Merve Kavakci was evicted from parliament for wearing headscarf
Apparently, in Turkey the AK Muslim party of PM Erdogan will gain a majority rule by a strong backing of modern, highly educated Muslim Turks, desillusioned by the secular ‘old’ parties, but willing to reverse the secular state. A new phase in Islamisering of Middle Eastern countries and a forebode of a growing Muslim population in the European Union.
On June 22, Turkey’s Constitutional Court voted 8-3 to permanently shut down the Virtue Party, the country’s main opposition party and the vanguard of activist Islam in Turkish politics.
Virtue stood accused of two transgressions. The first was that it was the political reincarnation of the old Welfare Party, which the Constitutional Court banned in 1998 for mixing Islam and politics. On this first count, the Court decided in favor of Virtue, concluding that the party was not a continuation of Welfare under another name, but truly a different party. On the second charge, however, the Court sided with the Chief Public Prosecutor, finding Virtue a hotbed of Islamism and therefore illegal under the 1982 Turkish Constitution.
Islamists joined with liberals in Turkey and abroad to condemn the Court’s decision, claiming it was yet another blow to democratic development. Still, the immediate consequences of the Virtue closure were not nearly as bad as they might have been.
To begin with, the Court could have expelled en masse all Virtue deputies from the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TGNA). When the number of empty seats in the TGNA exceeds 5%, new elections must be held. Since Virtue controlled 102 of the TGNA’s 550 seats, a wholesale expulsion would have toppled the government and plunged the country into all the uncertainties of an unplanned election. With so much riding on the stability of the current government (such as a $15.7 billion emergency economic package from the IMF), that would have been grim indeed. As it happened, however, the Court expelled only two Virtue deputies, allowing the other 100 to remain in the TGNA as independents.
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Documentary Jihad on Horseback
WOW, between you and gname, you are bringing this county’s election right to my door step. Very interesting, to say the least.
Yes bush as destabilized the entire world. He alone and this adm. is the devil in all that goes on, it seems.
Thanks again for your articles.
BTW, when will we know here in Amrica how this turns out?
PS: according to our news outlets we would not not one thing of this if it weren’t for here. No one that I know is following this.
pretty sad because it is important. This is one election where everyone needs to be careful what they wish for.
on Darfur. [CIA and Sudan]
Even I wasn’t aware of the involvement of Arab Jihadists until today
when I heard this reported by a Dutch journalist on the radio.
« click on image
Map of Darfur and refugees in Chad
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
July 22 (Bloomberg) 10 min. ago — Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan may be in a position to win a major victory in Turkey’s general election, according to partial results from today’s voting.
Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party won 52 percent of the vote with 23 percent of ballots counted [35% counted – Oui], according to official results cited by the CNN Turk news channel. The figures were mainly from eastern Turkey, an Erdogan stronghold, and Justice’s share of the vote may fall as more results come in, CNN Turk said.
The Republican People’s Party, Erdogan’s main political rival, has 15 percent, and the Nationalist Action Party has 14 percent, according to the results broadcast by the channel.
Erdogan, 53, is embroiled in a battle with staunch secularists, led by military generals, over who rules Turkey. Erdogan is backed by Turkey’s conservative majority, who want him to end curbs on religious expression as part of steps to join the EU.
Election Results – 4 Nov. 2002
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
ISTANBUL (AP) – With 56% of votes counted, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) won 48.5 percent and two secular opposition parties had 18.8 percent and 14.7 percent respectively, according to results on television news channels.
CNNi Turk television predicted that the ruling party would secure a majority of 334 seats in the 550-member Parliament after all the votes were counted. It based its projection on a survey of 400 polling stations.
The contest was viewed as pivotal in determining the balance between Islam and secularism in this nation of more than 70 million.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
looks like it’s all over but the shouting and…
thanks for these diaries oui, it’s disconcerting the amount of, apparently unanticipated, blow-back BushCo™’s actions have precipitated.
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Turkey’s prime minister, a devout Muslim, has said he has no intention of changing the secular, pro-Western orientation that was laid down by national founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in 1923.
Now Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who won a new mandate for his Islamic-rooted government in Sunday’s elections, will be scrutinized more closely than ever for any signs that he is straying from that pledge.
His critics cite Erdogan’s failed effort to secure the election in Parliament of his close ally, Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul, as president. With Gul in office, secularists feared the ruling party would have free rein to introduce laws challenging secularism.
As prime minister, Erdogan has raised alarms by attempting to make adultery a crime, appointing former Islamists to key positions and favoring Islamic schools. He also tried to appoint the general manager of an Islamic finance group that does not use interest as head of the Central Bank. The move was blocked by President Ahmet Necdet Sezer, a secularist.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
[Appears the bad news is not communicated anymore – Oui]
● Turkish Muslim Party Wins Landslide
● US Raids Umm al-Qura Mosque in Baghdad
● Police fear safety of Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani after assassination of close aide
(Telegraph) May 2006 – The most influential moderate Shia leader in Iraq has abandoned attempts to restrain his followers, admitting that there is nothing he can do to prevent the country sliding towards civil war.
Aides say Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani is angry and disappointed that Shias are ignoring his calls for calm and are switching their allegiance in their thousands to more militant groups which promise protection from Sunni violence and revenge for attacks.
A series of snubs had contributed to Ayatollah al-Sistani’s decision. “He asked the politicians to ask the Americans to make a timetable for leaving but they disappointed him,” he said. “After the war, the politicians were visiting him every month. If they wanted to do something, they visited him. But no one has visited him for two or three months. He is very angry that this is happening now. He sees this as very bad.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
(CBS/AP) – Five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor were pardoned by President Georgi Parvanov upon their arrival in Sofia after spending 8½ years in prison in Libya.
The medics, who were sentenced to life in prison for allegedly contaminating children with the AIDS virus, arrived on a plane with French first lady Cecilia Sarkozy and the EU’s commissioner for foreign affairs, Benita Ferrero-Waldner.
Role of Gadaffi’s son and Qatar Government to Fund Children’s Hospital in Benghazi.
● Timeline: Bulgarian Medics’ Trial in Libya
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."