What would it take to get zogby and other poll organizations to do official polling asking the question: “Would you like a new president for Christmas?” What would it take to get all of those on the Right who have come around to acknowledging that Bush and his enabling Republicans are undermining the nation at an accelerating pace to join in the chorus that says:WE WANT–AND NEED–A NEW PRESIDENT FOR CHRISTMAS?

Some schools of thought say that when you send out into the universe the intention of what you want and hope, then the universe will send you back what you need to create that reality, so do not not believe in being able to create seemingly impossible realities merely because you can’t necessarily imagine the details needed to make it so. …Read the story “The Switch” and you’ll see that the details as to how to make that Christmas wish come true have coelesced already and now just need to be circulated.
For those of you who already understand what an “inarguable” mistake it was for Clark to not be the nominee in 04, try to refrain from saying “We told you so” after you finish reading “The Switch.” posted here: http://www.geocities.com/clarksapples/UndoBush.html

If Jesus Were Alive Today

If Jesus were alive today,
He’d surely feel despair,
Amidst a world of plenty,
And a bounty that’s not shared.

If Jesus were alive today,
He wouldn’t understand,
The system of oppression,
And how so few give a damn.

If Jesus were alive today,
He’d certainly be distraught,
Because the animals of Earth,
Are not treated like they ought.

If Jesus were alive today,
His eyes would have some tears,
And based on all the evidence,
I’d say he was sincere.

If Jesus were alive today,
He’d have to jump and shout,
To wake us from our slumber:

If Jesus were alive today,
You know he’d try in vain,
To save us from each other…
(No doubt he’d go insane.)

If Jesus were alive today,
I expect we’d be rebuked;
It is likely he’d remark:
“Knock it off before I puke.”

If Jesus were alive today,
No way he’d vote for Bush;
To those who say he should,
He’d say,”Kiss my tush!”

If Jesus were alive today,
With Bushies he’d be pissed:
“Ignorance is no defence!
Otherwise, get yourself a psychiatrist.”

If Jesus were alive today,
He’d put John Kerry in his place,
As the world’s lamest candidate:
“Why’d they even let that Jackass race?!”

If Jesus were alive today,
Boy, would Congress get a smack,
For practically everything they’ve done,
Especially for trusting Jr. with Iraq.

If Jesus were alive today,
He’d say the media was to blame:
“Don’t think I haven’t noticed,
That you people have no shame.”

If Jesus were alive today,
The Democrats he would scorn,
For keeping out Wes Clark:
“Was it yesterday these fools were born?!”

If Jesus were alive today,
He’d be branded as a cynic,
Because no one wants to hear,
If it’s raining at their picnic.

If Jesus were alive today,
He’d force us all to see,
That hope and love are the answer,
To who we’re supposed to be.