It’s a full blown disaster when Elisabeth Bumiller goes with this lede on page A1 of the New York Times:
ST. PAUL — A series of disclosures about Gov. Sarah Palin, Senator John McCain’s choice as running mate, called into question on Monday how thoroughly Mr. McCain had examined her background before putting her on the Republican presidential ticket.
Bumiller goes on to explain that McCain had wanted to put either Tom Ridge or Joe Lieberman on the ticket but was told that such a decision would cause a floor fight among the delegates. His back-ups, Tim Pawlenty and Mitt Romney, were seen as too conventional and unlikely to alter McCain’s losing trajectory. So, McCain turned to Sarah Palin at the last moment without really vetting her.
That’s the narrative that’s spelled out all over the front-page of the paper of record. And the details are even more damaging.
Representative Gail Phillips, a Republican and former speaker of the State House, said the widespread surprise in Alaska when Ms. Palin was named to the ticket made her wonder how intensively the McCain campaign had vetted her.
“I started calling around and asking, and I have not been able to find one person that was called,” Ms. Phillips said. “I called 30 to 40 people, political leaders, business leaders, community leaders. Not one of them had heard. Alaska is a very small community, we know people all over, but I haven’t found anybody who was asked anything.”
It’s the McSame kind of judgment that went into the decision to invade Iraq. Happy convention, GOP!!
Sadly, while this Palin selection was most obviously intended to bring disgruntled Hillary supporters into the fold, it just might work. There just seem to be a lot of feminists around who don’t care which party they align with.
McCain might just go with her….with the usual crap that Palin is an average American right wing anti-abortion mother, like a lot of other mothers out there.
support for this pick is at about zero in the Establishment (of the party, of the media, of Congress). If they don’t dump her they will be forced to defend her for two months and it will kill them all downticket.
Yes, dropping her will kill McCain’s chances but it will save the GOP brand from further devastation. And McCain’s chances are now destroyed anyway.
I wish that were true, but this is America, Boo. McCain’s chances aren’t destroyed until Keith Olbermann calls the 270 EVs for Obama and Matthews has a Tweetgasm.
Until then, we’ve won nothing.
They’re not dumping her. It’s not happening. The base of the GOP would collapse, and it’d be war in St Paul.
Sadly, while this Palin selection was most obviously intended to bring disgruntled Hillary supporters into the fold, it just might work. There just seem to be a lot of feminists around who don’t care which party they align with.
The operative word here is seem. There are very few folks I know of who call themselves feminists who would be on board for Palin’s politics. In fact, let me amend that “very few” to “absolutely zero”.
The only “feminists” that I’ve seen talking up Palin are quasi-anonymous folks on the Internets. Who may be sincere (but would be a small sample size anyway), or who may be garden variety trolls (internet dorks looking to stir up an argument) or who may be Republican astro-turfers.
I’ve seen online feminists who have trustworthy credentials who don’t like Obama, but I’ve yet to see one that actually is speaking favorably about Palin. Don’t be fooled – on the Internet anyone you talk to may actually be a talking dog on crack for all you know.
I don’t think so.
I’m friends with a number of disgruntled Hillary supporters, and they’re offended by the Palin choice. I’m hearing comments like “He just figured any woman would do.”
I forget where I read it, either at dailykos or TPM (digby?), but the analysis was that the McCain campaign actually believed all the TV drama that Hillary Hates Barack and that the PUMA people were some kind of major force. And so they figured that, since Hillary’s supporter’s OBVIOUSLY wouldn’t support Obama, Palin was a good choice.
Good times, funny stuff!
Wassila, Alaska – photo essay
Honestly, the best thing we could do would be to say, fine, have your Palin GOP.
Let America get a good long look at her. Ask her about what she plans to do about health care, or the VA, or creating jobs that stay in America. Ask her if she wants creationism taught in the schools. Ask her if she thinks Alaska should be a whole ‘nother country.
Let her stay on the ticket. Because all the attempts to force her off only gain her sympathy she doesn’t deserve.
but Steven, does it matter either way? And what about reverse psychology?
I think she’s gonna stay on the ticket. McCain isn’t McGovern who had little choice but to toss Eagleton aside. So, if she’s going to stay on the ticket anyway, say fine. Good luck with your decision. Let’s see how she does over the next several months of intense media glare.
I’d rather have her than Huckabee who would rally the fundie base even more, and is good at playing the congenial, friendly “I’m not a nut” type of guy.
My head is just spinning. I am so mad at McCain for doing this to all of us – and I’ve been thrown into conversations with people I used to think were rational. It just disgusts me to the core. I have family members for whom no amount of fact presentation and rational discussion (on my side at least) is helping. That is the one scary thing about all of this (oh, and the fact that some Americans are comfortable with this person being a heartbeat away from the presidency if her ticket is elected). And when you present facts, like the lies she’s spouted about the bridge, etc – THEY DON’T CARE. What is wrong with people!?!?
Isn’t this exactly what McCain and the GOP wanted? <sigh> I’d probably feel better if I had more faith in people in general.
Have a look at the polls.
Don’t you feel better?
Thanks, BooMan. I’m trying, I’m trying…
I guess I’m just surrounded by idiots in real life. I suppose that’s even more depressing!
I’m wondering how much is convention bounce and how much is a Palin drag.
One other note: McCain is showing some serious tone deafness on when to sap the newscycle and it’s reminding me of Clinton in Feb. and March. Sure, they’re taking all the news from Obama. In a way, that’s good because then Obama doesn’t get overexposed. But they’re taking this ‘any publicity is good publicity’ thing too far.
Remember in June how right after Obama gave his primary victory speech, McCain gave that godawful speech to anemic crowd of senior citizens? Yes, he stole the newscycle of peopel talking about Obama’s speech. Instaed they talked about how boring it was compared to Obama’s speech, how awful the delivery was, how small and old the crowd was. Someone on MSNBC said, “But he had weeks to prepared for this speech and this is what we got?”
Now we’re back in the same situation. Even his own staff can’t defend the pick, her stances or any of the tidbits we’ve learned. Yes, he stole the thunder of Obama again. Instead of the chuckcleheads talking about the historic occasion of Obama being the first black man getting the nomination of a political party, instead of them talking about his speech in general, they’re talking about how much vetting Palin got? Who knew what when?
It’s seriously like watching a trainwreck. I can’t not look.
I am quickly finding out that it is often advisable to just shake your head and say “Hmmmmm, you really believe that, huh?” and then just shut up when people refuse to accept documented facts as facts.
I asked my wife last weekend before a family birthday get-together, “Please honey don’t bait my mom and dad about politics today”. Because they are the type of people you describe. I like to pick my points to make with them but sometimes it’s just a losing proposition. Unfortunately, my wife didn’t heed my request and once again I had to deal with their wild imaginings and crazy ideas.
I’ve found I have to accept that some things are just impossible to accomplish. Some battles are just un-winnable. A sad fact, especially when it comes to people you care about.
I’d like to point out, to those who felt her family life was off limits, that it was apparently an internet rumor that her daughter had actually been the mother of Governor Palin’s special needs child that chased out the admission of her daughters real pregnancy (according to NPR this am). Very distasteful and utterly disgusting tactics. Effective though.
How can the GOP defend the position of Palin not wanting contraception even for married couples? Go tell that to 10 Americans of any sex or age and see what their reaction is to that news. She has only been out of the country once in her life? I would love to see some bloggers or gosh almighty “journalists” dig up how many times she has even visited the lower 48 states in the last 10-15 years.
The GOP has to dump this candidate but they will not and the Palin Jerry Springer stories will continue to leak.
I think she’s toast, why would this rumor be circulating unless to appease the hard right? Sen. Sam Brownback for AG if McCain wins..
Brownback or Huckabee will be the VP pick after Palin has her “Eagleton Moment.” McCain has put himself between a rock and a hard place – he’ll need someone to appease the screaming heads of the religious right when she goes, but such a pick will not appease the Wall Street PermaGov types that are aghast at the Palin choice and are backing away from “Maverick McCain” for the exits.
The deep oceanic currents of the PermaGov, and their mouthpieces in the media will shift to a new meme – it’s not Obama that’s “not ready for prime time,” it’s McCain. “Too loose a cannon; too bad,” they’ll shake their heads in the dark recesses of the club; “But that Obama, he’s turning out more reasonable than we thought – picking Joe Biden, someone we’re comfortable with; handling himself with poise by not taking the bait – yes, just maybe we can work with him after all…”
Lieberman. Once again, he will serve as “morality insurance” and once again he will drag a presidential ticket down to it’s death.
Yeah, back on Friday I was gonna post a big thing about PermaGov and how they’d like to re-brand Brand America again. Instead I ended up doing this.
Thanks for the prompt. 🙂