Amazingly, Charles Kraphammer manages to blame the oil geyser in the Gulf of Mexico on environmentalists? How are they to blame, you ask? They forced BP to drill in deep water when they prevented them from drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge up in Alaska.
That is some original bullshit, right there.
Very impressive. He’s a bullshit artist without peer.
Why do people continue to take him seriously?
cuz he’s a very important person with a column at the Post and a seat at Fox News. Why do people take George Will seriously? Because he’s so good looking?
Good point. I thought he jumped the shark when he went on his denim jihad.
charles “sauer” krauthammer: the original talking head.
someone push that dude over the side of a cruise ship.
Aren’t ocean waters polluted enough?
That’s so over the top.
Yeah, even I wasn’t sure about that one, but as usual erred on the side of offensive.
Yeah, that’s the talking point making the circles among the right-wingers.
Of course it isn’t true – they don’t know jack about the oil industry. But it is the sort of thing that they would like to believe.
Yeah, it couldn’t possibly be greed that made BP drill there.