Well, David Sirota has a funny take on it. Simply put, everything is at stake. In one corner is Joe Lieberman. Joe is not just one man. He represents a constituency, a mindset, that is 180 degrees removed from the goals of the netroots. He thinks talking tough on national defense makes you wise on national defense. He thinks a party cannot win unless it is more warlike than the other party. He thinks being socially conservative on female reproduction, assisted suicide, and media content is the only way the Democrats can win elections. He thinks the best way to move America forward is to grab humungous checks from millionaires and corporate interests.
We think that is all stinking thinking. We believe a new kind of politics is possible. It’s the kind of politics that gives the voters information thru a diffuse filter of hyper-opinionated and hyper-educated blogs, not thru a corporate filter of what gets ratings and dumbs down and pacifies the electorate. It’s the kind of politics where the money comes in $25 at a time, rather than $6,100 at a time. It’s the kind of politics where the little guy has fair representation.
Progressive ideas have always been at a disadvantage. Especially economic issues. People with money have traditionally controlled the message and run both parties. They have found it convenient to tolerate anti-evolution, anti-science rhetoric, and even to promote it, while defining labor advocates like Michael Moore as outside the pale of acceptable discourse. Ann Coulter can spew her hate saying liberals want to destroy America, but Phil Donahue can’t be the face of MSNBC. We’re overcoming these obstacles. It’s a slow process. We don’t have any money. Money buys power. We are having to wage a war against our own party, rather than uniting against the Republicans.
We must win this battle tomorrow with Joe Lieberman. And we must follow it up with more victories. The Lieberman set will say we are dragging the party to a place on the left where it has traditionally lost elections. But we say that if we can beat Lieberman, we can beat Schlesinger. We can beat Kyl and Allen and DeWine and Talent and Santorum and Chafee and Burns and Corker. And that is something the old Democratic Party could not do.
I will be at Lamont campaign HQ tomorrow night liveblogging the festivities. Most likely, I’ll be hosting a liveblogging open thread over at dKos, but I may try and cross-post here as well if I can keep up.
Tomorrow is going to be a hell of a day.
I wanted to say I really appreciate the work you do, here, at dKos, and especially on the ground. You’re making a difference.
Try to get some sleep tonight, you’re damn straight it’s going to be a whirlwind one way or another tomorrow.
Cool, I hope you cross-post. We’ll be happy to have an inside view.
I’d be glad to. Perhaps you could front-page it, Booman, so it gets more visibility? I’ll probably be posting around the vicinity of 8:30-9 PM, if I had to take a shot in the dark. I’m assuming where the party will be, there will be wireless Internet access.
Sure. I may not be home at that time. But I will ask one of the front-pagers to do it if I am unable to. I’d enjoy having the thread on the front-page.
Thanks, Booman. I’ll be updating it continually as the night goes on with pictures and other tidbits. Maybe even some YouTube video links, if I am technically adept enough.
Steven Rattner – Quadrangle Group LLC Aug. 1 2006 $4000
Steven Rattner 375 Park Avenue New York NY 10152
Quadrangle Group LLC Aug. 1 2006 $4000
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New York NY 10152 USA
Tel: 212 418 1717
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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CQ Politics.com — According to a poll released Monday by Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Conn., Lieberman cut Lamont’s lead to 51 percent to 45 percent. This 6 percentage-point margin was less than half the 13-point edge (54 percent to 41 percent) to which Lamont surged in a poll of likely Democratic primary voters released just four days earlier.
Yet the latest poll also raised a question about whether enough primary voters still are persuadable to allow Lieberman to stage a last-minute surge back into the lead. Only 4 percent of poll respondents said they were undecided, while nine out of 10 of who supported one of the candidates said they were set in their choice.
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A Fighting Ned Lamont
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
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