After the fundraising call from the DCCC yesterday through the Telefund group, I have been seething inside. I posted about it. I have not gotten over it because I saw two new realities that my rather naive view of politics is having a heck of a lot of trouble taking in.
Reality #1: When I mentioned we donated to the DNC because of Howard Dean, and also were members of DFA….her mood changed for the worse. Before then we had just been chatting about things in a friendly manner.
Reality #2: When I said I feared the party was going to give in on women’s issues to get more members this time, then it really got bad. I was not even allowed to tell her how much we did locally. It went downhill. The tone and her words, that no one was willing to give up their issues, made it clear I was right about the intent. She was furious, angry, that I was so presumptive as to differ on this.
I intend to keep eyes out now for what women are facing. I do a search regularly on the Democrats for Life group which is gaining access to the party now with Governor Dean’s permission. Love you, Gov, but that is not playing well with many of us.
The Democrats for Life refused to endorse Kerry last year. I found this article today about them. I do not trust them to just want a say in the party, I think they are sort of taking over women’s issues. Some of them are very extremist in their views. The head of the Florida chapter even wrote an article about Kerry called:
Could Kerry be the ‘Hitler of the Unborn’?
Last I heard Ms Mierzwa was still president of the Florida chapter of Democrats for Life, and still ranting like a fool.
I ran across this article today which tells more about Howard’s meeting with the Democrats for Life, and it also points out that Planned Parenthood is going to let us down as well. Don’t get me wrong. I know this is not just about abortion, per se. This is about women’s rights in general.
It won’t take much to go to the next level. This group is more religious in nature than it is political. They are misrepresenting the percentage of people who do not believe in a woman’s rights to have one. The next step will be forbidding certain types of birth control based on their view that life begins at conception. Then there will be other areas involving women on which the line could be crossed. The groups like this believe as a rule that a woman needs to be in the home while her children are young, and they do not for a moment hesitate to put a woman on a guilt trip if she chooses a career as well.
Pro-abortion groups realize `choice’ isn’t selling in U.S. politics
Democratic think tank, the Third Way, billing itself as a “strategy center for progressives” attempting to reverse the social tide in the United States toward traditional values, said that the Democrat party and abortion groups need to change their rhetoric.
After its success in moving the Democrats to the center on gun control, the think tank is now focusing on abortion with “a series of briefing papers on abortion, with policy and messaging that will help progressives win the war of ideas.”
Newsweek magazine obtained a brief from the Third Way that shows the country is locked into polarized positions, but that most of the public falls into the undecided category which the brief calls, “grays.”
“We’ve now gotten locked in a frame and policies for 30 years that speak to the polars but don’t speak to the grays,” said Third Way president Jon Cowan.
And this part breaks my heart because I know Howard Dean is sincerely for a woman’s right to choose. I hate that he is allowing himself and women to be manipulated by language. I don’t think he knows that this group for what it really is. I am furious to see George Lakoff’s words which are mentioned in this article. I have loved his works, have his book, appreciate much of his framing. In this article he goes overboard, I think.
“He said he wanted to take ‘abortion’ out of the political lexicon,” former DNC head Steve Grossman said.
Lakoff, whom Newsweek called an “unofficial guru to beleaguered Democrats,” suggested that the new approach to abortion should be on “reducing unwanted pregnancies” and using the phrase “personal freedom.”
This suggestion has been eagerly adopted by NARAL, which introduced its new advertising strategy, using the phrase, ” ‘culture of freedom and responsibility’… soundly beats ‘culture of life.’ “
And note that NARAL is toeing the line now. All is well, don’t worry. The sad part is that I am a very moderate person, a Christian. I never had an abortion, but I remember when it was not legal. This group wants to take us back to the 60s. I don’t think we should let them.
I read in an article that the President of the National chapter of Democrats for Life is a featured speaker at the National Right to Life group convention this month. They are also very close with Feminists for Life. All together these groups are powerful.
All together these groups are powerful.
They probably won’t see this, but I want to ask, “Any questions, Markos and Armando?”
Excellent post.
I posted it there. Will drop quickly, I do imagine.
and dropped a “recommend” on it…hope it helps keep it up there a while longer.
Markos et al were so upset when NARAL endorsed Chafee (did I get that right?), where were they when DfL refused to endorse Kerry?
Just checkin’…
Thanks. I posted about that fact as well a while ago there, but it dropped pretty quickly. I guess my eyes got opened yesterday from the Telefund call. It got vicious, like I was not properly falling in line.
I sense there’s a story there.
there are 13 states where the vote goes against our interests.
here are the democat for life all stars:
if you are in one of these rep’s district contact him (its almost always a him) and vote against them and move them out of office in the next election.
and here’s a post on TRAP which you might find interesting:
by the way if you’re truly interested in this issue you should come on over to our word and join. we’re going to fight this upcoming battle tooth and nail. and we can damn sure use some help.
Thanks for sharing.
from the Democrats for Life site. From Florida, that Hagenmaier did not win and most definitely positively was NOT an all-star. He was put in by religious groups to run against a DFA inspired candidate who was openly gay.
He was said to have used his own money to support his campaign, but we were distrustful of that. We checked the FEC, nothing showed. The churches turned out, Southern Baptist and Catholic, and he won the primary, though he frankly said he did not know what he was doing.
I wonder how many others on that list did not make it?
PLEASE don’t let this shake you or make you feel belittled. This woman, and the whole crew behind her, are just too “inside.” They’ve lost any real sense of purpose beyond winning. In the process they’re sabotaging their own efforts.
I’m proud of you for standing your ground and taking the time to argue about this–but remember, you don’t have to justify yourself to them, but rather, the other way around. What they’re doing is just stupid.
I would definitely suggest that you send a letter to the DCCC as well as the DNC etc. I don’t think they will take kindly to the idea that their phone crew is alienating Democrats!
I do feel that these people are dangerous, but I don’t think it stops with women’s issues either. They are betraying the interests of working people, minorities, the poor, and all of us through their compromises with the corporate power structure on environmental and economic issues. We have to make our stand for the principles we believe in or it won’t mean shit if the Democrats do regain power in DC.
…is that much of the power structure of your party — not only nationally, but at the state level, too — is made up of such people.
More power to those who want to take the Democratic Party back from the win-at-any-cost crowd (which tends to be made up of convinced centrists and conservatives….funny that!). But it’s a lot easier said than done.
I live in a tri-state area (MD-DC-VA), so I’m treated to multiple campaigns. I’m physically located in MD, about 3 miles from the District line.
Yesterday, I heard in the background “As your Governer, blah, blah, faith, …,values,…, Christian missionary, blah” and thought to myself: Meh, the Pubbie candidate for VA governer. I was so wrong. The ad was for Kaine (D) for Governer.
Check it out:
Count how many times you read faith/family/God. Let me now get to the GOP talking points:
[1] I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman and that marriage is a uniquely valuable institution that must be preserved. As Lieutenant Governor, I participated with local clergy and civic leaders in the public signing of the Community Marriage Policy in order to document our shared commitment to the institution of marriage.
[2] I also believe that we must work to protect the sanctity and nature of marriage, which is why I supported covenant marriage legislation to enhance couples’ understanding of marriage as a lifelong commitment, and the reduction of the marriage license tax for couples who undergo marriage preparation with a minister or counselor.
WTF????? Can you belive this???
[3] I have a faith-based opposition to abortion. As governor, I will work in good faith to reduce abortions by:
Promoting adoption as an alternative for women facing unwanted pregnancies.
W-O-W. Newt says the era of ‘values’ campaigning is over for the GOP. Too bad the DEMS didn’t get the memo.
I don’t see how any democrat in their right mind can support this nonsense. DLC/DFA, whatever — none of the national organizations are getting my money. Perhaps some of my state reps will — if they do, they are going to know my name and my expectations of them. I will be in their faces with my check.
It’s not about “single-issue” voting any longer. It’s multiple issues. It’s about separation of church and state. It’s about women’s issues. It’s about stem cell research (note: I am a scientist by training).
In VA, like PA, the majority poll pro-choice. You wouldn’t know it by looking at the “Dem” candidates, would you?
I have seen sig lines that sport “StemCellPAC” along side “CaseyforPA”. People — when you are cornered into supporting candidates that are perpendicular to issues that are important to you — stop and think. Something is very wrong.
The GOP and the DEMS both are reducing us to some monolithic representation of the USA that serves them — not us.
Your quote here, “no one was willing to give up their issues,” and the idea the fund raiser conveyed that this was bad, really stood out for me. Variations on this theme are something I’ve heard way too often from blog commentors and Democratic pundits. Each time it baffles me.
What at root are political parties, if not organizations where people can band together in support of their issues? I am not a Democrat because there is anything inherently magical about the Democratic party. I am a Democrat, because we Democrats have come together around issues including philosophy of government.
If the Democratic party leaves behind those things for which I joined the party and I cannot get them to return to them, why on Earth would I continue to support the party?
“If the Democratic party leaves behind those things for which I joined the party and I cannot get them to return to them, why on Earth would I continue to support the party?”
Good question!!! I think the DLC/Old Guard has one more election to lose before a viable 3rd party alternative rises up out of depths of necessity. And with some luck we may still actually be able to vote AND have it counted then.
I have this dream… Imagine one day, maybe most effectively a couple months before the 2006 elections (early enough to not prevent voting), if all in one day – let’s call it Green Sunday – 50% of registered Democrats switched to independent, or a 3rd party. Totally organized, totally enormous. It would be SO all over the news. What a message that would be. What an incredible silent protest! The republicans would have to change their shorts over their glee, but it would be such a sight to behold.
I know it would never happen, but at the rate things are going (and this diary and some comments really surprised me about just how bad it’s getting!), the trickle is going to become a flood. Maybe we can sign up 10% for Green Sunday… that would be enough for me!
The irony of it all is that the actual issues real Americans believe in are wholeheartedly on the left… so why does the left party insist on moving rightward to catch them??
Dean’s stance on abortion has actually been remarkably consistent and principled, given all the pressure the kos-blogsphere, Vichy Pragmatists, DLC, NDN, and DFL are bringing to bear to try and get the party to switch to an anti-choice misogynist position.
Dean’s stance seems to be that talking about abortion is bad. Talking about choice is good. This makes sense.
Also, it’s worth noting that “give up your issues” is really code for “support my issues“. No matter who’s saying it, that’s what the meaning always seems to reduce to.
From all places the Southern Baptist newsletter from Florida…the Florida Baptist Witness:
Democrats for Life may be gaining traction in party
About the 95/10 initiative:
“The initiative does not seek to make abortion illegal, but rather to dissuade women from having one. It proposes federal funding for a toll-free number in each state that would direct women to nonprofit adoption centers or organizations that help women carry babies to term. Organizations providing abortion referral services would not qualify.”
More from the article:
“The 95-10 initiative’s 17 proposals do include some language indicating their Democratic origins–for example, federal grants “to school districts that are in need of funds to administer effective, age-appropriate pregnancy prevention education.” Such wording leaves the door open for the promotion of condom use rather than abstinence. But Ms. Day insisted the intention is for a balance between abstinence training and the how-to of contraception.”
They are wasting no time on getting involved in the contraception issue. What next? I see they are very involved with the Southern Baptists, who are teaming up with Catholics and Presbyterians via a mega-church in Coral Springs, Florida. They are not only taking on women’s rights, but gay rights as well.
But that is a diary for another day. I simply cannot wrap my brain around any more stuff today.
Yes i think there should be an alternative to the headline:
Democrats for Life may be gaining traction in party
along the lines of
Progressive Women who Support Reproductive Rights Fleeing the Democratic party in Droves.
because from where I sit that is exactly what’s happening. The republican party takes care of their base, or at least pretends to, while the Democratic party, in an effort to win, sells their base out.
in fact here is the straight from the top party-line meme from nathan newman, posted over at trish wilson’s site.
if you vote to put pro (fetal) life democrats in office expect them to vote against your reproductive rights every single chance they get. the kewl thing is most women who are aware of this issue aren’t so stupid as to buy into nathan’s party-line meme.
witness trish in the same thread.
thread from
The Countess
what she said. on a personal note i will no longer donate money to the national party or the state party because they will fund pro (fetal) life DINOs. I will look at each race individually and any monetary support, or volunteer efforts will only be made to those who are traditional democrats who respect the rights of women.
end of story.
The Roberts hearings are going to be the deciding factor for the “game the system” strategy. If the Democrats get their shit together and provide a unified defence against this nominee – who is awful for all aspects of the Democratic party platform – then the strategy might have merit. If a single Democrat votes in Roberts’ favour on any vote (including a vote to end debate – yes, I expect them to filibuster him if he gets that far!), then it should be clear to everyone that the strategy is a bankrupt sham intended to steer the party towards a more “convenient” pro-life position and leave women twisting in the wind.
Abstinence training? Abstinence training? Abstinence training?
Right. The next person who tells me that progressives should work towards the election of pro-life Democrats isn’t even going to get the satisfaction of an argument. I’m just going to laugh in their face and point them at this diary. Because it’s pretty obvious that these “pro-life” Democrats are the people who think the Republicans aren’t going far enough.
I’ve got your (not yours, Egawean, but these asswipes we call “lawmakers”) fucking absitence training right here, motherfuckers, it’s called having kids while trying to scrape by — I am lucky if I get to talk with my husband 5 or 10 minutes a day sans children, sans work bullshit and money stress, let alone any fucking going on — godamnit these people are so fucking ignorant it makes my head spin!
[green goo optional]
As I’ve said before… It’s no coincidence that the abstinence ed program and the “marry early, have kids early” push originate from the same people. The two are, combined, intended to limit the educational (and, thus, job) opportunities available to young people, especially young poor people. They’re all aimed at perpetuating the wealth divide and, thus, the Democratic party cannot jettison women’s rights without also becoming a party of the rich.
Sometimes I feel like my life is all upside down and weird-ass…I finished my master’s degree when I was 23, for 8 years after, I worked jobs ranging from bouncer at a bar to waitressing at the resort where Dirty Dancing was filmed to convience store clerk to teaching English overseas. When I got back to the states I worked as a receptionist for a while and then got a gig teaching college in Kingsville, Texas. Opened up a retirement account, got health insurance, the whole deal. A year later my grandfather died and left me $40,000, I paid off my car (only had about 1300$ left on it) all of my credit cards (I only had two back then) and invested the rest of it (and did well with those investments too — in two years they made an average of 17%…)
ANYway, a long way of getting around to the part where I get pregnant at 32, single and unable to identify the father (I went to the two possibilities, one showed me medical records of a vascetmy and the other was hostile as hell to the idea of a paternity test). I had just stated my Ph.D. program the year before, tried looking for a full time job and went on interviews while visibly pregnant (yes, I was that naive….I felt terrible about having 7 interviews and no job, until I figured it out).
Here I am at 39, two kids and married now, almost done (just got to write that damned dissertation) with a Ph.D. and I am in the worst financial shape of my entire life.
I made my choice to have my elder son, I know myself well and knew if I had an abortion I would be living with that for the rest of my life, beating myself up etc., etc., and I felt that I had resources enough to cope, even without family around, but those who would FORCE that choice on others have only my deepest contempt, no one should be made to choose this. NO ONE.
I have no idea wht I would have done if abortion wasn’t even an option I was allowed to consider, I’m sure that I would have felt very very trapped and not in control of my own life and no one should be made to feel that way.
Damn. That was long!
it was magnificent.
Coming from you, moiv, that means the world.
I admire what you do SOOO much, some time soon, I’d like to take you out to lunch — if there is EVER anything I can do to help you do what you do, just say the words. I will be there within the hour.
Fr. Frank Pavone, Director of Priests for Life, wields a tremendous amount of influence. This is what he thinks about the birth control provisions of 95-10.
Pavone has said publicly that he expects the contraception provision in 95-10 to be “modified.” I’ve referred to this bill as a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but I expect to see the sheep sheared before it comes out of committee.
I was going to post it,but you saved me the trouble. I read it and got so angry.
Who the hell do they think they are to control women like that?
Where did they get that righteous attitude?
He thinks he’s Father Frank Pavone, and he gets it straight from God.
Now get thee to a nunnery.
For example, we always have to avoid the trap of thinking that access to contraception is a solution to the abortion problem. The opposite, in fact, is true.
I am very sick of having Catholics force their religious stances down our collective throats. They cannot convince more than a small minority of their laity that their neanderthal, misogynistic notions of sexual ‘morality’ are valid. And, as Katrina aptly demonstrated, they’re just as apt to leave the elderly and poor behind to die and save their sorry asses when a major metropolitan area is evacuated as the Protestants.
When I conjure images of “Democrats for Life,” I assume that this is an ideology which favors strong reproductive rights with respect to unwanted pregnancy preventative issues: using federal dollars to increase access to and information about birth control; lobbying for legislation which decreases poverty; introducing laws which guarantee child and health care to all.
In my ignorance, I hadn’t imagined that these groups actually believe that they will implement the same ridiculous, counterproductive and dracionian regressive ideology which has gripped the GOP.
This is insane.
recently signed on as one the 65 cosponsors of what I call the “Pull Roe’s Feeding Tube” Act:
How many perenially loyal, straight-ticket voting, pro-choice women in Minnesota does this Peterson creep depend on to help him stay in office?
Pre-born. Pre-born.
They’re spinning the party so hard that people are starting to fly through the walls.
I’d like to see them explain how they are going to handle the conflicts this creates. If a fetus is equal to the pregnant woman carrying, what happens when she does something that endangers a fetus, like have chemo, take bipolar medication, drive, walk down the basement stairs, stay with the father of the child (after all, murder is the leading cause of death among pregnant women)?
and this diary from a week ago details the way it’s working out as of this month: Texas OK’s Death Penalty for Abortion Providers.
But problems began as soon as the law was implemented back in 2003.
So as you can see, Andi, the best way to resolve any inadvertent conflicts created by laws like this is to execute doctors who provide abortion care and throw pregnant women in jail. Then it all works out just fine.
I certainly agree with the lawyer. It seems to me that Texas might as well just lock up all pregnant women since it’s hard to see how they can be alive and not be in violation of the law.
will do all right and stay out of trouble as long as they drink only from natural Artesian springs and graze only in organic pastures.
But otherwise we’ll just have to round ’em up.
If a fetus is equal to the pregnant woman carrying, what happens when she does something that endangers a fetus, like have chemo, take bipolar medication, drive, walk down the basement stairs,
I had a discussion with a fellow over on DKos who was golden with this notion. He was of the opinion that jail time was “on the table” for women do things like exercise too strenuously and then miscarry. He had supporters too. Indeed I was informed I should shut up and be respectful and so was not able to question him further and thus discover the full extent of his mental illness.
As for chemo it’s clear that women should, as Martin Luther said, “Bear children and die.” Gestation is our sole redeeming function.
stay with the father of the child (after all, murder is the leading cause of death among pregnant women)?
The religious right seldom admits that males are in any sense responsible for conceiving children much less responsible contributing to their care after they’re born. They believe that uppity women are the problem and are destroying the social fabric of the country. They believe that if the pregnant woman had been a good wife he would not have had to beat her or kill her.
progressives should be pointing out its logical conclusion. This is the kind of thing that can clear that so-called muddy middle right up. The far right doesn’t really represent the opinions and beliefs of most Americans but the left and middle have done a very poor job of taking advantage of their extreme positions to expose them for the totalitarian control freaks that they are.
This has always seemed to me to be the most utterly insane angle of the entire fetal-right-to-life argument — because a huge number of pregnancies never go to term, but abort naturally, often before the woman even realizes she’s pregnant. Something like half of first time pregnancies fail, I read somewhere. This is the body’s natural process — something isn’t right with the zygote, so the body rejects it. It happens all the time.
Are they REALLY going to investigate every instance of miscarriage or spontaneous abortion as a potential murder case? Are they going to require doctors to investigate every woman with heavy bleeding just in case it’s not the usual monthly flow? Require a pregnancy test with each doctor’s visit, just in case a woman MIGHT be pregnant and not doing all she possibly could to ensure the delivery of a healthy baby? The logistics are simply insane.
My sister had an abortion once. She didn’t want one — she had really wanted a second child. But she had a uterine tumor that was growing faster than the fetus — and the doctors were certain that the fetus itself was malformed and would never go to term anyway. So she had no choice — and the doctors were right about the fetus, too, it would never have survived. What would her choices have been under these Right to Life bastards? Wait until she miscarried and her health was seriously compromised, and just cross her fingers about the tumor? Would they have wanted an investigation to decide whether the tumor and the fetal death was or was not somehow her fault?
How can people get so fixated on unborn, unformed cellular masses — and be so totally callous and unfeeling to the living, breathing women and children already in the world around them?
How can people get so fixated on unborn, unformed cellular masses — and be so totally callous and unfeeling to the living, breathing women and children already in the world around them?
Because those little zygotes are sinless, unlike those of us who are post-born and pre-dead*.
* unless pre-dead and brain-dead which is also good because then we can sin no more.
Actually, according to them, children are born predisposed to evil. That’s why they oppose nurturing. You’re supposed to smack your kid around until they accept Jesus.
Just wait. We’ll get:
Online pregnancy tests, where you pee onto a disposable terminal, then plug it into your USB port, go online and register, and then get your results. If you test postive, the Breeder Police come to your home and install the biometric monitor to check on your blood chemistry, metabolic vitals, the presence of cigarette smoke (although this may be required, you know, because them tabacky companies have a right to make money to finance “pro-life” policies), and keep track of your whereabouts via GPS.
Then, after gender equality is finally recognized, men will have ejaculation monitors installed as part of the new Pro-Life Circumcision. Every ejaculation leads to potential penalties for wasting potential life. However, in the House Breeder Oversight Committee, a compromise will be reached where men will be subject to Ejaculation Tax (which the religiousish types will call a Death Tax).
Then, as more is learned about the Human Genome, the State will find it’s in its interest to prevent certain people from breeding — especially people who might be predisposed to vote for the other party. Those with the progressive gene will be sterilized in state-funded programs administered by faith-based breeding centers.
And everyone will have microchips implanted in their skulls. However, this program will almost fail when chip implantations in embryo pre-skull formations results in aborted pregnancies. After the execution of the women whose apparent lack of cooperation is deemed the true cause of the terminations, doctors will come up with biometric chips that can be safely implanted before the skull is formed, thus being fully integrated into the bone structures, and impossible to remove.
But by then, while we were obsessing about the sexual insecurities of religious leaders, China will have taken over the world.
that comment yesterday — you could write a New Handmaid’s Tale with that scenario — either that or sell the idea for a screenplay and make millions!!
what with Rita-mania and all, I missed it until today. And now I’ve got chillbumps.
Are you and yours all ok, moiv?
The only thing I am irritated about right now is that it is still HOT AS HELL!!!
Really though, I think we should make a screenplay out of this and shop it around — I’ll bet MSOC has some contacts in LA!
Dallas didn’t even get rained on, and yep, it’s 98 degrees right now. How did all of your folks make out?
Dad, who’s 77 and doing chemo, wangled a motel room near College Station on Wednesday, so he was out of harm’s way, too. My two brothers and a sister-in-law rode it out down in Liberty County, but they only had one limb fall, and even that one missed the house. The electricity is out, of course.
From my brief conversation with my SIL (her cell battery was vey low, so we only talked a minute) the rest of the county wasn’t so lucky. One of my brothers drove into Cleveland yesterday afternoon, and he said there were so many downed trees and damaged buildings that “it looked like a war zone.”
As far as media girl’s scenario goes, it’s already getting too close to reality for comfort, isn’t it?
It’s a stunner.
They were clear and sincere. He may need to be reminded of them. Maybe not though, he did take this issue seriously. I still hope he will stick by his guns. Good statements.
I believe that the issue of abortion is a medical rather than a political decision. I don’t see how a government regulation that tells doctors how to practice medicine can be supported. Republicans claim that they are the party of individual freedom, but they are the first to tell other people how to live their lives.
Source: Winning Back America, by Howard Dean, p.142-3 Dec 3, 2003
Q: Where do you stand on the partial birth abortion ban?
A: In the four years between 1996 & 2000 there were no late term abortions performed in my state. Late term abortions are very rare and should never be used except to save the life or health of the mother. I just don’t think the government ought to be making personal medical decisions for Americans. No respectable physician would ever do a late term abortion except for the most serious reasons. That is why I did not support the President’s bill
Source: Concord Monitor / on-line Q&A Nov 6, 2003
Q: Will you rollback Bush’s restrictions on stem cell research?
A: Yes. The president’s anti-science bias should not be permitted to deprive Americans with Parkinson’s, diabetes, and other treatable diseases of the help that they need.
Source: Concord Monitor / on-line Q&A Nov 6, 2003
As a physician, I do not like the idea that Congress or the President think they should practice medicine. Abortion is a deeply personal decision which ought to be made between the patient, the family and physician. It’s none of the government’s business.
Source: Campaign web site,, “On the Issues” Nov 30, 2002
The notion of “partial birth abortion” is nonsense. This is a rare procedure used only to save the life or health of the mother. We have had no third trimester abortions in Vermont in the past four years.
Source: Campaign web site,, “On the Issues” Nov 30, 2002
just like republicans go on about women’s right in Afghanistan, but neither party give a fuck about women’s rights at home.
Maybe the Democrat party has to be destroyed to save it.