No because my bone density test was so bad, I have to take shots for 18 months to get it back to my age range. It’s really nothing, but I hate needles and its taken me a week to give my first one.
That’s what I told my doctor, but he showed me the graphs and explained everything to me. He said he sees this in 85-90 old men. He said that’s probably the reason I fractured the vertebrae in my back. So I have to stop being lazy and start exercising. I asked him if changing the channels on the TV was enough, but he said no.
Oh, so not enough load-bearing exercise, eh? What’s the matter, have you been one of those sponging-off-the-government public employees all your life (like me, spouse, my parents, sibs, etc.)? Sitting in a tub of butter all day? Having other people “carry your water”? (I’m just quoting what someone said to me about not working in the business world).
Now SN if I beared my posterior, you’d probably bring along a camera and then post it in the cafe. There’s already been too many sick people in the cafe lately. I wouldn’t want to add to it. 🙂
Nope, we’re going to get it tomorrow. But Colin tricked out his purple volvo with Christmas lights, and I got the front door decorated. I also got my m-i-l a birthday gift because I totally spaced that tomorrow is her day.
Patricia is the key to your new life. Remember, as Patricia is watching all the activity at your house, you are in the hospital deciding what to do with your life. I’m going to be reassembling the pieces into a more coherent whole before too long.
PS: The Project’s motto, in crappy computer generated Latin, is “If you seek the truth, look elsewhere.”
I have news for you. I’m glad I joined BT but it hasn’t been a life changing experience for me. Not enough for me to have given up a Bentley if I had one. (Good lord. But at least if you were going for stereotype you gave me the upper end of the stereotype). If you want a realistic story, you would have denizens of the frog pond find out that I have a Bentley and be mean and nasty to me and drive me away. I first typed “get me banned” but I trust Martin wouldn’t ban someone for having a career that pays them a good salary no matter how much he was begged.
I agree with you Mary. To many people write GBCW diaries and then they’re back within a week or two. Sometimes I think they should be called, Do you really love me diaries.
I was at Walmart tonight (ok, don’t give me grief about it – I needed more xmas lights and everyone else was out) and there was a car in the parking lot with the license plate “GODSENUF” – on a bright yellow, brand new Mercedes SL500. If God is enough, why did you need the $80K car?
You dont’ understand. They wanted their license to say “FUNEST DOG”, but that was already taken, see. So the lady at the license bureau said they could get it in reverse, if they left out the T. They said OK. It had nothing to do with religion at all.
Ah, that’s too bad — I was thinking if it was one of the surrounding counties I might be able to do something to help but those are a bit too far away.
I’m glad you decided to keep them around — even if you never turn them into anything, I can’t help but think that you can mine a lot of good things from them.
When I get myself set up with speech recognition software (I have it at work, but still struggling to get the set up at home since the VR software for the Mac totally sucks) I can just read the good parts to the computer and then burn the parts I hope my son never reads. You know the ones I mean… dot dot dot…
My nephew has VR software for his pc, but it really stinks. I don’t know if it’s because his voice isn’t strong enough (he has muscular dystrophy) or if all VR software sucks.
The computer columnist at the NYTimes uses whatever the program is that’s available for PCs (I can’t remember). He has terrible carpal tunnel problems, and uses a keyboard that looks like the rack out of an Inquisition torture chamber. He says the PC software works very well in this Xth iteration, but he admitted the mac version is terrible. I suspect most VR software could have difficulty with anyone who doesn’t speak in a pretty standard fashion – which will likely eliminate me with my substandard southern speech, even when we get decent mac software.
When is your BooDay? The one I found was way too recent. KS said she thought you changed your user name, but she couldn’t remember exactly what it was. Something like GetMeOutofThe South.
Sorry about the needles, FM. My son has to take shots every day and I used to have to give them and hated it more than anything. Except having to give them to myself!!!
You will, FM. There’s line in Lawrence of Arabia when he puts out a match with his fingers and someone asks him doesn’t it hurt and he says yes it hurts but the trick is not minding that it hurts. So that’s the trick, I guess.
Actually this first one didn’t hurt at all. It’s the mind set I’m in though. Most people just think, it’s a needle, a shot and that’s it. I think there’s a hollow steel tube going into me and that sort of dampens the whole thing.
Look: you’re speaking of an animal that washes herself daily using paws filled with razor sharp claws. Scared of needles? Not that cat. Didn’t need to give herself a shot to prove her fearlessness.
Oh, and another thing: didn’t you ever have to remove a splinter from your own hand? Or did you wear gloves all your life?
Taking a splinter out is different. Nothing to it. I will admit I got a fish hook caught in my foot one time and that was bad.
I don’t know if they had this remedy down where you were, but when something like a small cut or something like that happened, my mom would always put it in coal oil.
It’s the oil you get when coal is squeezed or crushed. If you look at most dandruff shampoos today, they contain coal tar,which is kindof the sludge left from squeezing the coal.
My guess is that the sulfur in the coal oil is what had the “medicinal” quality to the oil.
it still seems to be a graphic and takes forever to load. Ah well, don’t mess it with any more — I’ll just practice my zen-like patience when reading entries.
I think the program must treat the text box as a graphic. I’m going to take that down since it doesn’t help. I need to keep control of the pieces, before they swamp me.
It’s Hockey Night in Canada and the Toronto Maple Leafs are playing the Detroit Red Wings in an original six match up. She’s probably in front of the TV washing down the poutine with a LaBatt’s right about now.
I don’t know, but I was watching something on TLC or Discovery tonight called The Anatomy of Sex or something. They had a couple have sex in an MRI machine and the results were……enlightening? Graphic? Uplifting?
I’m here. Where’s everybody?
What did you do today besides give yourself a shot?
Well after I came out of a dead faint, I pretty much felt sorry for myself. Gonna milk the family for everything I can get on this one. 🙂
I must have missed something while working today.
What happened? Are you diabetic?
No because my bone density test was so bad, I have to take shots for 18 months to get it back to my age range. It’s really nothing, but I hate needles and its taken me a week to give my first one.
okay. You scared me.
Me, too.
Didn’t see your me too there Teach. Same goes for you. 🙂
Sorry RF, didn’t mean to. Tell ya what. The next heart by-pass surgery I have, you’ll be the first to know. 🙂
Okay. I hope that never happens. I want all my friends to be healthy and live for ever!!!
OK RF, just for you. 🙂
I’m all for it.
You are too young to have that kind of problem!
That’s what I told my doctor, but he showed me the graphs and explained everything to me. He said he sees this in 85-90 old men. He said that’s probably the reason I fractured the vertebrae in my back. So I have to stop being lazy and start exercising. I asked him if changing the channels on the TV was enough, but he said no.
Oh, so not enough load-bearing exercise, eh? What’s the matter, have you been one of those sponging-off-the-government public employees all your life (like me, spouse, my parents, sibs, etc.)? Sitting in a tub of butter all day? Having other people “carry your water”? (I’m just quoting what someone said to me about not working in the business world).
Sitting in a tub of butter, huh? I’ll have to try that for my dry skin. Of course, my ass isn’t that much of a problem, it’s more my hands and elbows.
Try giving birth, you big baby.
Never said I wasn’t anything but a big baby. 😛
I’ll stab you. I don’t have a problem with needles. 😛
I’ll take my chances with George. 🙂
Why don’t you trust me?
Now SN if I beared my posterior, you’d probably bring along a camera and then post it in the cafe. There’s already been too many sick people in the cafe lately. I wouldn’t want to add to it. 🙂
I’m guessing with all the sitting around you do, your posterior looks pretty much like a ham steak. 😛
You have to do it in your butt? Ok, that sounded bad. I guessed probably your thigh.
did you get your tree?
Nope, we’re going to get it tomorrow. But Colin tricked out his purple volvo with Christmas lights, and I got the front door decorated. I also got my m-i-l a birthday gift because I totally spaced that tomorrow is her day.
we need a picture of the car.
I’ll have to take one tomorrow. His friends were throwing him a surprise birthday party tonight.
I’m here now. I was looking at the next installment.
Am I really as snobby as he’s made me seem?
LOL Not at all. I was reading everything and loving every moment of it. Teach is an incredible writter.
No way, just as long as you’re not wearing your crown.
Patricia is the key to your new life. Remember, as Patricia is watching all the activity at your house, you are in the hospital deciding what to do with your life. I’m going to be reassembling the pieces into a more coherent whole before too long.
PS: The Project’s motto, in crappy computer generated Latin, is “If you seek the truth, look elsewhere.”
You need to give me a different career to support the lifestyle that you’ve made me accustomed to. Or at least a trust fund.
A Bentley? Are you kidding?
A Bentley, Yee Haa!
Don’t get used to it. The Bentley’s on the way out with your old life.
I have news for you. I’m glad I joined BT but it hasn’t been a life changing experience for me. Not enough for me to have given up a Bentley if I had one. (Good lord. But at least if you were going for stereotype you gave me the upper end of the stereotype). If you want a realistic story, you would have denizens of the frog pond find out that I have a Bentley and be mean and nasty to me and drive me away. I first typed “get me banned” but I trust Martin wouldn’t ban someone for having a career that pays them a good salary no matter how much he was begged.
If he thought it would increase blog traffic you’d be gone in a flash. 😛
true :::sob:::
Only after some pretty damned heavy protest!
Yeah, it would be exciting for about 5 minutes
I would love to read your GBCW diary. But remember, they really lose their punch after the third or fourth one.
That’s why I don’t believe in GBCW diaries. Why make a big deal out of it? Just leave.
If you change your mind or circumstances change, come back and claim they were busy or something.
I agree with you Mary. To many people write GBCW diaries and then they’re back within a week or two. Sometimes I think they should be called, Do you really love me diaries.
Exactly. 🙂
and besides … if I was banned I couldn’t write a GBCW diary
Stop being so clever, it bugs me.
I guess GBCW is a I am running away cause someone picked on my dairy?
I was at Walmart tonight (ok, don’t give me grief about it – I needed more xmas lights and everyone else was out) and there was a car in the parking lot with the license plate “GODSENUF” – on a bright yellow, brand new Mercedes SL500. If God is enough, why did you need the $80K car?
You dont’ understand. They wanted their license to say “FUNEST DOG”, but that was already taken, see. So the lady at the license bureau said they could get it in reverse, if they left out the T. They said OK. It had nothing to do with religion at all.
Wow, you’re quick! If I had seen it in my rear view mirror maybe I would understand.
She said it to me, but I didn’t get it until I saw it printed. She is very quick.
Is there a way to do these so they aren’t graphics (or whatever they are) — it takes forever to load a page on dial-up.
Not that I know of. If you like, I could email the sections to you as I post them.
Let me do the unthinkable and check the manual for iWeb. I’ll be right back.
No graphics without a manual! Am I a man, or what!
I’ let KS tell you about her Family research. She’s been doing laundry, but I think she’s about to join us.
(said in the style of the little kid in Poltergeist)
And what is it that I’m supposed to tell you without being terminally boring?
in what part of sw indiana, you have/had family.
Knox, Daviess, Sullivan counties, and some in Vigo, Marion, Greene. Mostly around Vincinnes and Terre Haute.
Ah, that’s too bad — I was thinking if it was one of the surrounding counties I might be able to do something to help but those are a bit too far away.
MM – I’d recognize you anywhere!
Yay celebrity status!
oh I hope you really own that 🙂
but next year …
It’s true, you really can find anything on Google.
That’s just not cute. Not a bit!
About the journals. No decisions. Just sitting there on the shelf waiting to expose me as an obsessive scribbling driveller. Heh!
I’m glad you decided to keep them around — even if you never turn them into anything, I can’t help but think that you can mine a lot of good things from them.
When I get myself set up with speech recognition software (I have it at work, but still struggling to get the set up at home since the VR software for the Mac totally sucks) I can just read the good parts to the computer and then burn the parts I hope my son never reads. You know the ones I mean… dot dot dot…
The instant you know of any, please give a shout. I need VR software, too – and I refuse to give up my macs. But my hands are losing it day by day.
My nephew has VR software for his pc, but it really stinks. I don’t know if it’s because his voice isn’t strong enough (he has muscular dystrophy) or if all VR software sucks.
The computer columnist at the NYTimes uses whatever the program is that’s available for PCs (I can’t remember). He has terrible carpal tunnel problems, and uses a keyboard that looks like the rack out of an Inquisition torture chamber. He says the PC software works very well in this Xth iteration, but he admitted the mac version is terrible. I suspect most VR software could have difficulty with anyone who doesn’t speak in a pretty standard fashion – which will likely eliminate me with my substandard southern speech, even when we get decent mac software.
vr programs you have to train. It takes lots of reading and proofing. Once all that is done they are ghreat from what I hear
When is your BooDay? The one I found was way too recent. KS said she thought you changed your user name, but she couldn’t remember exactly what it was. Something like GetMeOutofThe South.
I was getmeoutofdixie on dKos. My boo day is probably the date of the pie wars. Early June of 05?
In that diary that katiebird found with HER BooDay you said that you’d been here 2 weeks I think.
To think anyone would ever have a name like getmeoutofdixie!
Ok, I hated it here when I made that up. I thought I was surrounded my republicans and born-again Christians.
And time has shown you what a wonderland you are really in huh. 🙂
Got it. Thanks.
You mind going with plain June 2005. I think when you name was changed your posts under the old name were lost.
I never changed my name here. I signed up as SN.
Here is a link to a site I found that says vr for mac.
ROTFLMAO!!!! That is too cute!!!
Hi MM.
Lovely Santa Frog. 🙂
Sorry about the needles, FM. My son has to take shots every day and I used to have to give them and hated it more than anything. Except having to give them to myself!!!
Thanks MM, but I’ll get used to it.
You will, FM. There’s line in Lawrence of Arabia when he puts out a match with his fingers and someone asks him doesn’t it hurt and he says yes it hurts but the trick is not minding that it hurts. So that’s the trick, I guess.
Actually this first one didn’t hurt at all. It’s the mind set I’m in though. Most people just think, it’s a needle, a shot and that’s it. I think there’s a hollow steel tube going into me and that sort of dampens the whole thing.
Mmmm…. hollow steel tube going in me…. whatever works, FM!!!
Lawrence also loved being whipped by young Arabic boys, FM.
FM loves being whipped by Cletus and Lurline. Sorry, channelling the Simpson’s.
I’ll stick with just being afraid of needles. 🙂
I guess I should show you some sympathy since everyone else is. Ok, here goes: Poor, poor FM. Did that sound sincere? Because it’s the best I can do.
not even close 🙂
That’s OK for starters, but I do expect you to put some serious thought on the sympathy thing. 🙂
I keep thinking how our geezer cat took two shots a day for 7 years and never once flinched. If a cat can do that, surely. . .
Ah yes, but did the cat give it to themself. There lies the crux of the matter. 🙂
Look: you’re speaking of an animal that washes herself daily using paws filled with razor sharp claws. Scared of needles? Not that cat. Didn’t need to give herself a shot to prove her fearlessness.
Oh, and another thing: didn’t you ever have to remove a splinter from your own hand? Or did you wear gloves all your life?
Taking a splinter out is different. Nothing to it. I will admit I got a fish hook caught in my foot one time and that was bad.
I don’t know if they had this remedy down where you were, but when something like a small cut or something like that happened, my mom would always put it in coal oil.
Never heard of that one. What is coal oil?
It’s the oil you get when coal is squeezed or crushed. If you look at most dandruff shampoos today, they contain coal tar,which is kindof the sludge left from squeezing the coal.
My guess is that the sulfur in the coal oil is what had the “medicinal” quality to the oil.
I guess one of us paid attention in science class. The other one thought that if you squeezed coal you got diamonds.
Hi Mythmother!!! What a festive froggie!!!!
Merry merry RF69!!
same to you!!!!!
A no graphics version of the BooDay Project for those on dial-up.
BooDay Project NG
If I move the page, and I probably will, I’ll post the new link.
it still seems to be a graphic and takes forever to load. Ah well, don’t mess it with any more — I’ll just practice my zen-like patience when reading entries.
Thanks for trying.
I think the program must treat the text box as a graphic. I’m going to take that down since it doesn’t help. I need to keep control of the pieces, before they swamp me.
Well I guess I’ll go watch TV or something that doesn’t involve typing. Where is olivia, BTW? I haven’t seen her around lately.
I think she’s searching for inner bits.
It’s Hockey Night in Canada and the Toronto Maple Leafs are playing the Detroit Red Wings in an original six match up. She’s probably in front of the TV washing down the poutine with a LaBatt’s right about now.
Doesn’t she know what’s important. You can watch hockey and eat poutine anytime. How often does she get to talk to us!
There’s no scrutting the inscrutable Canadian mind.
Searching for inner bits sounds more ladylike. Sort of like one of those “Discover your own vagina” classes.
I’m wondering what inner bits she would have to find for the man’s point of view.
I don’t know, but I was watching something on TLC or Discovery tonight called The Anatomy of Sex or something. They had a couple have sex in an MRI machine and the results were……enlightening? Graphic? Uplifting?
Well I hope she finds the ones with bugs on them!