All Californians who care about the sanctity of their vote must let Secretary of State McPherson know that they WILL NOT ALLOW him to certify Diebold machines, that they are OUTRAGED that he is undermining our democracy.
Bruce McPherson, Secretary of State 916-653-6814 (main menu, press 6, then 3 – starting at 8:00 am Monday)
916-653-3214 (the FAX is on this weekend)
McPherson was appointed by Schwarzenegger to replace Democrat Kevin Shelley. Folks, if they can’t win legally, they WILL steal the votes they need. THAT’S YOUR VOTE.
This is a Republican coup, and they are counting on YOU, and ME to do NOTHING. Is it worth FIVE MINUTES OF YOUR TIME to send a FAX, an email or make a call? PLEASE TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY.
The Secretary of State has scheduled a hearing for November 21, 2005 on the question of whether certain Diebold voting systems will should be certified before the end of the year.
But “The Secretary of State has disbanded the Voting
Systems Panel that’s supposed to conduct these hearings and has replaced it with one person, a stenographer, and a tape recorder,” said Sherry Healy, a steering committee member of the California Election Protection Network (CEPN), a
non-partisan organization of over 25 groups across California who have come together to try and ensure the integrity of California’s election systems.
The rally/protest is this Monday in Sacramento, we have ONLY next week to voice our concerns so they go on the record.
Monday Nov. 21 – May be your last chance to block Diebold Secretary of State’s Office, 1500 11th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
(Downtown Sacramento – 11th and “O” Streets)
9:00 a.m. There will be a rally on the sidewalk in front of the southside of the Capitol
9:30 Press Conference in front of the Secretary of State’s office–the address listed above
9:50 Enter auditorium of Secty of State’s office to fill out a card to speak for up to two minutes. No reason to feel intimidated, it’s very casual. Just go up to the podium and say about the agenda item that you can speak with specificity about that piece of equipment, BUT no issue is more important than the fact that Diebold can NOT be certified because. . . .
10:00 Hearing before the official, stenographer and recorder will commence. (I understand our sole SoS computer tech from TX will be there with his attorrney to answer questions, too)
CONTACT: Dagmar Zakim (415) 389-0250 (there will be carpools)
Believe me, I really don’t want to ruin your day. But you need to hear this.
If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at
Bruce McPherson, Secretary of State 916-653-6814 (main menu, press 6, then 3 – starting at 8:00 am Monday)
916-653-3214 (the FAX is on this weekend)
Just goes to show what I don’t know. I thought we got rid of diebold machines and sold a bunch of them to Ohio. Went to link and signed and wrote letter for local paper.
Thanks for posting this!
Here’s the link to CEPN‘s site.
CA is too fat a prize to fall into the RepubliBold’s pocket.