Thanks to Digby for the link to this:
Rev. Pat Robertson explains all about Trump sniffling at the first debate
“Trump sniffing may have been a sign of the Holy Spirit coming out of him,” said Robertson on “The 700 Club.” “The Holy Spirit affects people in strange ways. Some people go into a frenzy, some people start laughing uncontrollably, some people bark like dogs. Apparently, Trump sniffs.”
Hell, it’s at least as plausible as the cocaine hypothesis. On the other hand, if Hillary Clinton sniffles, good gawd, she’s dying of pneumonia and maybe has Parkinson’s disease to boot; she must be replaced as the Democratic candidate.
Holy crap on a cracker. If I were the Holy Spirit, I’d try to get fuck out of Trump’s body too, I suppose. LOL.
TV minister Pat Robertson has gone to the resistance of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who had a heartbreaking execution at Monday night’s level headed discussion. The discussion was great and this post is helpful for me because I offer Pay Someone To Write My Essay – EssayCampus. Aside from lying more than once and intruding on Democratic chosen one Hillary Clinton a few times, Trump was additionally seen to sniff.
Please remember to take your meds this morning.
I think that is a spam-bot.
Trollrated now.
Pat Robertson:
The Exorcist:
End of conversation.