As long as all of the chips are down, or at least $147 billion of them plus another $50 billion of them are, let’s just put it out there. This is the choice we are facing with respect to Iraq. Either Congress gets serious about timelines, cutting off funding and planning on getting our troops out and choosing a “very bad” option as opposed to “much worse” option down the road.
There are a few facts which make this an already impossible situation to have any potential favorable resolution – in any measurable or meaningful way – and these facts give us two options. Those two are simple: make plans to leave Iraq in relatively short order or stay there for ten, twenty, thirty or more years with an overstretched military, hundreds of billions of dollars wasted, hundreds of thousands or millions of lives ruined, and more violence and destruction than anyone can fathom.
I’ll say it again, that is the choice we are facing with respect to Iraq, and it is time that these two options are put out there as the choices we are staring at.
Consider the following two positions taken by General Petraeus over the past few months. For starters, he says that this is a “decades long” struggle. And a few months earlier, he said that there is no military solution in Iraq. So right there, we have a decades long struggle that our own military commander indicated will not be able to be solved with his military.
More recently, the NIE released earlier this week indicated the dire political process in Iraq. Nobody, NOBODY in their right minds believes that the United States can positively influence the political process in Iraq – certainly not in the short to mid term. Besides, if the “purple fingers” meant anything at all, then it is really none of our business to stick our noses in where they don’t belong (hear that, Senators Levin and Clinton?).
Violence is out of control. This is the most violent summer yet. More casualties per attack, more lethal attacks, more sophisticated attacks. Borderline ethnic cleansing. Rampant unemployment. Little to no electricity or clean water. The government MIA. Hundreds of thousands of US weapons “missing” (read: lost to or stolen by those who are attacking us and each other). Hundreds of billions of dollars gone.
And now another $200 billion more? For WHAT???? If it isn’t for getting us the hell out of dodge, then it shouldn’t even go any further than that. More of the same is just that – more of the same. No timeline now means what? If not now, then when the hell is it the “right time” to talk about a withdrawal or a real exit strategy?
The GAO report giving the unvarnished truth about how dire the situation is in Iraq is being whitehoused, er, whitewashed and will clearly be more rosy than the truth. As will the Petraeus White House report on Iraq.
And that is the thing, which I will say very clearly – this administration and its supporters lie through their teeth about Iraq. They are using our troops as pawns as they chest thump about something that will never ever ever happen. Wishing and clapping hard doesn’t make anything happen. These are lives at stake – not pieces in a game of Risk™.
You would think that the news that a plane carrying US Congressmen (three out of four who are republicans) was shot at in Iraq would send a dose of reality through these people and jolt the discussion back from the land of make believe. You would think that the steady stream of reports indicating how far out of control things are EVERYWHERE would at least have this outrageous $200 billion demand from Bush be laughed out of the discussion.
Yet here we are, on the eve of Congress coming back into session, and there is not only a risk that this $200 billion request will be granted but that a certain core group of traitors will hijack the debate into a third war with Iran to go along with the other two that we are getting our asses handed to us in.
It comes down to a simple question for those in Congress who are trying to tap dance around the elephant in the room. That includes all Presidential candidates who are in Congress and have a voice, because this will define your presidency as well.
Do you have the courage to act now and make a significant move towards ending the disaster in Iraq and turning this country around? Or do you want to stay in Iraq for decades, sinking hundreds of billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of troops into it? Do you want a rebuilt military and the National Guard here doing what it should? Or do you want to continue bankrupting this country and destroying the military as well as what little bit may be left of our reputation around the world?
Do you want to address all of the very important and major problems facing this country? Or do you want to have a draft in order to support another 10 – 15 years of military occupation in Iraq that will only have more disastrous results?
That is the choice. Out now or not for decades. Your actions over the next few weeks will determine what your choice is. And there can be no excuses – you can’t say that you didn’t know this was coming.
also in orange
I totally agree with you and personally want a quicker than hell withdrawal.
but i think and god only knows why they are thinking this but it appears to me that the political and foreign policy elites have decided to stay in iraq. perhaps in a much diminished capacity within the next year or two, but i don’t see how it can be interpreted otherwise. not only that but the crackpots in the WH are planning to attack iran within a short time frame and that will only double or triple the violence in the whole region. and the neo-cons or the israelis may even use some tactical nukes. they are that far gone from reality.
and the spineless demoRats, well…..what can you say about such a divided and gutless party of corporate hacks beholden to a militaristic and imperial mentality which has ruled america since the end of WWII. the imperatives of Empire are running the show and the elites can’t seem to get away from the idea that they have to try to dominate and control all events everywhere in the world, particularly in areas where there are incredibly rich oil and natural gas supplies, such as in the persian gulf, caspian sea and in venezuela, etc etc
your choices are totally accurate. i feel that the rubicon has already been passed, regardless of what any demoRat candidate says now, once they, he or she, get into office, they too will feel the Imperial imperatives.
only a ground swell of antiwar activism, and i mean actual bodies, lots of them, protesting in the streets and civil disobedience… and american society becoming unmanageable will end this madness. phone calls, faxes and emails to your congressperson ain’t gonna cut the mustard and end this war.
You seem to be new here. Welcome.
Everything you say is true, and needs to become the conventional wisdom in the blogosphere. Many bloggers cannot get it through their heads that the US is ruled by an elite, that Democratic congressmen belong to it, and that elites never want the same things that the people want. But those three facts explain what’s been happening with the Dems on Iraq and impeachment. If you don’t accept all three, then the Dems’ “cowardice” in the face of a president with Nixonian approval ratings just continues to become more and more baffling.
It’s pretty clear that the hope is to weaken the insurgency sufficiently so that the military belonging to the Iraqi puppet government can engage it on its own, with the US only providing air support. Then American forces could hunker down in the megabases, and troop levels cut by around half.
Unfortunately for the neocolonialists, the forces of the puppet government will never be able to deal with the insurgency, for reasons I don’t need to go into because they are well known by now. Thus, I think where pressure to end the occupation will come from is from a progressive breakdown of the army. (Unless a draft is instituted, it’s hard for me to envision the kind of popular resistance in the US you call for.) The military has said that present troop levels cannot be sustained in Iraq much beyond next spring. When the breakdown of the army becomes sufficiently severe (in the Vietnam war, there were apparently incidents of soldiers killing their officers), our rulers will have to decide whether they are so committed to subjugating the Middle East that they will institute a draft. If that were to happen, of course, the domestic political situation would change drastically, so that the kind of resistance you speak of would emerge.
But this is the way it is with empires. They never retreat voluntarily. They desperately try to hang on to their conquests. The only reason the Brits dismantled their empire is that the US forced it to. (India was an exception.)
Bush to Brown:
All countries must stay course in Iraq
Published: 01 September 2007 – The Independent, UK
the Guardian UK has a little different take on the situation:
also, Iraq’s radical Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr has announced that his Mehdi Army will be suspended for six months, but it is still too early to know the full significance of his statement.…via BBC.
interesting. it would seem to indicate, to me at least, an excellent opportunity to negotiate a cease fire, and begin to withdraw all american and coalition forces. Sadr’s a major player, whether BushCo™ likes it or not.
never happen though…too fucking obvious, and still no Oil Law.
Imho, The Guardian-Observer, UK has taken to drinking Bush brand kool-aid. There’s been a fair amount of tension.
From The London Times, UK – ” in the new relationship, here’s the root of the strain.”
Whatever. In the end, US efforts in Iraq will all crumble including this.
Welcome to the new US embassy
It’s bigger than Saddam’s palace and, with a cinema, gym and pool, is the safest and smartest place to live in Iraq…