I’ve long held the somewhat controversial view that political analysis is only as good as its ability to make verifiable or falsifiable predictions about the future course of events and thus have tended to be impatient with those sorts of “on the one hand, and on the other” analyses which can allow the analyst to claim vindication regardless of the outcome. If nothing else, clear predictions can allow a better understanding of underlying assumptions and a gauging of ones own ignorance.
So here goes, my predictions for 2016, which I am happy to see disputed, and ultimately proved wrong if only to improve my understanding of underlying trends.
- Fine Gael will score a resounding victory in the Irish general election compared to current polls which will nevertheless see them some way short of an overall majority and thus requiring Labour or perhaps some independent/small party support to form the next Government. Labour will do badly, Sinn Fein will fail to make a decisive breakthrough, and Fianna Fail will tread water.
- David Cameron will succeed in avoiding Brexit despite the increasing unpopularity of the EU and a failure, on his part, to secure dramatic concessions from the EU as part of his renegotiation strategy. However the result will be close and test his marketing skills to the limit. Paradoxically, Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn will come out of the campaign with his reputation and standing in the polls enhanced.
- A combination of low oil prices, low interest rates, and low Euro valuations will allow the EU economy to slowly recover despite quite a few external shocks in the shape of the refugee crisis, terrorist atrocities, and a slowdown in China and emerging markets. Even peripheral countries like Greece, Spain and Portugal will recover somewhat off a low base, and Ireland will experience another year of near Celtic Tiger like growth.
- Donald Trump will win a resounding victory in the Republican Primary elections and probably nominate someone like Ohio Governor John Kasich as his VP pick in order to re-unify the party ahead of the General Election. Somewhat ironically, given the much lower media profile of the Democratic primary elections, Hillary Clinton will struggle to shake off the Vermont Socialist, Bernie Sanders, in the Democratic primary and struggle, initially, to ignite her campaign against Trump. She will end up winning the Presidency resoundingly, however, with an increasingly popular President Obama’s support, and probably lead the Democrats to victory in the Senate (and currently implausibly) in the Congressional elections as well.
- Climate change will continue to wreck havoc with extreme weather events causing ever greater economic and social dislocation. Oil and commodity dependent economies in the middle east, Africa and Russia will struggle and political instability will increase world wide with some regional conflicts re-igniting as elites seek to distract their polities from economic hardships. Netanyahu might do something seriously stupid to try and preempt Iran’ rise as a regional power and Syria will continue to be an unresolved humanitarian disaster.
Discuss. Perhaps you can add your own predictions.
Prediction, based on oil staying low:
Saudi Arabia will encounter a rebellion by one or more religious zealot groups seeking to establish an Islamic State which may or may not be associated with ISIS/ISIL.
The success of this rebellion will depend on whether or not the USA is sucked into the conflict. The safe base is “of course we will be sucked in”.
I base this on statements that I’ve read that the Saudi government cannot sustain their domestic spending without triple digit oil prices. If they can’t bribe the populace into acquiescence, they will revolt.
My prediction for Oil staying low is for 2016 only. I think Saudi can sustain domestic spending for at least a year and have no visibility on their ability to sustain power in the event of a more sustained oil price drop.
Or even two years. But sooner or later there will be a reckoning. Will Egypt and/or Pakistan come to the aid of the House of Saud? That’s the question. When a new band of fanatics once again come sweeping in from the desert with black flags.
And what of Erdogan. The Sunni majority among Islamic states is dramatic but the overall alignment of their leadership nothing like as disciplined as Shi’ite in Iran and their sphere. And they have willing fighters too.
Edit: “Sanders” not “Saunders”.
Thanks. A European misspelling!
Regarding #4. HRC will defeat Sanders but will be defeated by Trump in the General election. Republicans will continue to hold the House and Senate or may increase it depending on if Trump has coattails.
I do agree with Kasich as VP. He is bland and connected.
Ohio is a must to win. Kasich will deliver Ohio, probably with the help of Diebold.
Always change a corrupted name … formerly Diebold.
Many thanks for the update, Oui!
Donald J. Trump will sweep the Republican nomination because he uses the Tea Party platform of an anti-establishment candidate. He is narcissistic and by definition unreliable, a bully (authoritarian) and a liar. A characteristis of his personality disorder is being a liar and getting away with it … it’s how he has learned to survive all of his life.
Trump will unite the happy 1% and the populace, the masses of the disinherited. The first will support “Make America Great Again” slogan and the less fortunate looking for their part in fortune in the future. Someting of the power ball game to gain instant fame and fortune. See the prospect of the doctrine of wealth, the gospel of US televangelists.
[Julius Caesar codem modo a populo Dictator]
In Europe I’m extremerly worried about the growth in culture of hatred and racism in the media, it’s become a frenzy that gains momentum. A deadly combination of social media and poor professionalism by the MSM, a few authentic reporters still doing investigative journalism. The newspapers need to be filled with content every day. Democracy is being undermined and the threat of fascism will grow. In Europe the breaklines of East and West are becoming clear: Baltic States, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and the corrupt combination of Bulgaria and Romania. The US of militarists [Atlantic Council, NATO and Rumsfeld] favor New Europe. The UK has always been closer to the US than mainland Europe. To be precise, I should say England because Scotland seeks its independence based on false hope of its oil wealth. 😉
Voting for Trump is a bit like buying a lottery ticket – a totally irrational triumph of desperation and hope over reality. He is the incarnation of the Orwellion dream, where reality is reduced to a TV game show to keep the masses stupified while the 1% clean up….
” He is narcissistic and by definition unreliable, a bully (authoritarian) and a liar. A characteristis of his personality disorder is being a liar and getting away with it … it’s how he has learned to survive all of his life.”
Applies to a certain Democratic front runner as well.
Is his lying an indication of a personality disorder or does he lie because it works to his advantage and others don’t often call him out on it and when they do, he is adept at shrugging it off?
The Clintons also lie a lot and aren’t often called out for doing so. Hillary isn’t as adept as Trump or Bill when caught, but she does weasel through the moments quite successfully with partisan DEMs. (Partisans are so odd because they have zero difficulty perceiving the lies of an opponent and are blind to the lies of their own.)
How true! I see Booman has another Bernie hit piece up. I’m not going to aggravate myself reading it. I just feel sorry that he has joined the Dark Side.
Maybe I shouldn’t have after his spirited defense of TARP.
No. He’s just keeping his options open and can’t afford to get isolated on the wrong side should Hillary prevail. Have to cut him some slack because he’s not in the same position as we hoi palloi opinionated folks that risk nothing by spouting off.
And let’s be fair, a degree of pessimism wrt to Sanders’ campaign set in among many of his supporters after the first debate and all the fawning over Clinton’s appearance at the Benghazi hearings. Sanders’ poll numbers remained reasonably flat, or went down in NH, during the Fall. It was nearly impossible for those outside the campaign or outside Iowa and NH to see what was going on. Then the DNC “filegate” issue threw supporters for a loop — something rotten in the Sanders’ campaign, something nefarious at the DNC, or merely several small errors by people trying to do their jobs? For those that we’re functioning adults in 1972 that correctly smelled the hand of Nixon from the initial reports of the DNC HQ burglary, it’s difficult not to read something rotten at the DNC in the “filegate” episode. Will it end up like Watergate with the public never knowing what exactly the burglars were after? I suspect yes.
All I see is columns about how Bernie can’t win so we should all get on the Clinton bandwagon. If he was evenhanded and posted about her electoral problems, I would say he was evenhanded.
Yes, I expect him to lose, but to say he shouldn’t even try and we shouldn’t vote for him because he’s going to lose and Hillary needs her coronation is just WRONG.
His pieces sound more like Bernie sucks in areas that are significant to Martin and according to his analysis of those areas. Personally, I disagree with his analyses, but even if he’s correct wrt those specific areas, he’s not even bothering to make a case for the alternative except appealing to the status quo which is exactly what Sanders supporters don’t want.
Sometimes it’s best not to take what he says too seriously or treat it as a contrarian thought debate or experiment. Suggest you lighten up on attacking Martin personally and with respect, your attacks on the person of Clinton (as opposed to what she says, has done, etc) have been over the top of late. That’s not necessary or helpful and doesn’t do much for your credibility here.
Dear Marie, I appreciate your admonitions. Just really angry that the coronation has to occur before even Iowa. So Sanders doesn’t even last as long as Dean. It makes me want to puke. We used to call Bush the selected one… Well, born in Chicago, I really shouldn’t expect democracy in the Democratic Party.
Time to abandon politics and pay attention to staying alive in this growing recession. I have my duty to the family, Lord knows the younger members are good boys but still are minnows swimming with sharks. Well, their mother would marry a loudmouthed idiot and pollute their gene pool.
So long. I wish you the best as well as for my other friends here. Keep your head down. Some very hard times are coming.
When the going gets tough, the tough hang in there.
No, Dean was finished in October, and he was at best only a slow-down-gap candidate that had a chance to beat GWB. So, we had to wait four years for another slow-down-gap candidate that Democrats weren’t too dumb to pass on. Hasn’t reversed anything, only slowed down on the path to no where.
Sanders is the real deal, and while I don’t want to get ahead of the data, he’s very much in this race. Am debating whether or not to post what I’ve written up that his campaign operation is much stronger than we can see from the outside and Clinton’s is weaker.
○ CNN/ORC Poll: Sanders Opens A Wide Lead Over Clinton In Iowa | TPM |
Being dismissed as a crap poll and an outlier. The trends are favoring Bernie, but have difficulty seeing that he’s jumped out to such a strong lead. Then again, maybe people are finally taking a look at Clinton and remembering why they didn’t choose her in ’08.
Damage caused to the Clinton juggernaut when it ran into the Trump “serial abuser” pothole.
Disagree. It’s her continuing high unfavorables and Bernie’s increasing poll numbers and solid fundraising that had led team Clinton creating the potholes that they’ve been driving into this month.
Check this out — and then tell me that Sanders isn’t running on a lot of cylinders:
I’m impressed. It may be a conjuring act but the counter-media has been bubbling with pro-Bernie stuff recently. He’s hit several of my markers for an impending upset in Iowa. All the signs of a late surge seem to be aligning.
Expect to see more of this crap http://finance.yahoo.com/video/jpmorgans-jamie-dimon-sees-35-150008421.html
I got an e-mail about Raja K. from Durbin. Durbin endorses him. Reason enough to oppose him. My union endorses his opponent, Noland, although I took that with a large helping of salt.
No more “moderates”. Ever!
Sir, – We have been hearing quite a lot from our good friends over in America that they are really not too happy with some of the presidential hopefuls. Such luminaries as Cher, Jon Stewart, Rosie O’Donnell and Samuel L Jackson have stated that they would leave America if Donald Trump wins the presidency. Indeed, the Fox News host Bill O’Reilly has said that he is moving to Ireland if Bernie Sanders is elected president. Now that Sarah Palin has endorsed Mr Trump, are we as a country ready for the possible influx of American “refugees” if Mr Trump gets elected? – Yours, etc,
Co Meath.
○ Noam Chomsky: Bernie Sanders has the best policies