I’m beat. But in a few minutes I’m off to my daughter’s regularly scheduled Saturday morning softball game. It’s one of my biggest joys to watch my skinny as a stick daughter drill pitches to the outfield or catch a fly ball. Not bragging, but last week she fielded a hard liner to second on the fly and then doubled off the runner from first who thought there was no way she was going to catch what looked like a double (or more) headed over her head. How many of you have an 11 year old daughter who could do all that?
Did I tell you I’m a proud father?
What’s on tap for your Saturday morning?
(United Press International June 6 2007
Of course there were a lot of people in the US who were pressing the “Must attack Iran” agenda back then too (Tom Friedman accused Clinton of being a ‘coward’ for not immediately attacking Iran) but there were many indications of Al-Qaeda involvment:
On the London-based daily Al-Qods al-Arabi (8/13/96) reported that six veterans of the Afghan war who had been trained by bin-Laden had confessed to the Dhahran bombing and the Saudis were preparing a statement detailing their confessions. The daily said the six were from the al-Jamiyin group, Sunni fighters in Afghanistan who once had been supported by the Saudi government. The report, which cited informed sources and sources close to the group said the six were being held in Jubail prison and were being questioned by the director of general investigations under the direct supervision of the Interior Minister, Prince Nayef. The report also said the Interior Minister had banned any other party from questioning them. Pentagon and White House officials refused to comment on the report.
Meanwhile, Bin Laden, who was hiding in Afghanistan and waging his own battles against the US from there, warned in an interview with London’s Al-Qods newspaper of “preparations for major operations” if Americans don’t leave Saudi Arabia: “We had thought that the Riyadh, and al-Khobar blasts were a sufficient signal to sensible US decision-makers to avert a real battle between the Islamic nation and US forces, but it seems that they did not understand the signal.”
Who was encouraging the US to attack Iran? Was the Khobar bombing a “false flag” operation?
Errands, errands and more errands. Have fun at your daughter’s game, Steven.
Cool. Softball is fun.
Hi Folks. Wanted to first give an update on my situation to those who have been worried. I am sleeping on the floor( on an air mattress) at a friend’s place and even have a job interview on Wed. Things are going slowly but at least in the right directions.
I will be attending the Gay Pride Festival in Austin, Texas today and working as a volunteer at the John Edwards booth. I will add that he is the only Presidential Candidate to think it was important enough to have a booth at Pride!!!
This is the shirt I will be wearing today and also again on Tuesday when I see him here in Austin.
John Edwards in 2008
So glad to hear from you, and that things are sowly getting better. You know what they say: “When you’re going through hell, keep going.”
Have a great time today!
Thanks for the update – been thinking of you. Good luck on Wednesday.
Remember – patience, my friend. Never surrender.
Hi RF.
It’s good to see you. I’ve been thinking of you and wondering how things are going. I hope Wed. turns into something good.
Keep in touch.
Hi RF. So glad to hear from you and know you are still with us here. This will get better. They always do if you want them to. I wish you the very best of luck. Hang tough, my friend. many hugs.
Have fun at softball with your daughter Steven.
We’re off to baseball shortly. Hopefully CBtY won’t get hit with the ball today. 🙂
I, too, am very proud of your daughter. She sounds like a great softball player. Give her my best of confidence in her. BTW, how is your wife doing? I think of her a lot. Take good care of Steven too….;o)
She’s cancer free and doing very well. Thanks for asking Brenda.
Oh Steven, I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for telling me this good news.
It gives me hope for you all and your future. big hugs
Wow, that is great news. I wish her the best, as I know many of us do. A friend of Steven’s, etc. :>)
plays football (strangely you murkins call it soccer) and she is damn good! And I’m unbiased!
WTG on the Steve Jr. I’m a proud mom too. I just died my girl’s hair red. I hope it works. Tonight I am taking her to a school play and then tomorrow she has her first training session to be a volunteer Teen Wildlife Guide at the local zoo.
I’m also stoked that we now have a team of Guardian Angels to come into our crime ridden neighborhood.