Tell Our Elected Officials that America is Not For Sale!
The intention of this framing brief is to draw attention to the benefits of the cooperative claim to America that all citizens already have and to help people understand that tearing up that cooperative claim in exchange for private ownership will destroy America as we know it.
America for Us: The Cooperative claim to America:
- Yellowstone belongs to us.
- The Grand Canyon belongs to us.
- America’s state parks belong to us.
- America’s Water supply belongs to us.
- America’s roads belong to us.
- America’s public schools belong to us.
- America’s universities belong to us.
America for Sale: The Private Ownership Society:
- Private water supply
- Private parks
- Private water supply
- Private roads
- Private schools
- Private universities
- Private healthcare
Public ownership, fair access, and wise stewardship of vital resources insures every American’s health, freedom, and quality of life, while private ownership, restricted access, and privatization of vital resources places American’s health, freedom, and quality of life in private hands.
Main Ideas
- Privatization of vital resources places our health and freedom in jeopardy.
- Public ownership, fair access, and wise stewardship of vital resources insures our health and freedom.
- To whom should resources that are vital to life belong?
- What national treasures are for sale?
- What will belong to Americans?
- To whom does America belong, the people or the powerful?
This is being worked at
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I’ve enjoyed your posts on dKos, and I’ll look into demspeak… 🙂
Nice site, Boo.
Thanks for the scroller html from the front page. I will be using that in the future.
Regarding teepad and dog discs, not a good fit, but I do have some discgolf buddies who might be interested in the site.
Thanks again for the small room with serious people.
I will be running some things by here in the future.
Glad to see you over here too.
Kossacks and Boosters united!
rich people own you
It does certainly seem as if Bush and his ilk long to return to the days of robber barons and menial wage serfs.
I also just had the thought. Maybe we should call the neo-cons “neo-medievalists” instead. :^)
Our civil rights belong to us.
Our judicial system belongs to us.
Social Security belongs to us. Private accounts=private ownership society.
Great frame, k9!
Belongs to us is where we need to place the focus to combat Bush’s ‘Ownership Society’.
It is far more social that simple ownership, which is inherently private.
Thanks for the props.