Here’s a shot from the September 2005 protest. I have a feeling I’ll be seeing that flag again this year. Nothing has improved in Iraq since 2005. In fact, by any metric you want to choose, things are immeasureably worse today than they were back then. Of course, back then New Orleans was drowning, which added a little poignancy to our demonstrations.
Here’s a little reminder from the Church Committee about how things went the last time an antiwar movement gained momentum in Washington DC:
The Committee finds that covert action programs have been used to disrupt the lawful political activities of individual
Americans and groups and to discredit them, using dangerous and degrading tactics which are abhorrent in a free
and decent society.
(a) Although the claimed purposes of these action programs were to protect the national security and to prevent
violence, many of the victims were concededly nonviolent, were not controlled by a foreign power, and posed no threat
to the national security.
(b) The acts taken interfered with the First Amendment rights of citizens. They were explicitly intended to deter
citizens from joining groups, “neutralize” those who were already members, and prevent or inhibit the expression of
(c) The tactics used against Americans often risked and sometimes caused serious emotional, economic, or physical
damage. Actions were taken which were designed to break up marriages, terminate funding or employment, and
encourage gang warfare between violent rival groups. Due process of law forbids the use of such covert tactics,
whether the victims are innocent law-abiding citizens or members of groups suspected of involvement in violence.
(d) The sustained use of such tactics by the FBI in an attempt to destroy Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., violated the law
and fundamental human decency.
Wish us luck, I’ll report in from the Capitol once I get there.
Best of luck to all of you…..I will be with you in spirit and looking forward to your blogging and pics. from DC.
Big hugs to all attending the protest….I will be watching for TV or cspan coverage.
For those of us who can’t make it to DC – here’s a nearly list of companion events all over the country:
Good luck, BooMan, and to all attending. I had hoped to get there myself but look forward to your posts.
Good march and luck to you all. Be safe and be careful.
See you tomorrow!
For everyone who can’t make DC, check out ActivistGuy’s list of 150+ Local Anti-War Actions this Weekend. It’s an impressive list. Hopefully everyone can find something near enough to attend.
May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
The rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you
In the palm of His hand.
Best of luck to you all and have no fear. We’ll be awaiting your return.
know that I am there with you in spirit by marching at the rally here tomorrow at 2pm. Many hugs! Stay warm and safe. Give the White House the finger for me.
You’ve got a lot of warm vibes of peace heading your way.
Take care everyone heading there … be safe!
You’re going to be in good company.
Be safe and Good Luck to All!
Be with you in sprit and will be attending a concurrent rally here.
United for Peace
John McCain: The truth.
Give em hell!
Wish you were here.
Yes ma’am.
Still hoping to make it to SF for the march tomorrow, but I woke up with some sort of major bug this morning…chills, aches, the works. (Not even hungry…that’s a sure sign I’m sick…)
I will be with you and the others in spirit. And reminder to all of us watching coverage — multiply the MSM’s attendance estimates by at least 10 to get an actual idea of who is there…
I’ve got it too. I can hardly stay awake.
Wanted to go to SF, but San Jose’ has a vigil every weekend, and that’s not quite so far from home. I’ve done this so many times, but tomorrow is special. Maybe a good night’s sleep…..
my wife and i are traveling to D.C. from Pittsburgh. We’ll be meeting up with my sister and her boyfriend and then on to the march. See you there!
Stay peaceful! As Thich Nhat Hanh says:
“To work for peace, you must have a peaceful heart. When you do, you are the child of God. But many who work for peace are not at peace. They still have anger and frustration, and their work is not really peaceful. We cannot say that they are touching the Kingdom of God. To preserve peace, our hearts must be at peace with the world, with our brothers and our sisters. When we try to overcome evil with evil, we are not working for peace.”
We’ll be in the streets here in Austin. This day will be too big to ignore.
Peace Meme
Good luck everyone!
If you’re inclined to be part of the Impeach at the Mall flashmob making a giant Impeach! sign with your bodies, go over to the east side of the Washington Monument at 10 til noon to meet up with Brad Newsham and his crew. It should be quite a photo-op for the news helicopters.
See Brad’s blog Gone By April 1 for more details. (I put up a diary with the same info ’cause I really want to spread this around, hope you don’t mind fellow protesters!)
Booman, how are you getting down?
I may be driving at least partway, and then taking the metro in (that’s if I go).
Do you and yours need a lift? i have a van.
To everyone who will be out in the streets tomorrow whether in D.C. or your own towns or cities be safe.
Real life heroes are regular people who get out there and try to make a difference…for all of us who can not participate physically I hope we are the wind beneath your wings.
Jeesh! I bet you guys are sick of my typos. Sorry, of course I meant Chocolate. Have a great weekend everyone! problem, just a slip of the finger…oh that sounds vaguely obscene doesn’t it.
Just saw on cspan they will be covering the protest starting at 11:15 AM ET, tomorrow…
Booman. I wish I could be there with you. We will light a huge candle for you guys tomorrow. We send you our love and our thanks for your courage and your commitment to humanity. Here’s a photo I took at an anti-war rally in Central Park a few months before Shock and Awe. So here we are, a half a million or so deaths later and….
Good luck to all who go in peace, and for peace. Take care of yourselves and each other. I am there with you in spirit and mind.
We’ll be in the march in L.A. – which starts in front of the Democratic Party headquarters in downtown.
Bring the troops home now!
Put impeachment back on the table!
I hope someone carries a sign that says “The quickest way to end the war: IMPEACH.” That would be great!
but if you do, be somewhat prepared to say something when you are interviewed. Imaginative protestors get a lot of camera time. I will protest locally.
electrodes on his hands standing on a box always gets a lot of attention.
Gee, that doesn’t look like Booman ;o)
And about that flag, I couldn’t bring it on the plane with me, so I need to grab one in the a.m.
I’m in Maryland for tonight but I’ll see you all in the morning.