30-something Xicano Democrat in Tucson, Arizona. I have a passion for social justice issues as well as seeking to help ignite a productive dialog regarding immigration reform. Lately I spend most of my time on Tw
Ah yes, but if you had a penguin chained to you, you wouldn’t need one.
I do think it would be cool to have an emperor penguin, sitting on a stool, leaning back against the bar and you sitting next to them. Chick magnet. Of course the penguin would have to have a drink in one flipper.
“Yeah, he’s old, fat, balding, myopic, smells bad and can’t carry a conversation in a bucket, but . . . I don’t know, there’s just something about that penguin.”
It was the equivalent of a ceiling falling in, the ac breaking down, the pipes breaking, the relatives visiting, an overgrown lawn, snakes in the bushes, and absolutely no naps.
No question. Though, right at the moment, I’d rather go for about a gallon of Spotted Cow or some other happy dancing micro-brew. It’s been a loooooong day.
Pretty much good as new. I did a two mile walk this afternoon with no ill effects. It’s still bruised, and if I bump it in the wrong place, I regret it, but it works. I did discover a few other bruises from the tumble, but again, nothing that impairs function.
stay in shape. Our favorite restaurant is a bit over a mile away from home and Laura’s office is between here and there, so it’s easy for me to meet her on the way up for lunch. It makes it easier to justify the calories of a big old plate of huevos con chorizo and the refried beans and Spanish rice on the side.
Put enough extra stuff over the marshmallows and I dare say you’d eat them too.
Reminds me of a story about a catering service that was doing two dinners in one night, and got the order for the Drinking Liberally dinner mixed up with the Baptist Women’s League. The Drinking Liberally folks were supposed to get watermelons laced with rum, and the Baptist Women’s League were supposed to have ice cream sundaes.
The reports afterward indicated that the Drinking Liberally folks were OK with their ice cream, even though they were rather puzzled by it. The members of the Women’s League, on the other hand, were seen stuffing watermelon seeds into their purses . . .
No way! LOL Get with the program! LOL We want the FBL to slip down and not replace significant diaries or overtax participants to rec and unrec, but also want it to float up into the attention of newbies and lurkers.
Welcome! Otherwise known as “gaming the system.” Something BTW the repugs happen to be good at, even though the “system” happens to be democracy. Clever dogs, aren’t they?
Thanks, NDD. Could be lowtide, I don’t remember, but I usually got myself out there during high tide in precarious situtations. Luckily neither me nor my camera was ever swept away by a Rogue Wave
I’m so excited!!! I’m resizing now, and uploading. I hope that I have one up before you go to bed LOL. But if not, I’ll put one up at my blog for tomorrow morning!
I had mentioned to you a while back about picking out ales for my husband and you said that for someone who didn’t drink beer I picked out winners. I buy him the Monty Python Ales from time to time…
Well you might also enjoy something I got him that he likes, too.
If you were closer I’d bring you back to my house, snuggle you in beside me on the couch while we watch the game, talk online at BT, play w/ the camera, and he’s no dog, but he’s pretty furry … {{{Andi}}}
I went in and traded the one lens for the 105mm lens. I played w/ it some last night and was extremely discouraged — I wanted to return the camera! — but I kept at it, and tonight I got into my zone like I do w/ my other camera. It’s not perfect, but I think I’m beginning to get a feel for how the lens works by manual focus and physically positioning etc. I was going to send you an email update — which I might still b/c I’ve got some questions about bellows … I think that’s what they were called.
Bellows are a tool I’ve never felt the need to use. I take photos while we are walking in the woods or hiking. Before you invest in bellows you might want to look at buying a tripod and head.
Andi, did you notice there is some photo stuff I am not interested in owning.
Another thing to ask about … external lighting — over the flash I mean. One thing I’m finding hard to get used to is the long lens that can block the light.
So this penguin is sitting at a bar, drinking marmotinis and thinking about mushrooms, and the bartender says, “This is even weirder than the joke I was in last week.”
A few years ago I was at the Seattle Aquarium gift shop and saw a very nice 12″ stuffed Emperor penguin for about $10, so being a Linux user, I bought it. Every so often I’ll take it to getherings with me and introduce the penguin as Omir and tell everybody there that I’m just the chauffeur.
Anyone I meet with already knows I’m nuts so they just take it in stride.
One of these days I’m actually going to find someone who knows the joke that goes with it. Back in my Ren Fest days I walked past the tail end of an act in KC and heard that punchline. The crowd absolutely roared, but I didn’t have time to stop and ask anyone the joke, and I never did get back to another one of that act’s shows. For almost twenty years I’ve been wondering about the original joke. I’ve tried googling the punchline, but without much success. I suspect that either the joke never made it onto the web, or I’ve got some vital detail wrong.
Many years ago I read a very cool poem that had the refrain, “It’s all the same to the camel.” I can’t find the poem by googling that phrase, it isn’t in the book I thought it was in or any of my other books of poetry, and I’d like to find it because . . . well, as much as anything to validate my memory of having read it.
Alright peeps, I’m heading home from work now. If happy hour gets unwieldly in my absence, hopefully the very schizophrenic and gender diverse froggybottom will help out with a new lounge. Be back in a bit.
eat a whole bag of marshmallows in one sitting
drink a gallon of egg nog?
Egg nog of course. Who ever heard of getting drunk on marshmallows.
that I’m the one thinking these up at the moment, and not Second Nature. 😉
Think about this one while I’m gone.
Would you permanently chain a penguin to your leg to be able to have sex with anyone you wanted at anytime?
(don’t blame me – it’s from the book)
Are we talking Emperor penguin or one of the little small one?
you, then clearly you’re in the maybe camp. 🙂
I would love to have a permanent wing-man.
Ah yes, but if you had a penguin chained to you, you wouldn’t need one.
I do think it would be cool to have an emperor penguin, sitting on a stool, leaning back against the bar and you sitting next to them. Chick magnet. Of course the penguin would have to have a drink in one flipper.
Wouldn’t you be really hurt if the penguin got more action than you did?
You couldn’t chain me to a Penguin… I’m a Sharks gal 🙂
Sorry NHL stuff… spank me
Hiya sweetie! Sens are playing TB tonight — if they don’t win they’re not going to get past this round …
I’ve watched Ottawa both times… freakin’ Bolts. I’m rootin’ for the Sens, baby.
But they could still come back and upset if something goes drastically wrong tonight. 9bangs head on wood it won’t go wrong though)
Serious hockey mojo superstitions going on at my house… it’s NUTS. N.V.T.S.
about the suuuuperstitions …
They’re up one goal — looks like it’s going to be very physical …
Three to nothing now 🙂 Yay Alfie!!!
You know.. those thundersticks the fans buy?
I hate those.
Sucks to have those right behind you or in front of you. Major headache makers.
Damn as in I was really not wanting the Bolts to score.
Olivia, are your feeling as nervous as I am as both of our teams lost on Sunday? Man, I can’t handle it.
That must be some penguin.
“Yeah, he’s old, fat, balding, myopic, smells bad and can’t carry a conversation in a bucket, but . . . I don’t know, there’s just something about that penguin.”
Errrr….ummm….do I have to have either? Hate ’em both.
Andif isn’t here, otherwise I’d clamor for a marmotini.
chain myself to poco and share wa marmotini with them : )
Be still, my racing heart.
will have to wait for Andi, but you can all roll around in the fields until her arrival
I’ll take 5 and keep em coming.
Have a good day in the windowless crypt?
No need to answer, I saw down thread.
It was the equivalent of a ceiling falling in, the ac breaking down, the pipes breaking, the relatives visiting, an overgrown lawn, snakes in the bushes, and absolutely no naps.
Vaguely sounds familiar. You did have a bad day.
You’re away from the bad place and you can relax now.
Ya want me to send Harvey up to you for comfort.
plus why would he go where hopeful isn’t?
She’ll be around later – just fill up on pretzels for now.
No question. Though, right at the moment, I’d rather go for about a gallon of Spotted Cow or some other happy dancing micro-brew. It’s been a loooooong day.
coming right up!
Ooh! You Da Man…Eegee! That looks lovely.
What’s up Kelly? Micro-brew, I’m with you.
I meant to ask earlier, how’s the ankle?
Pretty much good as new. I did a two mile walk this afternoon with no ill effects. It’s still bruised, and if I bump it in the wrong place, I regret it, but it works. I did discover a few other bruises from the tumble, but again, nothing that impairs function.
Two mile walk. I’d say you’re doing pretty good.
stay in shape. Our favorite restaurant is a bit over a mile away from home and Laura’s office is between here and there, so it’s easy for me to meet her on the way up for lunch. It makes it easier to justify the calories of a big old plate of huevos con chorizo and the refried beans and Spanish rice on the side.
I really need to get back into walking. I think a mile would do me in now.
Make it a really small bag of marshmallows. Either one would make me throw up and/or go into diabetic shock.
But I do have to say, I don’t like the taste of eggnog. Don’t know why but I just never have.
Marshmallows I’ve never liked, but egg nog depending, uhm, on how much extra stuff is put in it.
Put enough extra stuff over the marshmallows and I dare say you’d eat them too.
Reminds me of a story about a catering service that was doing two dinners in one night, and got the order for the Drinking Liberally dinner mixed up with the Baptist Women’s League. The Drinking Liberally folks were supposed to get watermelons laced with rum, and the Baptist Women’s League were supposed to have ice cream sundaes.
The reports afterward indicated that the Drinking Liberally folks were OK with their ice cream, even though they were rather puzzled by it. The members of the Women’s League, on the other hand, were seen stuffing watermelon seeds into their purses . . .
I’ll bet there were some purty disappointed Baptists when the crop came in.
or can I get by without rec’ing?
I finally rec’d the last one, succumbed, out of pure guilt, after the refresh, cafe closed… please unrec… yeah, right, lol
No way! LOL Get with the program! LOL We want the FBL to slip down and not replace significant diaries or overtax participants to rec and unrec, but also want it to float up into the attention of newbies and lurkers.
it’s perfectly clear to me now… I think,,,
Welcome! Otherwise known as “gaming the system.” Something BTW the repugs happen to be good at, even though the “system” happens to be democracy. Clever dogs, aren’t they?
now we have two cafes on the list 🙁
and some poor diarist who was up to the wee hours composing a diary falls off…
that the same loc as the others… must be very low tide, if so
Thanks, NDD. Could be lowtide, I don’t remember, but I usually got myself out there during high tide in precarious situtations. Luckily neither me nor my camera was ever swept away by a Rogue Wave
Really like the colors and ghostly look of the outer rocks…very surreal…cool!
I’ve got to go and start dinner on time tonight.
Be back in awhile.
Did you take this today/yesterday? Great job!
So far we’ve got a penguin getting drunk off egg nog at a bar waiting for hockey and thinking about shrooms.
In the meantime he’s looking at a beautiful picture of low tide.
Sounds like a normal Happy Hour to me.
I’m so excited! I think I figured out the macro lens tonight — I’m just going through some of the photos and it worked!
Congrats Olivia. I’m happy too becuase I just can’t imagine your pictures pictures more spectacular.
No Pressure. 🙂
I’m so excited!!! I’m resizing now, and uploading. I hope that I have one up before you go to bed LOL. But if not, I’ll put one up at my blog for tomorrow morning!
I’m sure you will. I have to drive out to the farm tonight. Wedding is Saturday and my Mom wants to go out and see what they’ve done with the place.
So far they’ve repainted the entire inside (not a color I like) and just done so much.
So tonight I might surprise ya and be up until 10:00 pm.
Can’t wait to see the new pictures.
How’s everyone holding out — nervous? excited?
Pretty much. I’m in the camp of, is it over yet.
I had an even worse day than I had thought I would have so I really, really need to see your success!
bad day? What happened??
Quick, Manny – Luv Bud photo STAT! 😀
Thanks DJ. It’s just work shit but since I’m not at home (I’m onsite at a customer) there’s no puppies or hubby to pat and fluff me.
I had mentioned to you a while back about picking out ales for my husband and you said that for someone who didn’t drink beer I picked out winners. I buy him the Monty Python Ales from time to time…
Well you might also enjoy something I got him that he likes, too.
I wish I could bring one to you right now.
Hey Andi,
Sorry to hear about your day. I had one of those too, though mine was family related rather than work. Hope your evening is much better.
Aww. ::pat & fluff, pat & fluff::
okay you guys – I’m dying here LOL
I’m thinking of “Fluffers”
Coming right up!
but this is too big a job for just one dog.
:::pat pat::: {{{fluff fluff}}}
There, don’t say I never did anything for you.
So it’s okay if I think it so long as I don’t say it?
Not that I’m thinking it — I’m just trying to get the paremeters worked out.
(thank you, sweetie)
I have to watch where I’m fluffing because Jim is around.
he’s never seen me get fluffed before?
I’m uploading now and will put one up asap!
If you were closer I’d bring you back to my house, snuggle you in beside me on the couch while we watch the game, talk online at BT, play w/ the camera, and he’s no dog, but he’s pretty furry … {{{Andi}}}
sounds wonderful (is it warmer in ottowa than it is in montrea?) — just one question: who is pretty furry?
I was referring to my furry cat … 🙂 LOL!
No it’s a cold spell day and supposed to go down to 2C tonight. Brrrrr.
I was wondering, too. LOL
I am so happy for you and for us. What was it that suddenly clicked?
I went in and traded the one lens for the 105mm lens. I played w/ it some last night and was extremely discouraged — I wanted to return the camera! — but I kept at it, and tonight I got into my zone like I do w/ my other camera. It’s not perfect, but I think I’m beginning to get a feel for how the lens works by manual focus and physically positioning etc. I was going to send you an email update — which I might still b/c I’ve got some questions about bellows … I think that’s what they were called.
I’ve got the photos finally uploaded!
Are all the ones uploaded to flickr on the 25th from the D70?
(btw, glad to hear that the furry ‘he’ is a cat.)
I just posted some in the other cafe — where’d everyone go?
He he — that had me busting a gut when I realized I left out some crucial info… I posted a pic of him over in the new lounge.
Bellows are a tool I’ve never felt the need to use. I take photos while we are walking in the woods or hiking. Before you invest in bellows you might want to look at buying a tripod and head.
Andi, did you notice there is some photo stuff I am not interested in owning.
Another thing to ask about … external lighting — over the flash I mean. One thing I’m finding hard to get used to is the long lens that can block the light.
It’s a whole new world, but it’s a world you can control.
So this penguin is sitting at a bar, drinking marmotinis and thinking about mushrooms, and the bartender says, “This is even weirder than the joke I was in last week.”
Where’s the rabbi?
Probably chained to the penguin.
A few years ago I was at the Seattle Aquarium gift shop and saw a very nice 12″ stuffed Emperor penguin for about $10, so being a Linux user, I bought it. Every so often I’ll take it to getherings with me and introduce the penguin as Omir and tell everybody there that I’m just the chauffeur.
Anyone I meet with already knows I’m nuts so they just take it in stride.
I happen to think you’re brilliant 🙂
There’s a fine line between genius and insanity . . . and I have erased that line!!
aren’t really erased. They’re more like etch-a-sketch shaken.
This is Happy Hour Cafe. I think the dreams get weirder.
And that’s when the science fiction writer walks in with the cellist.
Who then walk over to Isaac and Doc from Love Boat.
Does the punchline go, “Okay, I understand about the dwarf with the salami, but I’m still having trouble with the blonde and the stepladder”?
LOL that’s the best punchline I’ve seen so far.
One of these days I’m actually going to find someone who knows the joke that goes with it. Back in my Ren Fest days I walked past the tail end of an act in KC and heard that punchline. The crowd absolutely roared, but I didn’t have time to stop and ask anyone the joke, and I never did get back to another one of that act’s shows. For almost twenty years I’ve been wondering about the original joke. I’ve tried googling the punchline, but without much success. I suspect that either the joke never made it onto the web, or I’ve got some vital detail wrong.
Many years ago I read a very cool poem that had the refrain, “It’s all the same to the camel.” I can’t find the poem by googling that phrase, it isn’t in the book I thought it was in or any of my other books of poetry, and I’d like to find it because . . . well, as much as anything to validate my memory of having read it.
ahhh I wish they wrote twilight zone scripts again 🙂
Rod Serling rocks
Alright peeps, I’m heading home from work now. If happy hour gets unwieldly in my absence, hopefully the very schizophrenic and gender diverse froggybottom will help out with a new lounge. Be back in a bit.
will put up a new cafe in a few.
I’ve got to take a run out to the farm.
I’ll be back a little later.
the beer bong is loaded. Head on over to the new lounge (after you unrecommend this joint)