Is Chafee going down? Will Mfume be the big winner in MD?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Very, very early results courtesy of Markos:
All I want is, come November, that my fucking congresscritter, Sue “rubberstamp” Kelly, go back to the dark, dank hole from which she crawled too many years ago.
Chris Bowerd over at MyDD gives the win to Chaffee
It’s looking like a win for Lincoln. I’ve never seen numbers this low for a Senate race, but with 84% reporting, he’s up 8%
90% now. It’s all over. He’s going to win with slightly over 30,000 people voting for him. No wonder the polling was so weird.
Over at dKos, they say Tasini is barely breaking the 15% mark. Pathetic, but well-deserved for an incredibly weak primary challenger to Hillary.
Tasini has 17% last I checked via the orange blog…. considering that Tweety had him polling at 9% earlier this evening he’s now pulling roughly double that.
Hardly ‘pathetic’ considering he had no money and was running against what is basically the Democratic Machine herself, MS. ‘I voted for and still think invading Iraq was right Clinton’.
everyone i know here did not vote for her, thank goodness. NY deserves much much better than this.
I am really please if Tasini will be able to break 15% and possibly push higher.
The Clintons did not even think she should be challenged. How every undemocratic.
Starting to come in now, here the linkage
Looks like the Republican Primary is going to be a nailbiter!
Looks like Gabby is holding onto her lead. She will be a strong contender in the general election and hopefully move that seat out of Republican control.
The “Minutman for Congress is pulling ahead. That gives us a better chance of gaining the open seat being vacated by Jim Kolbe (R)
Top two contenders, taken from the AZ Sec of State website, Dems and Repubs
It looks like the GOP is officially becoming the party of the Minutemen vigilante group.
Gabrielle Giffords will be the Dem nominee for Az8, she will (probably) face Randy Graf for the open seat. This looks good.
KVOA Channel 4 is reporting that Patty Weiss conceded, hugged Giffords, then put on a campaign button for Giffords. The crowd chanted “Change Can’t Wait”
Wasn’t he the MinuteMan candidate?
of the worst kind. The RCCC ran ads against him in support of Huffman because they’re afraid he’s too far out there.
I was hoping Graf would win. AZ-8 looks like a pick-up. (1 down & etc, etc, etc)
Patty Weiss is one Class Act, BTW.
endorsed anybody on my site, but she was my favorite. I was able to speak to her in April when she attended the immigration rally and really liked what she had to say.
This is certainly not in the bag, but Giffords is going to be a formidable opponent to the Vigilante.
If I had … ya know … read the thread … I would have known.
This is what PROGRESSIVE POLITICS looks like….
Maryland State Senate, District 20
(unoffical tally collected by poll watchers)
Ida G. Ruben (incumbent) 4162 34%
Jamie Raskin 8212 66%
Jamie ran an energetic grassroots, shoe-leather and handshaking campaign, taking NO corporate money, and promoting straightforward, totally progressive-values (including his best-known quote about not putting one’s hand on the Constitution and swearing to uphold the Bible). Senator Ruben, a 30-year incumbent, took PAC money, got the support of the Democratic party machine, and ran a campaign straight out of Karl Rove’s playbook.
I’ve now been up for over 24 hours straight (I was one of the poll watchers for Jamie). Despite some… technical problems… at many of the Maryland polling places early this morning… which apparently made the news all over, we had a pretty good turnout for an off-year. I had no idea during the day how well we were doing. But when I saw the final voter machine tallies in the precinct I was watching… saw the margin of difference taking shape….(this is one of the bluest districts in Maryland) Hot DAMN, this feels good.
We didn’t win ’em all today in Maryland, but we did win this one, and big time.
Going to sleep now….
MN-05 DFL (Dem-Farmer-Labor party) primary results:
I don’t have hard numbers, only anecdotal comments. Keith united the ordinary citizens of Minneapolis and suburbs. At Ellison GOTV headquarters, I saw Latinos, African-Americans, youth, Native Americans, and European-Americans. At his victory party, Somalis, union members, Jews, peace activists, Muslims, environmentalists, GLBT, and everyone else was present.
Keith reminds me of Dr. Martin Luther King and Paul Wellstone. His supporters prove it.
Oops. I wasn’t awake. MN-05 DFL primary winner is Keith Ellison.