Pupinator III: The Rise of the Eating Machines
I decided it was time to jump start the Dog Blog back into existence (and to quit mucking up the lounge with all the puppy pics).
So here they are, the Eating Machines at two weeks old, and at least four times the size they were when born.
The morning after they were born. Luna was still out-of-it from the c-section and hadn’t yet twigged that they were hers.
Oops, I just checked the date stamp on the above photo, and it was taken the night they were born.
This is their first morning. Note their length in relation to her foreleg. Then compare to the diary photo.
Yay! I want that one in the middle. Is s/he? all white with black ears? A perfect match for my cat, Bunny.
But not a good fit for my apartment. I just might move back to the country for one of Luna’s babies.
Great to see the dog blog reappear. It’s always been my fave.
The one in the middle of the diary photo is “Super Squeak” and she is all white except for the partial mask and one small spot above her tail. At this point it looks like she’ll have one grey ear and one mostly white ear.
On all of the pups the black masks will fade to grey ears and dark eyes stripes, with just a sprinkling of grey to show where the mask once was. And, because their undercoat is pure white, they will be distinctly whiter in the Winter, and more marked looking each Summer after they toss their undercoat.
Maybe you’ll be back in the country by the time we have a litter from one of Luna’s daughters.
That Luna is such a cutie pie, and the puppies…!!
I guess I’ll have to take some pics of Hopey. 🙂
Yep, Hopey pics are required.
Gargantua is all ready embracing her nickname (and mum’s teats) with great gusto. Even after the other two have fallen back asleep she’s still hanging on for the extra ounce.
I’ve been missing it. And now I have a dog ‘nephew’ to show off.
Truman with Honky Football in his mouth daring anyone to take it.
Aw, a nephew! Has it convinced you to take the big motherhood plunge?
Nope. Sometimes I dog sit and he’s a lot of work. I can’t even imagine how much work a kid is.
But usually my parents do all the dog sitting and spoiling. I just visit and play.
He’s very sweet. He’ll be 2 in April. (I think April, I should check on that).
No, you gotta get the lingo down. He’s 22 months old. I think you measure by months until they’re like 6 years old….I mean 72 months.
See? I’m bad at this younguns thing. I don’t even know the lingo.
What a cutie.
and not only is he really cute but he has a fine sense of color coordination — he clearly knows how good the black and blue looks against the red. 🙂
Bottom left is Squeak, top left is Gar, and on the right is The Dude.
Hopey’s first snow
Lol. By the look of it, she’s not impressed.
She looks bewildered 🙂
I love the little white blob of snow on the end of her nose.
Momma’s boy.
The height of the heatwave. I was literally icing down the dogs in the hottest part of the afternoon.
Hector by this time had entered his “lurking” mode. I’ve put a highlighting circle around him to help you spot him.
Apparently it was too hot to take puppy pictures that day. It was already 30C/86F at 6:00am. At least, unlike the rest of Australia (the much warmer bits we Tasmanians like to call “the North Island”), we didn’t have any heat deaths in Tasmania that week.
I can relate as a sufferer of hot flashes.
I get night sweats, so I can relate.
I think Luna looks so happy because the weather finally cooled.
Their first attempt at total assimilation.
I think the realization has finally sunk in – these little rug rats are her sole responsibility. Obviously, I help, but I think until this point she was under the impression she was just filling in until their real mother took over.
This one is my new favourite. Luna is a beautiful girl.
(Adding my Yay!s to the chorus on seeing you back keres. We missed you. 🙂
And Luna and Hector and Hopey and Truman and puppies and puppies and puppies and puppies!!!
How to spend the morning when it’s -4 out.
click for larger
I see that you had to get up from your place by the fire in order to take the picture.
I see that you’ve got north, east and west covered. You need a fourth dog. How about a nice basset?
There’s no place for another dog bed so three’s the limit. Plus four dogs and the county required you to meet the licensing requirements for a kennel.
When are they going to open their eyes? Or are they just sleeping in all of the pics?
Squeak started opening her eyes two days ago, The Dude is just starting to open his, and Gar is holding out against the light.
Here’s a squinty Squeak about 36 hours ago.
OMG, she’s so cute! How do you get anything done with all that cuteness around?
Between the cuteness, several loads of washing every day, and feeding Luna, etc., I pretty much don’t get anything else done.
And, since I believe it really helps to imprint young animals with human wackiness (i.e.turning them upside down, handling their feet and faces, and other things dogs normally have happen to them, etc), they all get a several sessions of handling/massage everyday.
Oh, and because they are two weeks old today they’ll get their first toenail trim and worming.
awwww. She’s a sweetie!
More squinty Squeak.
It’s such tiring work – this being a puppy.
Hector has figured out that if he waits for Luna to go outside he can hop in the nest for a round of ballet, and poop and pee all over the place for good measure.
Hector, clearly, will not be assimilated.
Hector the bad seed. Does he approach the puppies at all?
Warily. I think it’s more that they make funny noises and smell like sour milk than any actual fear of them.
The pups should be truly tottering about the house in a week’s time. It will be interesting to see if he devises a ‘game’ to play with them.
‘game’ aka ‘prey?’…it’s highly likely hector’s going to find himself playing that role as the pups get to be lot bigger than he is.
much amusement will ensue, l’m sure.
His “ballet” is him playing/practicing a prey-animal’s evasive maneuvers.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he finds it fun to get the puppies interest aroused and then run around so fast they fall over just trying to keep track of where he’s at.
He really is a naughty lil’ devil at times. And very fond of games.
nor would l, it’s a wonderful thing to watch pups, young animals in general, play, and hector’s not much more than a pup himself…or whatever they call young rabbits……bunnies?
your hands are going to be more than full for a while.
enjoy it, l would.
Young rabbits are called “kittens” or “kits”. Not that anyone (but me) calls them that.
Dogs whelp. And the whelp of a dog is called a puppy. Rabbits have litters of kittens, but Cats have kindles of kittens. Beavers have kittens, but not litters or kindles. English is one crazy language, but I like knowing it.
That’s a great picture of a bad boy bunny. 🙂
Because they have to go somewhere when I clean their nest.
I’m going to need a bigger box soon (like today).
Go Hector — resist!
Thanks for restarting this post, keres.