Welcome back!

This week we’ll be continuing with the shadowy photo of Bode skiing, seen below.

Seen in the photo directly below is the state of the painting when last we met.  (So formal you are today, boran2.)  As usual, since that time I’ve continued working on this painting.

I’ve started to paint Bode’s body and helmet.  I must state at this juncture that I’m not happy with the body.  To me it seems like that of a child rather than that of a world class athlete.  (This will result in a more dramatic change in next week’s installment.)  The painting is seen below.

Note that I sometimes have a single color on my pallet.  I will push ahead with one color and then pick up a different one.  At other times I will have several colors working at one time.  I’m fickle that way.

Anyway, stop by next week and see the dramatic result of Bode’s body change.  See you then.