If you want a symbol of everything that is wrong with American politics, the media, the Clintons, and the Democratic Party, go no further than this brief article about Ruport Murdoch’s decision to hold a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton. Here’s the money quote:

One media lobbyist said: “Murdoch will be for the Republicans but he is also smart enough to know that the Republicans might not win. At some level, whether nationally or in New York, Hillary is the future and what savvy businessman would not want to put a line of interest in someone who will be the future?”

Nevermind the vast-right wing consipiracy, never mind that the Murdoch’s New York Post savaged Hillary when she ran for the Senate:

A poll from the Post’s website during the campaign identified her as the sixth “most evil” person of the millennium, ahead of Benito Mussolini and Vlad the Impaler. Her husband ranked second.

Hillary is willing to take out a line of credit with Murdoch, on the what? Off hopes she might not get gang-raped by his media empire in her next run for office?

Maybe Murdoch is worried that a President Hillary will take some revenge and crack down on Murdoch’s media consolidation, or refuse all his news outlets access to the White House. He has his reasons to pay tribute. Hillary has no reason, no legitimate reason to accept Murdoch’s money or his assistance in raising money. The guy only became an American citizen so he could legally buy up our media and provide us all with family friendly programming like Married…with Children and Cops.

Murdoch gets respect from elites like the Clintons because he has been successful, because he makes a lot money, and because he has a lot of power. It’s a big game to these people. Murdoch slimes the Clintons with every lie, slur, and slander in the book, and they turn our around and go to his parties, invite him to speak at their parties, have him set up a big fundraiser for them.

I don’t have any respect for this behavior.

Fox News actively misinforms the electorate. Here’s what Jefferson had to say about liberty and a misinformed electorate.

“Convinced that the people are the only safe depositories of their own liberty, and that they are not safe unless enlightened to a certain degree, I have looked on our present state of liberty as a short-lived possession unless the mass of the people could be informed to a certain degree.” –Thomas Jefferson to Littleton Waller Tazewell, 1805.

Murdoch’s news outlets do not inform, they disinform and misinform. If you want to know why George W. Bush has succeeded in chipping away at our ‘present state of liberty’, look no further than Murdoch. Hell, Bush couldn’t have even been elected without Murdoch.

The Clinton’s ought to know this and they ought to have nothing to do with a man who has gotten rich and powerful peddling lowbrow, lowest common demominator entertainment, hypocritical moralism, and by introducing plain distortion and lies into mainstream journalism.

But they are buddying up to him. That’s all you need to know, to know that the Clinton’s think they’re royalty now. They’ve gone over to the dark side. They think they’re entitled. They can’t see the little people anymore. Too much time in the corridors of power. It’s disgusting to watch.