their various sub-constituencies (like the southern fundies) they are screwed. I think they are up shit creek for a long, long time.
Rancid? Many adjectives might apply but rancid?
That’s funny. 80% of Americans aren’t totally sure their vote is being counted properly is something Instamoron miiiiiiiight not want to bring up.
The problem is McSame has to win enough states where Obama has a statistically significant lead, and still would have to turn around and sue saying “well the polls in this red leaning state were right even though Obama won” or something.
Obama by 150+ EVs I’m thinking.