I do understand this subject like nothing else brings out the rage in many people. It reduces meaningful discussion areas into useless wastelands but being banned from a “progressive” board has been an education. The left, the party who fathered such concepts of diversity, human rights and all around inclusiveness in this case is no better than the redstaters or the hannity.coms of the world.
Yes, I am a card carrying official MIHOP on the subject of 911 and until my dying days extraordinary evidence would be required to alter my thoughts on the matter. In fact in completely accepting this concept as fact a light shines on the ever evolving cesspool that American culture, society and business has become.
Every day I see some travesty inching the US ever slowly yet consistently into third worldlyness. Not a day goes by in which I don’t see a plane crashing into a building. Over and over again with this “post 911 world” crap.
The latest let down in the 911 truth movement comes from the BBC, who only a few years ago also put out a three part documentary called The Power of Nightmares.
Then there was this link and it made my day.
Amen. I doubt you’ll get enough recommends here to get to the top of the coveted Recommended Diary list (although I hope so), but you also definitely will not be nuked into oblivion by running dog thugs as you would on DKos.
I don’t know about your particular theories, but I STRONGLY agree that the 911 report was a whitewash and the whole damned thing needs fresh analysis.
Personally, I think it’s simple. I think Dick Cheney orchestrated the whole damned thing for NOTHING MORE than personal profit. That’s what I really think, and I’m a full grown U.S. citizen lawyer who is quite capable of rational, critical thought.
Whatever the truth is, it’s not what we’ve heard.
I have stopped getting into discussions on the particulars. The fact that what we were told is a lie is proof enough that the government has been hijacked.
I’m on the business/engineering end of things in a dying manufacturing company. Just trying to make it to “retirement”.
For what it’s worth, I’ll give a recommend, just to help get the word out for those who might want to listen.
If the facts are there, they will speak for themselves regarding what exactly happened on (and before) 9-11. If they’re not, there’s nothing like sunlight to dispel shadows of doubt.
And (I admit it) the irony re: Big Orange is too rich to ignore, LOL…
that Markos is going to pay for spreading a 9/11 conspiracy message. I love it!
The other night we watched a movie, “The Long Kiss Goodbye,” that I hadn’t seen in years. The plot mysteries are solved when a covert operative explains that the CIA was behind the 1993 bombing of the WTC; it was a “fundraiser” to boost their budget. Obviously, the movie was made before 9/11…
You must mean “The Long Kiss Goodnight”. Thanks for the tip — I haven’t seen that one.
An oldtimer’s moment! Thanks for the correction. It’s an outragious thriller. Geena Davis does some amazing stunt work in it. I highly recommend it for pure entertainment value.
Beautiful – thanks for this link.
That is just too sweet. I saw the diary before, but didn’t click the link thinking it was just a plug for a 911 conspiracy site. Silly me!
FWIW…I’m pretty firmly in the LIHOP camp. Without obsessing on details, I’m not convinced that Bu$hCo orchestrated the attack, but it is pretty clear that they had prior notice. To take that one step further into the LIHOP camp does not seem too far-fetched for me (but then I’m a natural born cynic).
Hi Kamakhya,
Just wanted to thank you for your off topic note about WebMage in the teen room of your local library from a week or so back. That made my day. I’d have responded sooner but I didn’t see it until just a couple of days ago.