It amuses me that Nate Silver has become the subject of such controversy in the waning days of this campaign. Four years ago, he provided the exact same public service but he was easily dismissed as a Cheetos-munching blogger. Give him a job with the New York Times, however, and his analysis is taken seriously by the pundit class. Perhaps the least unpredictable thing about this election was that Rasmussen polls would move in Obama’s direction during the last weekend in order to preserve their credibility. All year long they have been providing polls that are several points more favorable to Romney than any reputable pollsters were finding. They did this to boost morale among the Republicans who actually believe Rasmussen is an accurate pollster and to have an influence on the aggregators (or poll of polls). The media is biased in favor of a close rase because it boosts ratings and click-thrus, so they have been only too happy to report on a race that was never as close as Rasmussen (or Gallup) would have you believe. A great example of this was pointed out by Sam Wang, who recently mocked Chris Cillizza for moving Ohio into his toss-up category because of “the absolute necessity for Romney to win the state if he wants to be president.” How is that for logic? California would be even more helpful than Ohio, so why doesn’t Mr. Cillizza move the Golden State into his toss-up category?
All these biases and shenanigans have been undermined by Nate Silver’s persistent analysis that Obama is ahead and is by far the odds-on favorite to win the election. There has never been a point, all year long, when Romney was favored to win. And every effort to convince people otherwise has been thwarted by the fact that Nate Silver built a model that could account for systemic bias. Rasmussen (and, to some degree, Gallup) kept publishing biased polls and Silver kept adjusting for their bias. He essentially neutralized one of the Republicans’ strongest strategies. So, now, when Rasmussen moves to the middle and is showing a tied race, that really comes out in the model as a three or four point lead for Obama.
Mr. Silver now gives the president a better than 80% chance of winning reelection even though the national polls are still close. And it is making both the Republicans and the pundits go a little nuts. But, don’t worry, the GOP still has voter suppression and misleading ads and robocalls and poll intimidation and corrupt Secretaries of State and suspect vote tabulators and a dozen other tricks up their sleeve. It will have an effect on the margins, but it won’t change Mitt Romney’s sad fate.
Time for a blogger ethics panel for Chris Cillizza.
Just so long as he doesn’t propose any charity-related wagers…
Seriously, can you believe this crap?
To his credit, Andrew Sullivan has overwhelmingly come to Silver’s defense:
Putting His Money Where His Model Is
I just read your Red Cross bet…your on!
um, the word is “you’re”–short for “you are”. It’s called a contraction.
Is this the (supposed) multi-millionaire small biz’ness wingnut that oftens posts here?
That’s me! I used a contraction!
This is the battle between data-driven analysis versus gossip-driven. Gossip-driven has dominated and the GOP has owned the media because of it. Remember “Drudge rules our world”?
Krugman was in many ways the pioneer in this battle. It’s hard to remember that when he started as a Times columnist he was considered a centrist and respected by everyone. Then he looked at the Bush policies, realized what was going on, called him on it, and in The Village that was the equivalent of farting in church. And he didn’t back down even when they began calling him the Ann Coulter of the left (who, nevertheless, has cover stories about her on MSM weekly magazines while Krugman does not).
This is the fight of our time. Keeping the planet habitable depends on it.
This really just boils down to Silver’s assumptions about how pollsters should weight their polls…his model has predicted exactly one Presidential election, and did not fare well in 2010…
His most dangerous assumption is that the state polls are more accurate than the National polls…this certainly was not the case in 2008…compare the RCP average nationally (RCP average understated Bush by .9, and understated McCain by only .3), whereas several state polls understated Obama by more than 3 point!!!
His assumptions are either right, or their wrong…we’ll see soon enough!
Again, the word is “they’re”.
I imagine your understanding of national and state polling methods and data is about as advanced as your grammar.
Why are not you correcting anyone else’s grammar?
Also, is y’all a legitimate contraction?
People get leeway for the occasional error or typo. You are an error.
“and did not fare well in 2010…”
Ummmm, no. He did quite well in 2010, especially compared to the other pundits.
54-55 seats, but acknowledged that the error was high.
So there goes that argument.
I thought you were talking about his tweets today, in which he showed just what a classy guy he is:
Nate Silver @fivethirtyeight
FYI: I think Margaret Sullivan (@sulliview) is a terrific Public Editor.
Nate Silver @fivethirtyeight
FYI #2: Donated $2,538 to the American Red Cross this morning. Maybe some of you can help out too?
Did Y’all know that, with current population growth, if replicated last month’s job every month from now on, it would take TWENTY years to get unemployment back down to 5 percent?
So you’re saying Bush really screwed us over?
This is amazing, from Rick Perlstein:
As we puzzle over the species that is the wingnut and how they became such a force one aspect not talked about enough is how extremely gullible they are relative to the population as a whole. I realized for the first time that a particular co-worker was a full-fledged wingnut when she confided that she’d made big investments in gold the previous year. I knew that because the whole Gold price bubble was (and is) caused by Glenn Beck and other paid hawkers playing off wingnut fears of massive inflation. Later someone else confirmed this for me – as the wingnut was telling her that Obama was a secret muslim born in Kenya.
This is a huge part of why there are people working for foodstamp-level pay with no health insurance working at Walmart and voting to end any chance they have of ever having health insurance. Fearful, confused, angry, gullible, and giving a large chunk of their small incomes back to the wingnut industry that is fleecing them.
Now … how to fix this?
But, but, but Nate Silver can’t possibly be taken seriously because he looks kinda, you know, faggy.*
So there!
*Actual analysis from manly man Dean Chambers, creator of
The debate topic that’s been missing all along is Common Sense in the Age of Enlightenment. Here we go choosing folks to run the country based largely on their own self-promotion, and wouldn’t you know they’re all geniuses? Let’s ask them some questions that talking points don’t answer.
Wow…you guys and gals censored very quickly!
Still doesn’t change the following equation:
October job creation plus population growth equals unemployment at five percent in TWENTY years…
This guy has had four years…let’s move on!
Actually, your little factoid is an indictment of the Do-Nothing Repub Congress of the past two years, not the prez.
And yes, all Repubs of the Do-Nothing Repub Congress do need to be voted on so the country can move on…
Pom Poms!
Try to keep your head out of the oven next week.
Come on, Nick, it took the Cheney administration more than eight years to screw the economy up as bad as it is. It’s going to take more than four years — probably more than eight — to clean up their mess.
October job creation plus current population growth equals 5 percent unemployment in TWENTY years…
Any response? Or do we edit the comment so that we don’t have to think about Obama’s pathetic economic record?
What part of the fact that it takes a long time to clean up Bush’s mess don’t you understand? Your king destroyed this country, and your jesters (Romney and those in Congress) would only prolong the pain.
Listen, weasel, if your Republics in Congress would get the hell out of the way we’d do it a lot faster.