Froggy Bottom Cafe
Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
I just peeked into the last diary and saw the margins were busted so I am putting up a new cafe, one to while away the last hours of this day, getting ready for the “next newsday.”
Check out this site to map where we all live
tear myself away from the news and the blogs to pull my sneakers back on and head outside to the storage room; it’s time to bring in the sweater box and figure out which ones are keepers and which ones are going into the Goodwill bag…want to accomplish something before Saturday so I can party at the Sharks’ game with a relatively clear conscience…
Afternoon diane…good thing I’m a fairly patient person or I’d really be going nuts this week. How patient you ask? Well as a kid I never tried to open my presents under the tree early or even try to guess what was in them..I liked the anticipation and waiting to find out what was in them. And I’m hoping that this will be one of the ‘bestest’ presents ever or what a let down this will all be huh.
I guess the best news today was that the WH wanted announcements today and didn’t get their wish…anything that makes them uneasy is fine by me.
I’ve never been to a ‘Waiting Game Party’ by the way..what’s the protocol for this…think we’ll make it up as we go along. I say we all wear green and if we want to get a little kinky can bring handcuffs and symbolically get ready to frog march all these ah…jackasses to their doom.(I was going to use a bit stronger term but thought I’d spare you my potty mouth today diane).
I think we play a lot of “Pin the Crime on The Donkey” or in this case “The Ass”. Or jail term roulette, or Sing “Please Don’t Step On My Jailhouse Shoes”. . . .Or guess how the R’s are going to attack the Prosecuter, and What new wild lies they will make up about Wilson and his wife.
Or the fun game of prosecutorial craps: I’ll bet my purjury and obstruction charges against your lies.
The most fun is the new line dance, The Frog March Hop!
Sounds like fun so far Shirl…or Pin the Crime on Which big Dick-as in Cheney… I think we’re gonna need lots and lots of pins.
chocolate go to this site and fill in where you live, everyone else too, then we can get a good picture of this..west coasters are winning so far.
A waiting game party….is the kind where everyone stands around drinking coffee, biting nails if you are so inclined, smoking like a chimney and then you start pacing back and forth…..yikes…maybe I will change the party theme to:
relax, think good thoughts, the world is working itself out of this evil morass and is soon to spit them off planet, not in a good way…so let’s enjoy this moment.
Thanks Choco for the restraint in language….lol…
Ok, I’m on the map and I got the drinking coffee and smoking part down pat already.
For those of you wanting a little encouragement. . .
Air America Radio, Randi Rhodes, the most fact based and researched program on that network, is reporting that The first indictments will be Rove and Libby for perjury and obstruction plus Libby will also be charged with the “outing a CIA cover agent.” The investigation is expanding into the forged documents about the Niger yellow cake and the Administration (Cheney) manipulating the intel to lie to the congress and the American People in order to invade Iraq.
OH, let it be so!! Practicing my happy dance!! Indictments supposedly coming tonight, Press Conference tomorrow.
I will not be completely happy unless Beezlebub (Cheney) goes down.
Puget4 and I had to travel to a dr.’s appointment today. Problem: we’re getting old. Strategy: cut cholesterol. For now we’re going to get aggressive with diet and supplements before enlisting in lifetime medication at a permanent 15% annual inflation rate.
Waiting for a Puget Sound ferry as a tug pushes a barge past the loading ramp.
Puget4 found a pretty double-ender ketch for us to window-shop. Er, I guess that would be porthole-shopping. If we could come up with an extra $150,000, and $200/month for dockage, we could buy it.
They say when your problem’s only money, you’ve got no real problem at all. Of course they also say that you catch cold from getting your head wet, but that you should shower every day. I’m not sure they know what they’re talking about.
One of the fun things about writing fiction is research… window shopping (okay, internet photo shopping) for neat things like examples of gorgeous sailing yachts, private corporate jets or luxurious vacation homes on the Adriatic to use as story settings.
Never know what you can find out there until you look. It’s just amazing. (And much more fun when price is no object!)
You can pick up cruising sailboats for about the cost of a van–sometimes a heavily used van–if you can get to the location, if you’re willing to think 60’s or 70’s, and especially if you can do structural repairs. We cruise boat trader online regularly and submit whatever looney low price we want. There are always hits, especially in winter as the annual hurricane crop surfaces.
The problem for Puget Sound is that nobody ever sells their boats up here whereas lots of people seem to sell them in Florida (age and, of course, the annual Counter Clockwise Culling of the fleet). Then you have to think of trucking cross-continent. From CA there’s the possibility of hiring a captain to bring it up.
At the low end, 25 feet length or so you can buy local, entirely functional sailboats in the $3-5,000 range. These boats are not going to go away. If things work out right, we plan to try for a very low end hull (I’ve worked at a boatbuilder doing layup and repairs) and slap a gorgeous antique gaff yawl or ketch rig on it.
The following is one scheme for a Catalina 22 we drew up and balanced based on the underbody profile. You can buy/make tarp sails for shakedown testing before surfing for used or new dacron. And yes I know this is a clash of aesthetic cultures but I am completely, and totally unrepentant. There are thousands of these boats around for peanuts, and I like to sail, which means I like to have lots of ropes to pull on, so there!!
Click to enlarge.

Neat. My brother is the sailor in our family (he sails on Lake Michigan). He’s also taken classes in boatbuilding in Maine somewhere.
I live less than an hour from the Chesapeake Bay, but I’ve never been on a modern sailboat. (maybe some day… although I understand it’s quite addicting!)
I did get to go on a brief sail once on the Sultana (18th century replica schooner) — it’s always amazing seeing how small the old sailing ships are, and yet men crossed the Atlantic on them.
Gooserock I’m in kitsap, is there a group that meets locally?
We’re up to our ears fabricating a way to keep fed, so we figure it’ll be another year or so before we can engage in physical politics. You might check out the “northwest portal” that was diaried here or at the orange place last night, it’d be a likely resource for links.
I heard there was a group in Port Orchard but I have not traced them down..
I can’t wait any longer. i must go to bed (it’s 1.30 am here…)
Don’t forget to add your name on the map: it’s real fun to know where we are!
Many years ago, Apple had their “Think Different” ad campaign, featuring historical figures who stepped outside the box. Some folks featured were Gandhi, Einstein, etc.
One poster was of Rosa Parks, sitting on the bus, just gazing out the window, with a white businessman sitting behind her.
Today, on the Apple home page, they’ve got that picture, with the caption: “Rosa Parks, 1913-2005”.
Class…that’s all I can say…class…
I’ve apparently messed up a couple of Cafés lately by posting oversize images. Sorry to those that this may have caused grief.

I don’t think I have the right software for handling my images. Any suggestions for free downloads? I have Irfanview, but when resizing down to a 400×300 image, it still packs 3-500KB. Still, I hope it is managable even on dial-up.
Nature rules. Let’s care for it.
That pic seems fine Ask…for photo editing, picture trail, picassa, kodak. all have free editing programs. I also use one that came with my scanner and Print Shop. If you want to email me any pics I can resize them for you and send them back.
BTw what is the location of your pic.
Good to ‘hear’.
I have Kodak EasyShare (which came with the CD with images I just had developed from film), but cannot figure out how to ‘edit’ – the function seems to be disabled. Anyway, I’ll go look for one or two of the others you suggested.
The image is “Kjosfossen” (Kjos waterfall) in the Flåm Valley in Western Norway. curly and I had part of our summer vacation there. I’ll post a couple of ‘fjord pictures’ in coming Cafés.
Try clicking on Edit, then Save as, there should be a drop-down box that let’s you resize the photo. I just got the program myself and that’s been the easiest way I could figure out so far.
Thanks Man E, the version that came on the CD from my local photostore was stripped for many functions. Have downloaded a full version now, but too late to play with at this hour.
My phone has been out ever since Sunday when I came back from a trip. They say that they will come and fix it but they don’t. I call from work and am put on hold for an hour. I did finally talk to the vet and he says that my cat has this infection: Bartonella, cat scratch fever, which may be why he has been doing so poorly lately. Plus, did I mention, that there have been no indictments yet.
I used to work in Foggy Bottom (at George Washington University) so the name of this pub always gives me a grin.
Gosh I’ve got a bad case of Pre Indictment Stress Syndrome!
Hi, Arminius. I don’t think we’ve met? Nice to meet you! Do you still live in the D.C. area?
Hi. This is a late reply–you probably won’t see it. I’ve been slow to become regular here.
Yep, I’m still in the D.C. area, more or less–I’ve moved far to the north in Carroll County, Maryland, almost to Pennsylvania, because I’m worried about D.C. getting nuked, among other things. But I was born in D.C. and will always be there. Tomorrow I’m going to play scrabble with some friends in the Virginia suburbs.
Welcome aboard the lilly pad Arminius.
Second that welcome.
Howdy All….
I went to put myself “on the map” (which is a great idea BTW) and when I appeared I appeared as Puget$.
I deny any fault with my shift-key.
So I went back into the box, fixed the $ to read 4 and hit ADD-ME.
Now I’m in there twice. !!!
I’m so sorry. Is there any way to remove Puget$?
so I think you’re okay…but you’re priceless to all of us anyway! 🙂
Those are great pictures — was wondering if the wild lady in BooMan’s picture is Mrs. BooMan? She looks like a barrel of fun… 🙂
Look for Gooserock, then Booman, then Puget$, then Teacher Toni, then Puget4.
Sorry gang. I’d fix it if I knew how.
But thanks for the “priceless” anyway….$ or no $
It overwrites so you can also change your photo and it will overwrite- I think
I got home a little while ago from a “2000 too many” vigil. In spite of the cold weather, about 100-150 people showed up at a busy intersection in Royal Oak, Michigan to protest the occupation and to remember those lives that have been lost due to Bush’s lies.
The traffic driving by was very friendly, lots of supportive honks and peace signs were sent in our direction. Even a fire truck honked and slowed down as it passed us. The firemen gave us a big thumbs up. That was very cool.
Only one guy gave us the finger and before that some guy blathered on about “killin’ all them a-rabs,” or something like that.
The evening ended with a reading of the Michigan lives that have been lost in Iraq – 64 total. About a dozen names of Iraqi civilians were also read. Very sobering.
Sorry, I forgot my camera, but I won’t next time.
I don’t know if you were at the same vigil as we were (I think we were at the South end of town), but we were also in Royal Oak – lots of horns and we also saw the one very rude person! It was fun to see all the people and hear all the horns honking. Very inspiring to see people that we did not know, of many ages coming together to hold up their candles and signs.
I was at St. John’s at 11 and Woodward.
Just back from the Iraq War Dead Vigil, good turn out…looked to me to be a similar sized crowd the Sheehan vigil a while back…I’d guess 600-700 +-.
Had hoped to be using the smiling frog tonight, but I can wait…it’s only been 5 yrs. In it’s stead, a sunset from last night.
Off to listen to the series…Go Sox!
Well, here goes. My first comment since joining. What a time to jump into the pool! Oh, is there a pool at this party? I’ll be drinking the diet cola instead of coffee, but if Fitzmas doesn’t come soon, I’ll be going through several packs of cigs a day!
Hangin’ in and hangin’ out! Cheers, everyone!
Welcome Quiet One! There most certainly is a pool, but you have to walk through the smoking patio to get there. Need a light?
Welcome Quiet One and I rather suspect the smoking room is getting pretty smokey with all us smokers doing double duty(I am anyway)the last few days waiting for Fitzmas.
By the way who first coined that phrase does anyone know? It just seemed to appear all over the net at the same time.
Hi Quiet one, welcome and thanks for coming on over to the cafe for the party. The cigarettes are going like wildfire at this house as well and after watching cable news all day I am pacing now as listening to all the distortions about the whole case is just driving me crazy. I stopped in at media matters and saw the long list of mis-statements made over the last few days and it is shocking, well maybe not so shocking when you consider this is what they do.
Anyway, yes we do have a pool, I will try to find it and bring it round, oh here it is, not what you were expecting, eh….but we all fit in and have a grand old time…
Welcome Quiet One. I’m a newby myself. This is a great pond to splash around in….plenty of lily pads, nice fat flies and lots of fun people to say howdy to.
Welcome Quiet One, I’m another newbie around here. Jump in, the water’s fine! Smart talk and giggles, politics and snacks, damn fine writing and lots of friendly folks — what more could you want?
As you can see, the Cafe sits right out on the water, so you can sit on the deck and dangle your flippers, if you like. . .
Or on the warm sunny days you may want to visit the “Croak-a-Cabana” right on the beach. . .
We are sure glad to have you here, and just remember our Pad is your Pad!
Here’s your diet Cola. . .
And the daily question is: Do you ever remember seeing shirlstars and Xena in the Froggy Bottom Cafe at the same time, ever? Hmmm? Makes you wonder, eh?
Hi, Quiet One. I’m glad I checked in one more time before bedtime so I could “hear” you splash softly into the pond. Welcome.
Has anyone ordered and tasted Absinthe??
I went to a xmas party a couple years ago and someone brought some absinthe-evidently there are green fairy bootleggers in my neck of the woods or so their very professional bottle label claimed. I didn’t taste any because I hate licorice-flavored anything but watched as others mixed it with water. They said it was tasty stuff.
…licorice, I’ve had it …my grandmother use to have a little shot glass to sip after dinner…she said it helped with digestion. lol.
Ejmw offered this in the “Open Thread Comments,”
If you’ve never had absinthe let me describe it for you.
It is the color of nuclear waste, feels like a glass of liquid razorblades going down your throat, and makes you feel like you just chugged a fifth of whiskey and washed it down with a PBR.
It’s f*cking great!
Have a glass!
It’s time for us as a people to start making some changes. -Tupac Shakur
by ejmw (ewitham (at) umich (dot) edu) on Thu Oct 27th, 2005 at 01:11:07 AM ADT
An additional comment showed a “PBR” – Pabst Blue Ribbon
to say night-night; the spouse and I are actually getting to bed before midnight, imagine that…although it means putting off watching tonight’s “Countdown” on the DVR till tomorrow morning; maybe I’ll actually fix a weekday breakfast that doesn’t involve cold cereal… 🙂
Have a good evening, everyone…
Just a fortnight ago, an outstanding initiative was presented by Pakistani star player Sohail Abbas, to unite the game with donations to the Relief Aid for Victims of Pakistan’s earthquake. The idea was picked up by a local newspaper Algemeen Dagblad and the National Hockey Association.
Louis van Gaal - Soccer coach - with a 30,000 push
Limbs Have to be Removed From One in Three Patients
UNICEF ◊ BBC News coverage and AID »»
MY DIARY :: Why I Didn’t Blog Last Night
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”