Froggy Bottom Cafe ~ Early Happy Hour
George Is Your Bartender ~ FM Is Napping
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May the 4’s be with you
By popular demand – It’s Happy Hour!
Where’s George! I demand George wearing a tux and bringing me a drink and some pretzels to gnosh on.
You are feeling better aren’t you. π
Geeze the lenghts I go to, to please the people around here.
Back in a sec.
I haven’t got all day. Where is that dapper guy?
Hey, it’s never too early to be happy.
And never to early for a beer. It’s always 5:00 pm somewhere. π
Well, I’m currently pursuing my own personal happiness by testing out my new Linux installation, specifically the video part, by watching my DVD of Young Frankenstein.
Oops, excuse me, that’s Fronkensteen.
Didn’t you say you had yours to where it would dual boot?
That’s the laptop. My main machine is Linux-only, as are my print/file server and firewall. I’m a great believer in “one person, at least one computer.”
At one time I thought about doing the dual boot thing to see how I liked Linux, but decided against it because I wasn’t sure about screwing up the system.
If you have a CD burner, try this:
It’s the distribution I’m playing with right now. You can get the ISO image from this location:
(Assuming you have a 32-bit machine. If you have a 64-bit machine, replace “i386” with “amd64”, or if you have a Mac, try “powerpc.”)
You can boot from that CD and have a working Linux installation to play with. If you decide you like it, you can double-click the “Install” icon on the desktop to install the OS. Otherwise, you can just try out the programs to see how you like them.
Thanks Omir. I think I might try that out.
If you can’t get the CD burned send me your address and I’ll send you one.
OK and thanks. I’ll probably have some questions I know.
I’m downloading the ISO image now. It looks like it is going to take awhile.
And a beer.
Still working on pretzels. Can’t find any real Philly pretzels.
jSorry to make you run around (there’s that j again!)FM, but I’m looking out for your health and I figure it’s the most exercise you’ll get today.
George, you’re a hottie.
jOK. π
You know one of the relatives here told me today they’re starting to get tired of George’s barking. I came within an inch of saying, “He never barks when you’re not around.” Didn’t though. π
You’re so very nice. Terminally nice.
I’ve heard that somewhere before. π
Does it make you wonder who I really am? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA!
Hah, I know better. Otherwise I would cut off my computer and never cut it on again. π
won’t be “happy” here till the spouse and I get through the “eat less, move more” lecture…both got physicals today. He got on our scale and it says he’s up 10 pounds (!!!), where it looks like I’m about the same as I was the last time I was at the doctor’s, plus I’m wearing my lightest pants and shirt lol. I’ll mention the damn cold/cough I brought home from vacation which just finally departed last week as reason I hadn’t been working out; I’d only get about 5 minutes in on the treadmill before I’d start wheezing. π Definitely need to stop slacking (sorry FM!!) and get back into a routine. Cooler weather will help too; won’t have to eat dinner out quite as much.
Hope everyone has a tolerable day…
Hi Cali. Yeah I’ve cut back to running 10 miles a day myself. Yeah in my dreams. π
It seems cooler weather helps everything. At least in my case it does.
Hope you have a good day.
I went to the doctor on Tuesday for my bronchitis. I’m following the nurse back to the exam room feeling like I’m going to faint and she wants me to step on the damn scale. I said “I was just here two weeks ago, my weight is the same.” She says “so you’re refusing?” WTF?
I told the doctor and she apologized.
SN I agree the nurse shouldn’t have said “so you’re refusing?” However, it is her job to get certain info every time. Not saying it was right though with the way you were feeling.
Of course if I had been the nurse, I would have said something like, “That’s OK, I think the extra 50 pounds makes you look good. π
Helmet ON.
See, you’re way too nice. Of course weight is important if you’re prescribing meds based on weight, but I think you can safely let it pass if it’s only been two weeks.
She was just taunting me with her perky 22 year oldness.
She was perky huh. π
Yeah I agree if it has only been two weeks. I guess some people just get caught up in the routine so much they don’t think.
Or I will be after I have a beer or three. If George would be so kind. . . Been a great couple of days, but I’m dead beat and ready to go home. Unfortunately, looking at three days on the road to do it. Worse, it’s supposed to be in the triple digits when we get there. Bleah.
Hi Kelly. George will bring ya whatever and how many you want.
A three day road trip is no fun. I don’t envy you.
How about a Corona to start. Parts of the road trip will be a blast – we certainly enjoyed the drive out – but after eight days away from home, it just feels a little much at the moment.
Yeah but just think how great you’ll feel once you step back through the front door. Ahhhhhhh.
Especially if our house sitter has the AC up. I wonder if our cats will remember us.
Gotta have the ac. If they are like my cats they’ll act really put out that you left, but will relent after awhile.
Short trips. We get the cold shoulder from four of the five. Longer trips everyone’s happy to see us. Really long trips it takes them a little while to recognize us as the normal staff. Again that’s four of the five. The littlest cat-who normally follows me around all day-is happy to see us from the second we come into sight.
The littlest cat sounds like George. From 1 hour to a number of days Geroge is always all over me.
also known as Nutmeg, or Meglet-since she is a very small animal-is a sweetie. DrMc says I’m wrapped around her little paw, but I firmly maintain I’m far to big to wind that tight.
I know what you mean. I’m that way with George.
Howdy FM, how goes the ongoing relatives incursion?
It’s still going. I haven’t gotten to the point of taking George and jumping out the window yet, but close. π
Where are you now?
and for the past six. Staying with relatives of our travel companions in Ohio on Friday night. St. Louis on Saturday night where we collect our own car again. Home late Sunday.
Too tired to think entirely straight. Whatup?
I guess if I was paying attention I would have known you were in Syracuse. Book tour or pleasure?
This is DrMc’s trip. I’m just along for the parties.
Wheat field on Glacial Lake Agassiz
Taken July 14, 2006 8AM
Well… there’s a few trees for Andi π
I don’t know if Andi can get by on such a small amount of trees.
Great picture. Reminds me of the wheat fields when I was a boy.
there’s a sufficiency of trees.
Yeah but a long walk to get to them. Then again, you could make crop circles on the way over.
Amazing quote by Andi… where’s Jim when I need a witness π
regard for the landscape of ND.
bushy tailed today. Just checking to see what condition your condition was in, ha!
Looks an awful lot like the view out my back window when we lived in Clifford just off I29.
Clifford-Galesburg area would be approx 50 miles S SE of this location.
Nice photo!
nice photo…great DoF!
Fancy meeting you here. How’s it going?
nt on “how’s it going?“
How ’bout you?
Yeah, what dada said.
ever figure out why high speed died last night?
I hope it’s working when I get home … or else I’ll go into w/d … See ya π
I’m outta here!
See you dudes later … π
I had a little non-alchohol blogging hangover this morning, but I seem to be recovered from that now.
Got some 50 plus 4X6 photos of recent visitors to ND. And I had some enlargements done, that bridge in winter, and that boxelder branch in bloom and the ash with the glistening hairs on it. They turned out well, now for the framing process.
some time ago…just use gallery clips and matts now…easier to change pics and many $’s less
so far I’m using relatively cheap metal frames, but they’re not good enough for commercial display or sales, so I’m looking for an online source for some nice wood frames. l
I should look into the clip method, that’d be a great way to get a feel for the potential of a particular photo
where you can get a feel for their ‘staying power’…I use them for gift photos too…just with a double white or neutral mat bd.
Never sure about peoples preferences in frames, etc…so it keeps the options open, and that way they usually get hung for a while instead of stuck on a shelf or in a closet…:{)
Do you get your gallery clips locally or have you got an e source
I get them at the local Hard Artware store….art and framing supplies…they’re really cheap…and then just have a local glass co. cut the glass and pol the edges…non-reflective gl. not req’d imo. Do rec. the museum qual. non acidic, mat bds tho. Prob. avail on the net.
Howdy Olivia and fellow late night loons (yo dada-o!), including our inimitable NDD. Just a quick hello before I have to finish up some real work before I flee at 5:00 here…
Hope all is well out your respective ways!
Great news on the perf. review….now, about that raise…and, oh yeah…this damned ice box….:{)
Hope to see ya later
I’m amazed at what a hand held, 3.5Meg point and shoot can accomplish. Leaves one wonder what might be accomplished with a D70s on tripod?
Beautiful picture — another one with great “flow”.
but like Andi always says, “it’s just out there, all I do is push the button,” ha!
Hay George, I’ll have some pouilly fuisse. Oh hell, just get me some white wine.
Boran, George sort of lifted his nose and said, “We do have a nice dry, medium bodied, white wine from the Burgundy wine-producing region of France.” But if you want the house wine….. π
I hadn’t realized that George was an onephile. Perhaps I should have stuck with the pouilly fuisse.
In the cafe we have everything. As long as we can goggle to find out what the hell it is. π
Goggle? That sounds, umm, dirty.
Never said we could spell. π
Howdy everyone! Wish I could have a beer, but I’ll have to wait for at least another hour before that can happen. Been in meetings since mid-morning and just got out a few minutes ago. Busy day here, and I’m happy to report that the Perf review went fine … it’s an ongoing process, but at this point, it looks like I’m ok and not imminently on the chopping block as I had feared. A little relief there at least.
FM, have George put some nice hoppy lagers in to cool so if I can come back later, he can personally serve me with a friendly bark. The rate things are going here, I’ll be lucky if my energy level holds out long enough to make it through KO tonight, but you never know. At least Friday is almost here! Though the weekend looks ugly weather wise … high temps & humidity, so looks like my outside work will have to be done in small shifts, if I can get to it at all. Grrr… but I keep reminding myself, this is Iowa in July!
Hope everyone else is doing great … and wonderful pics up thread there NDD! Hope to catch your BNF self soon when I can stay up long enough to go to the late night cafe!
Hi IVG. George will have em ready for you.
Glad to hear everything went well today.
You tell George thanks for me, FM! Haven’t even had a chance to read your latest opus over at the B, but I’m sure it will wait till I can get there.
Yeah, I’m more relieved now, but felt like throwing up from the minute I awoke today until after lunch. Now just exhausted and ready to go home!! 48 more minutes…
As I told you, you’re IVG and it couldn’t have been anything but good.
I used to hate to watch the minutes tick by. You’re probably down to 40, 39, 38….. π
It’ll be gone in no time and you go home for a well deserved rest.
in the latenighters!
That’s definitely a relief to have it over. You can celebrate when you get home. And I hope you drop in at some point to say hello.
I’m fleeing out the door right now … here I go … byeeeeeeeeee ……
I saw you come in but didn’t wave right away. How’s life in flower land?
It’s lovely thanks! I was on my way out the door so I missed you too.
Hope you’re doing well … π
Thx, O! Well at least the first part of the process is done and I lived to tell the tale. Can’t do too much celebrating when I get home or I’ll never make it through KO, and I’m not geezerly enough to be asleep before 8! Well, maybe I am and I’m just floating down da Nile, but that, I hope, remains to be seen!
Hope to catch you later, but this could be one of those “don’t turn on the computer” nights if I’m feeling too tired. Part of the new regime, I’m afraid … trying to get more balance back into my schedule (and I hate that, but feel it must be done.)
though it seems a shame to have to worry over it — I wish you a future in which you will sweat bullets over a review for a job you love like hell. π
Andi, thanks so much for the sentiment! That made tears come to my eyes (in a good way, unlike the other near tears lately, lol). You nailed my feelings exactly on that, oh wise photo-sage of Indiana.
Oh, and that “geezerly” comment above was in no way directed toward you! Just so you know… it’s FM whose ears should be burning, hehe. (Ok, now where is that helmet I had around here?)
Yeah, I’ll bet I can stay up at least an hour later than FM (on average)!
Geeze I take George outside and people are talking about me.
Andi I strive to your apex of geezerdom. π
A little security is a wonderful thing.
See you all in the next cafe.
Froggy Bottom Happy Hour II here