Silly Obama. He’s visiting NORAD today when everyone knows that the proper training to be commander-in-chief is to bone up on children’s books like The Pet Goat.
Or he could read Christopher Hitchen’s account of getting waterboarded. Spoiler: He didn’t care for it.
There’s always the New York Times’ account of how the Gitmo interrogators inadvertently adopted Chinese Korean-War era interrogation methods (usually referred to as ‘torture’ and ‘brainwashing’) that are known to provide false confessions. Oops.
Even better experience is to read-up on how your major donors can contribute to Latin-American death squads. That’s as All-American as Ollie North and Ronald Reagan.
This is worth a repost:
Listen up froggies. We should be very proud of BooMan, our Frog-in-Chief. He does not get enough credit for seeing things clearly.
From Al Giordano of The Field: In Giordano’s essay, Smart Dissent -seeing things clearly on Obama’s strategy to win the General Election – he repeats essentially BooMan’s essay of yesterday Keeping Things in Balance
Funny the two should both write the same analysis on the same day! I know Al Giordano is well respected in the blogosphere Due credit also goes to BooMan. He’s a Tallawah.
Although I’m still sprouting Chicken Little feathers, gnashiung my teeth over Obama’s turn on a dime – truth be told, both essay deserve to snip and save:
Smart Dissent is a MUST read:
where can I get my feathers singed or plucked?
Actually, Al’s piece is much more like my piece on Can the Blogosphere Please Grow Up? than the one you cite here. In fact, I was wondering whether he cribbed without attribution.
Yeah, it’s quite likely that Al may have cribbed without attribution.
Your piece, Can the Blogsphere Please Grow Up fell off the front page. I’m reasonable and will amend my comment.
it’s also possible that we just think alike and tend to focus on effective dissent.
McCain is having a ‘bad hair’ month
Politico –Another campaign shakeup
bring out all your old violins from the attic. The guy needs an orchestra..whatever
Via CNN Political Ticker
Can Republicans ever function without a solitary, iron-fisted authoritarian figure running the show, giving directions from on high?
And this little aside is just, well,……… too funny a coincidence to me.
Watch out, glacier ahead !!!
Ingrid Betancourt and three Americans hostages FREED!!!, as well as 11 more hostages (colombian military)
I watched the video of the waterboarding.
Someone please remind me why we would elect or donate or support any candidate or sitting politician who hasn’t demonstrably done everything in his or her power to stop our chief executive and the branch of government at his disposal from making this type of treatment (or worse) a standard practice of the United States of America.
Correct me if I’m wrong — but I believe we now have a factual record indicating that the administration has ratified this particular behavior — at the highest levels of the executive branch. And if you are going to correct me, tell me then we do not have probable cause that this is a practice ratified at the highest levels of the administration.
And this conduct is torture according to the Geneva Conventions. Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but it violates (or at least arguable — strongly arguably — violates) domestic law.
If you cannot impeach/prosecute the wrong doers, and you are sitting in a position of some authority to try to stop this, I tend to think you would be defending yourself one day along the lines rejected at Nuremberg (that is, I was only following orders).
War Crimes are policy. And we’ve just swept it under the table for political expediency (Dems I mean).
Fuck that. We are so broken.
And FISA. No better. No more lawlessness for political gain. No more games. The games never end. In two and four year cycles. But we are living in a broken, broken fatally broken system.
A pep talk from the best in the business.
Great. I feel better now.
it is what it is, joe. It’s the truth with a sledgehammer.
every general or midterm election is labeled as the most important of our lifetime’s because it creates fear and doubt in the minds of otherwise rational people who still have enough of their wits about them to understand that there is a catastrophe unfolding despite the efforts of the establishment and it’s surrogates to maintain an appearance of normalcy and stability. There is something horribly wrong with our country and it’s not just the possibility of a McCain presidency. The entire system has become criminal. The political machine from one end to the other is corrupt and criminal.
Now we have an enigmatic and talented new comer who has taken pulling the wool over our eyes to the level of an art form. He is one smooth s.o.b. and he and his surrogates are banking on the hope that not enough people will raise the alarm as he begins to reveal his real intent or that the fear of McCain will keep them all in lockstep.
the truth is a motherfucker. And the truth is the sledgehammer is being swung by those who pretend to be advocates of the restoration we want to see. Don’t be fooled. Don’t relinquish your rights as a citizen. Don’t be afraid. Don’t mistrust your instincts. And don’t ever close your eyes. What you see happening is really happening. We have fewer friends and allies than we want to think we have.
Never relinquish your integrity when some party pusher raises a hammer over your head.
Hey Super. Things are still going to work out. Right? We’re all human. What are we going to do, eat each other? Somehow — things are going to evolve. And it is all going to pass. This particular shot at “democracy” will fade and something else will happen.
I gotta say — I am at once pretty scared (beyond politics), and yet foolishly optimistic. I’ve been reading a good bit about Bill Mollison and Permaculture. The guy was basically an activist/ecologist. And he was working to change things in the 50s-70s. Very knowledgeable about forests/wildlife. Then he dropped out. Thought the conflict of protesting was not working. And then decided to fight for something positive as opposed to negative — through sustainable agriculture. Ideas that if implemented might let us live in harmony with our ecology. Good for Planet. Good for People.
I don’t know if it will work — but it is hopeful.
Good seeing you man.