Who are the Republicans going to nominate to run for president in 2012? I’m thinking the list just got shorter by one.
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Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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pretty odd, iddnit?
Sure is, but then there is this bizarre notion that IOKIYAR.
WTH? The governor of a state in the midst of an economic crisis just up and leaves – without a security detail – to do some writing? And no one can get ahold of him? It’s just unbelievable – if someone put it into a movie, I’d laugh them off the screen for being so unbelievable.
Sadly, I laughed at this juxtaposition:
First lady Jenny Sanford told The Associated Press earlier Monday her husband has been gone for several days and she did not know where.
She said she was not concerned.
they’re self-destructing at a rapidly increasing pace. first jindahl, then ensign, now sanford…pickin’s are getting a bit slim over in the gop corral…palin by default…slaughter at the polls ensues.
Apparently it took some time for anybody to notice.
Sarah Palin will be the nominee.
I say MN gov Pawlenty will be the nominee.
Being from Minnesota automatically confers some “moderate” cred to the guy–good for the general election.
Oops! But being perceived as “moderate” (which he ain’t in any case) is the kiss of death in the primaries.
Such a conundrum for the goppers.
My conundrum is what 3rd party I’ll support if Obama fails to take a stand in a really big way on the public healthcare option.
I’m 58 and been going the lesser of two evils route since ’68–everytime against my better judgment.
Huckabee. Or did he do something unforgettable, too. I can’t keep track anymore.
Anyway, I can’t help feeling a little empathy for Sanford. He seems to be seriously going off the deep end.
Huckabee doesn’t stand a chance in the general.
Unless . . . . . he parlays his heretofore faux populism into some real populism along the lines of universal healthcare.
Maybe Pawlenty-Huckabee could be the ticket for at least a respectable showing in the general of 40%.
The election will be about Obama, not the Rep nominee. If Obama comes through (as I think he will), nobody will have a chance against him. If not, everybody will, including Huckabee.
I think the threshold for failure is pretty low.
I think the sort of failure necessary to catapult a loon like Huckabee into office would require an economic situation of high unemployment and high inflation. In other words, things get worse, not necessarily a whole lot better.
So, I think that not much is required of Obama to “come through”, at least from a re-election perspective.
A few lefties like me will vote no in the absence of a “put it all out there” push for a public health option, but we’ll be in the usual tiny minority.
Loons like Reagan and Bush got elected without any economic disasters going on. Why should Huckabee be any different?
Bush (and I’m assuming you mean the recent loon, not his father) got into power for a variety of reasons that mostly had to do with Clinton. The election was so very close for two reasons – one was that Clinton was unable to keep his pants on for 8 years and giant scandals are always good for flipping the party in power. And Gore was convinced he had to distance himself from Clinton – and his successes – because of the taint of scandal.
More importantly, after 8 years of having a so-called liberal president in the office, liberals were kind of fed up with how much power the conservatives were able to exercise – with Clinton mostly cheering them on. So they got frustrated and didn’t bother voting, or voted for a protest candidate. The “no difference between the two parties” meme was a very effective one for suppressing liberal votes in 2000. (2004 is an odd case because the country had been whipped into a fear frenzy and the Republicans knew how to play that).
I wasn’t really politically aware when Reagan was elected, but my read on the 1980 election is that it wasn’t that people wanted Ronald Reagan, but that they didn’t want Jimmy Carter anymore. Obama could fall into that trap, but I think it’s more likely he’ll turn out like Clinton than Carter. He seems to have internalized the lessons of “don’t do what Carter did” but doesn’t seem to have quite grasped the “don’t do what Clinton did” lessons either (except, hopefully, the whole “cheating on his wife” thing).
Just goes to show you, loons are capable of elective office in the US any old time. You’re probably right, though I think Huckabee’s religiosity puts him at a disadvantage in the loon sweepstakes.
The stress of having the SC legislature disagree with him over the stimulus sent him over the edge? Another one bites the dust!
“Uniting what’s left of the GOP”
Golden showers for every American…
“Golden showers for every American… “
First brought to us by St. Ronnie and his trickle-down economic policies.
He sounds like he’s having a nervous breakdown of some sort. If I were the Lt. Guv I’d quietly see if his family could convince him to step down.
Yes, hard to say what’s up with the guy. It’s certainly unusual to say the least. Who knows, maybe he’s into Zen.
I should add, all snark aside, that I hope he’s ok.
I do too, but erratic behavior is often a sign of some sort of mental disorder manifesting itself.
What’s up with the quote from the “Office on Aging?” Is that the media trying to hint about something that may be an open secret in SC Politics? Or is that just the only office the reporter could reach on a Sunday night? Very strange situation all around.
Maybe someone is after his precious bodily fluids…
It won’t be Palin.
Since 1960, the following VP nominees of the losing ticket ran for President: Lodge, Muskie, Shriver, Dole, Mondale, Quayle, Lieberman, and Edwards. Only Mondale won the nomination (Dole’s turn came only after he had served another 20 years in the Senate), and Mondale had not only been a VP candidate, but had actually served as VP. Palin was a liability to the ticket in 2008; I don’t see any way Palin becomes the Republican nominee in 2012.
I think it will be Petraeus.
I’m betting Petraeus is smart enough to wait until he doesn’t have to face Obama.
But I’ve been wrong before about these things.
I hope Sanford’s found with an underaged illegal named Pedro.
Let them nominate Caribou Barbie.
OK, I’m just talking out my ass here (so what else is new?) But I’d bet on Huckabee. The repubs have a sense of hierarchy. The next nominee is often the guy who came in 2nd the last time (Ford/Reagan–>Reagan, Reagan/Bush–>Bush, Bush/Dole–>Dole, Bush/McCain–>McCain). Huck was 2nd last time, so he’ll be the front runner this time. My bet is that he tones down his “populism” to be more acceptable to the corporate interests. And we should underestimate him. He is very personable. Sure, he’s a right-wing nut, but that doesn’t disqualify him in the eyes of most of the country.
from freeperville:
IFFF Sanford was having a ‘ breakdown’, then I don’t think his wife would be reacting the way that she did. She’s a proper White Southern political wife, who basically just shived her husband.
So, unless she’s a cold mofo, I’m not thinking `breakdown’.
I’m thinking an underaged illegal named Pedro
or Shaniqua (any age will do).
Take your pick.