Oh gawd. How do you walk in all of it? We have 2 feet (at least) everywhere in our yard.
I’m sorry about the extended school year for Jim. we had to go the end of June a few years ago, and it sucked. No one’s learning anything that last month anyway…
Little Mr Finn has been getting up earlier this week. But now he’s asleep again, so I get some quiet time which is nice. Perfect for uploading photos to post of his intolerable cuteness.
Who knew short, pudgy, bald guys could be so adorable? 🙂
It’s getting really hard to walk but at least it’s great exercise. Poor Giddy who has very bad arthritis in her rear legs is having a hard time of it.
The damn thing about the extended year is our plan was to go on vacation in early June, driving to to Vermont and New Hampshire for hiking and then going to visit my niece in New York (and maybe meeting an adorable short, pudgy, bald guy on our way home). Now we can’t plan it until we know how many extra days there will be.
I’ve been doing a fair bit of “communing” with the poultry these last few days. I’ll go out and lounge in the grass and they’ll all gather around to peck and scratch. It’s strangely soothing. The ducklings are just on the cusp of going from cute little ducklings to miniature velociraptors. At which point I can usually start to sex them and then start finding them new homes.
Harold is indeed the dandy, and at 4 months old still a very well mannered fellow (he seems to know he’s got a good thing going with Ginger). Here’s hoping he stays that way.
When I was little, my grandfather had a pretty bantam fighting cock he called Napoleon and his hen companion was Josephine. Harold’s coloring reminds me a bit of him. Napoleon never had to fight, he and Josephine were grandpa’s pets and had the run of the yard. We were just a little intimidated by him.
I love that they ordered them online, and that they’re not some schmaltzy Ralph Lauren Polo advertisement that says “we’re such elite athletes, we can only wear designer clothing”.
Ugly?? They have secret powers – enough to beat the US in yesterday’s match (6 – 5).
[…]But back to the diamonds. Norway’s pants were designed by LoudMouth Golf, the same company responsible for the fashions of John Daly. Apparently the Norwegians had only intended to wear them during practice and decided to rock out during competition at the last minute.
The latest storm was a mere snowshower here. Yippee!
How is everyone this morning?
Howdy. We definitely got more than flurries — probably 9 inches. It’s really pretty … and I’m really, really sick of it and all of winter.
Oh gawd. How do you walk in all of it? We have 2 feet (at least) everywhere in our yard.
I’m sorry about the extended school year for Jim. we had to go the end of June a few years ago, and it sucked. No one’s learning anything that last month anyway…
Little Mr Finn has been getting up earlier this week. But now he’s asleep again, so I get some quiet time which is nice. Perfect for uploading photos to post of his intolerable cuteness.
Who knew short, pudgy, bald guys could be so adorable? 🙂
It’s getting really hard to walk but at least it’s great exercise. Poor Giddy who has very bad arthritis in her rear legs is having a hard time of it.
The damn thing about the extended year is our plan was to go on vacation in early June, driving to to Vermont and New Hampshire for hiking and then going to visit my niece in New York (and maybe meeting an adorable short, pudgy, bald guy on our way home). Now we can’t plan it until we know how many extra days there will be.
We’re getting that snow now…started just a little bit ago.
I hope it stops snowing so your vacation plans can solidify. I know a short pudgy bald guy who would be very excited about them. 🙂
I hope it stops snowing period. 😉
Good morning!
Well, you have to let us know when you’re doing Sweet Revenge!
I definitely will. We’d love to meet up with you and curly.
Sorry about the extended school year and about Giddy’s poor legs.
Thanks RF, I appreciate it.
We should have a BMT meetup when you come out this way.
That is one very, very fine idea.
Hope you’ll keep us all posted if plans solidify!
Does that mean you’d come down to the city if we did have a meetup?
Morning all!!! I am so glad we are still having clear skies and no snow. Sorry for the ones of you being hit so hard this winter.
but my Valentine flowers are cheering me up. Okay, I bought the tulips myself, but someone gave me the orange roses.
These are beautiful!!!! There is nothing wrong with treating yourself!!!
Oh my. Those do my winter-blasted heart good.
Those are all such good images but for some reason I like the 4th shot down best — it might be the abundance of green and beautiful softness.
The orange roses are pretty, but I really love the tulips. Makes me want to go buy myself some.
When I lived in the frozen north, I had to buy myself flowers every week from Christmas through March just to keep from killing myself.
i got a gorgeous bouquet from my work colleagues when Finn came. lilies, snapdragons (my fave), and pussywilliows.
Tulips once helped me court someone away from 5 other females — so I still hold a tender spot for them.
(I mean the flowers, not the females.)
Beautiful photos!
I don’t have a lot of blossoms at the moment, but here’s some late Summer color from our place.
Female Common brown butterfly (Heteronymphe meriope)
Minnie with her (lazy) brood.
Harold the rooster.
Wonderful images as always, keres.
What great-looking fowl!
Beautiful shots.
I’ve been doing a fair bit of “communing” with the poultry these last few days. I’ll go out and lounge in the grass and they’ll all gather around to peck and scratch. It’s strangely soothing. The ducklings are just on the cusp of going from cute little ducklings to miniature velociraptors. At which point I can usually start to sex them and then start finding them new homes.
We’ve got one last clutch in the nest.
Harold looks quite the dandy. Maybe you should have named him Beau Brummel.
Harold is indeed the dandy, and at 4 months old still a very well mannered fellow (he seems to know he’s got a good thing going with Ginger). Here’s hoping he stays that way.
When I was little, my grandfather had a pretty bantam fighting cock he called Napoleon and his hen companion was Josephine. Harold’s coloring reminds me a bit of him. Napoleon never had to fight, he and Josephine were grandpa’s pets and had the run of the yard. We were just a little intimidated by him.
Love the names… 🙂
Thank you for these images, SN. These beautiful colors are a real tonic. Bet you can guess why.
Howdy, folks!
Thought you’d enjoy these images of a new visitor to our bird feeders — first spotted today.
Bonus: a shot of our mountain roadway before the ploughs.
Our 6″ of new snow was amazing today — so light you could barely feel it, walking through.
Is that a native ferret, or did someone lose a pet?
wow, a ferret?
Great capture. That white winter coat is gorgeous. As is the road shot.
has awesome pants?
What? No link?
You can’t just dangle a statement like that out there without backing it up.
Sorry, I forgot no one else is up watching the olympics at this hour: LINK
They totally rock.
This link tells you a little more, including where to buy them… 🙂
And a few of us don’t have a TV either.
Eeek. I’m glad you like them.
I love that they ordered them online, and that they’re not some schmaltzy Ralph Lauren Polo advertisement that says “we’re such elite athletes, we can only wear designer clothing”.
But that’s just me.
These are even uglier than the US ski uniforms. Those ugly blue baggy things with white stars.
Ugly?? They have secret powers – enough to beat the US in yesterday’s match (6 – 5).
dang I missed the curling. LOL I watched skating and snowboard cross.
In honor of the Olympics, Brown County does moguls.
click for larger
Ugh. What’s your snow total for the year?
Ugh. Now there’s a lovely compliment for my photo. 😉
Nothing compared to yours. Around two feet.
You know you’re feeling the same way about more snow… 🙂
I think they’re threatening us with another storm this weekend.
Of course but it isn’t like I’ve got anything else to take pictures of. 😛
Our weekend forecast has some chances of snow in it too but they’re below 50% so I have hope.
I heard there will be another storm Mondayish. Film at 11.
Great Picture!!!! I am so glad I am not in it but I do love seeing it. LOL
Dogs sleeping by the fire are totally photogenic, and puppies by babies. We had beaucoup snow yesterday so y’all easterners may see it today.
Just think – in five weeks we’ll be in daylight saving time. Well, some of us, I never could understand what Indiana was doing.
Heh. We had it all day yesterday going into the evening. It’s all done now.
You can understand Indiana now — we’ve been on daylight savings time for three years (and I hate it).
Now you can just be confused by Hawaii and (parts of) Arizona. 🙂
Sounds very sweet except for the snow part. LOL
Here’s a LINK.
Click and drag on the black page for a little fun. 🙂