If you needed a lawyer and your choices were President Obama or Mitt Romney, who would you choose? They’re both smart; they both have Harvard Law degrees. They’re both very successful, although not so much as lawyers. Would you choose the guy who won a Nobel Peace Prize without even trying or the guy who insulted everyone at the Olympics so badly he was rebuked by both the prime minister of the U.K. and the mayor of London?

And what if you did hire Mitt Romney only to discover that he kept changing his theory of your case? First he told you that you could beat the rap. Then he told you he could get you a plea bargain to a lesser charge. Then he told you to forget that, but you could plea and get a lesser sentence. Finally, he told you that he never said or meant any of those things, and you probably ought to just plead guilty to everything and throw yourself on the mercy of judge. That’s essentially what Mitt Romney has done between 1994 and today. He has flip-flopped on nearly every subject under the Sun, all the while denying that there are any inconsistencies in what he has to say.

I don’t care if you are from Massachusetts, California, or Tennessee, no one in their right mind would hire Mitt Romney over Barack Obama to represent them in court. He’s too unreliable and he has a way of offending people.

And if you wouldn’t hire the guy to represent you in court, why would you hire him to represent you to the world?