LOL Yes I did. It soothes the beast in me when I blow up chickens on the computer. LOL I saw FamilyMan’s comment about snake games but I while I dislike chickens, I am deathly afraid of snakes so will not look at them if possible. LOL
You would have been proud of me, FM – I ordered grits instead of what they call “hash browns” and they were really good. It’s like having buttered mashed potatoes for breakfast.
Grits are an acquired taste, but if they’re made right, they’re pretty good. Cheese grits are pretty good too, but I like mine with lots of butter, salt and pepper.
That’s because you have dial-up and can’t enlarge the pic to see them in all of their glory. Each toe points in a totally different direction. And the hair…
Looked at ’em big; they still look fine to me but then again seeing as I’m married to someone with size 15, my standards might be different than most people’s.
I have work and then I have to do a letter to send out to a new perspective members of a new democratic group we are starting. Our first meeting is the 17th. So I will print the letter and envelopes tonight and put them in the mail in the am. LOL
Well, I feel the only way I can make a difference is be out there doing things. I don’t expect anyone to be as active as I am in politics,civil rights, and AIDS & HIV awareness but if I get people excited and doing just a little it helps.
Well, I have to get ready for work. I will check in later today from work or tonight when I get home. I hope everyone has a great day.
I’ve had my excitement for the day. I just got back from outside. An ambulance with lights flashing pulled into my sister’s driveway and was knocking at the door. I ran over to see what was happening.
They got the wrong house. It’s our next door neighbors and I’m waiting to see what going on.
It did scare me. Now I’m worried about the neighbors. I don’t know if it was the husband or wife. They’re both pretty old. I saw the ambulance leave and their vehicle following it, but I don’t know which one.
Today’s tea: China Red, which Tea Source describes as a black congou tea from Jiangxi Province very full-bodied, very smooth, with a grain-like element in the flavor.
Folks have been asking about signed books, and now I have a clue on how to go about getting copies so…
Both Dreamhaven Books and Uncle Hugos have signed copies that can be ordered via their sights, though I stopped by recently enough that the info isn’t on their website.
For those who might want a personalized signed copy I’m trying to set something up with Dreamhaven where I could set a date to come in and personalize a number of preordered copies. In the past they’ve done that for other local authors. Do an in store signing on a particular date when an author comes in. My fellow Wyrdsmith Naomi Kritzer had it set up this:
“Just call or e-mail them, and order a copy with instructions regarding how you want them signed. The staff will give me the information when I’m there, I’ll sign it, and they’ll ship it to you.”
Once I have more info on how that might work, I’ll post something about it in the cafe and the open thread at the time.
Good morning Andi.
Another fine slackerly days dawning.
Slackerly for you — unless you’ve figured out a way for me to retire.
Retirement is easy. Just grab a cardboard box somewhere and start your dream home.
Retirement in style is a little more difficult.
Hey. Hope y’all are enjoying this Monday morning, as I’m not!
Anyways, it’s off to get cleaned up for work.
Morning Psi. It’s not too much longer before the summer work blues are over, and you can get back to student slackatude.
Maybe you can go straight from college to retirement and avoid all those days of having to get up and go to work forever.
Morning Andi, FamilyMan, and Psi!!!
Did you kill a lot of chickens?
LOL Yes I did. It soothes the beast in me when I blow up chickens on the computer. LOL I saw FamilyMan’s comment about snake games but I while I dislike chickens, I am deathly afraid of snakes so will not look at them if possible. LOL
Are you kidding. I turn the channel when they show them on TV. 🙂
LOL me also. I hate them things. LOL
Whew…I thought Andi meant real chickens.
Good morning!
Morning CG.
Hi FM! I’m back here in my cabin today. You know, I love my vacation, but there’s no place like home.
How are you today?
Doing fine. Vacations are fine, but it’s always good to get home.
Looking forward to more pictures. 🙂
Just scenery, please.
Hey, FM, what’s for breakfast?
Morning SN. Bacon- Bacon, Bacon, Bacon!
Well actually hash browns with sawmill gravy, scrambled eggs and biscuits. No grits this am. 🙂
You would have been proud of me, FM – I ordered grits instead of what they call “hash browns” and they were really good. It’s like having buttered mashed potatoes for breakfast.
I’m always proud of you SN. 🙂
Grits are an acquired taste, but if they’re made right, they’re pretty good. Cheese grits are pretty good too, but I like mine with lots of butter, salt and pepper.
Grits are great with butter and salt!!!
I love the colors of this, CG. So muted and gentle – like my living room!
and thinking about the sound makes me want to take a nap. Too bad it’s time to go to work instead.
I’m having that same problem this morning…very Monday, indeed.
Did you see the news bucket this morning? It has a beach theme…
I’ll go check it out before heading off to the salt mines.
I apologize for the sorry state of the elder Nature Boy’s feet. They’re from his father’s side of the family.
Do you have one of all the boys with Blackbeard? I had a hard time getting CBtE to be in any pictures this trip without scowling or jumping around…
I do, but I think he’s scowling. 🙂
Let me upload it.
what am I missing — they look fine to me.
Good morning.
That’s because you have dial-up and can’t enlarge the pic to see them in all of their glory. Each toe points in a totally different direction. And the hair…
ewww…toe hair.
Would you prefer ear or nose hair? :~)
I’ll take D: None of the above.
Looked at ’em big; they still look fine to me but then again seeing as I’m married to someone with size 15, my standards might be different than most people’s.
I don’t see anything wrong.
LOL I eat real chickens after someone else kills them.
Morning Refinish. Got a big day planned today?
I have work and then I have to do a letter to send out to a new perspective members of a new democratic group we are starting. Our first meeting is the 17th. So I will print the letter and envelopes tonight and put them in the mail in the am. LOL
As I told you before, you are a force of nature.
LOL Not really just like to get things done.
I guess slacking comes with age. That can’t be right. Andi, her supereme highness of geezerhood, isn’t a slacker so that’s out.
I guess I just a naturally lazy person. 🙂
Well, I feel the only way I can make a difference is be out there doing things. I don’t expect anyone to be as active as I am in politics,civil rights, and AIDS & HIV awareness but if I get people excited and doing just a little it helps.
Well, I have to get ready for work. I will check in later today from work or tonight when I get home. I hope everyone has a great day.
Have a good one Refinish and slack when possible.
I’ve had my excitement for the day. I just got back from outside. An ambulance with lights flashing pulled into my sister’s driveway and was knocking at the door. I ran over to see what was happening.
They got the wrong house. It’s our next door neighbors and I’m waiting to see what going on.
Whoa, slow down your poor heart, FM. Hope it’s nothing serious.
It did scare me. Now I’m worried about the neighbors. I don’t know if it was the husband or wife. They’re both pretty old. I saw the ambulance leave and their vehicle following it, but I don’t know which one.
sending warm thoughts. I hope they are okay.
Good looking group. I don’t see a scowl.
That’s not too bad…and at least everyone else is smiling!
Your boys were wonderful, btw.
Thanks – yours are too. I was constantly fighting the urge to squeeze CBtY’s cheeks.
Great Picture!!!!
Today’s tea: China Red, which Tea Source describes as a black congou tea from Jiangxi Province very full-bodied, very smooth, with a grain-like element in the flavor.
Folks have been asking about signed books, and now I have a clue on how to go about getting copies so…
Both Dreamhaven Books and Uncle Hugos have signed copies that can be ordered via their sights, though I stopped by recently enough that the info isn’t on their website.
For those who might want a personalized signed copy I’m trying to set something up with Dreamhaven where I could set a date to come in and personalize a number of preordered copies. In the past they’ve done that for other local authors. Do an in store signing on a particular date when an author comes in. My fellow Wyrdsmith Naomi Kritzer had it set up this:
“Just call or e-mail them, and order a copy with instructions regarding how you want them signed. The staff will give me the information when I’m there, I’ll sign it, and they’ll ship it to you.”
Once I have more info on how that might work, I’ll post something about it in the cafe and the open thread at the time.
I will check it out and wait till you tell us more info also.