Newbies, Lurkers, and Splashers
The Welcome Wagon has rolled into town!
The Welcome Wagon has rolled into town!
Question for everyone:
How many email accounts do you manage?
How many email accounts do you manage?
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Don’t be shy! Now’s your chance to de-lurk and say hello!
May the 4’s be with you
Say hello to the newest member of the Frog Pond
My answer to the question: four, plus another one that I hardly check.
Me, only 3. As to leaves, any northeasterner worth his/her salt knows that orange is the color of fall. (Even garbfather Mr.Blackwell would agree.)
hola, b2. I miss fall colors. The cactus needles just don’t seem to have the same autumny effect on the mood 😉
Hay Manny! I wouldn’t mind being back there and seeing those cactus needles for a couple of days. (Or longer.)
They’re probably not much fun to pile up and jump in either;-)
Two accounts. Red for dogwood and maple, flowers and syrup. Orange is for pumpkins.
Nice blog, Newbie. I’ll visit often and say lots of dumb things.
pffft! I happen to know from first-hand experience that you rarely, if ever, say dumb things, Alice. How’ve you been? Hope September is treating you well despite the insanity of the Beltway.
Thanks Manee. Working hard and enjoying fabulous weather, think we got down to the sixties lately. No leaves turning yet, but deer roaming the neighborhood – very cool.
I liked the Liberal Journal’s comment policy: “No comments will be deleted, period. Free speech means free speech. Write what you like. If it’s completely ignorant, well, that just makes you look dumb!” Sometimes I do.
Good to see you, I hope you’re doing well too.
Hi Manny and everyone. Just stopping by to say Howdy. Fall leaves? It’s gotta be orange and red. My favorite season of the year.
Email accounts? Finally got it down to 3, one main one and two occasional.
Hope everyone is well and enjoying their days.
Hugs to all
hi shirl! good to ‘see’ you around. things are steady here in the desert, been fighting off a summer attack of Walking Ick, which should be dealt a death blow this afternoon when i go to see my doctor. Doesn’t stop me from having fun, tho! 🙂
Glad that it isn’t hampering your enjoyment of things.
Okay, enlighten me: Walking Ick? anything like walking pneumonia? I know the few times I was told I had that form of p-new-monia I wished it would walk somewhere else without me. Strange term anyway.
Love you Manny
I’ll let you know what the Walking Ick is after the appointment, my guess is just a sinus infection, tho. 🙂
lots o luv back
Hey! Speaking of lurkers, I seem to have just gotten a 4 from Oui. Come out come out, wherever you are, Oui. You’ve been silent for too long now.
When I miss you I usually just think those Europeans take mighty long vacations. Now we know you’re in hiding.
The pond just isn’t the same without you. I barely get a clue as to what’s happening in the outside world. I’ll be lurking for you….
I have completely lost count of the number of email accounts I manage, since I have them scattered all over the place, plus I have my own domain where I can make as many email accounts as I want, plus I belong to a service that lets me create ad hoc addresses for the purpose of defeating spammers.
Even if you only count the ones I check on a regular basis, I still have no idea how many I have.
Oh, and as for fall colors, I am lucky enough to live in one of those places where many of the trees stay green all year round. But I do have to admit, the ones that turn orange and red in the fall can’t hold a candle to New England foliage — although it’s really cool to see them mixed in and among the evergreens.
hellooooooooOmir! If you figure out a way to fatally defeat the spammers, please pass on the wisdom. Hope you’re doing good!
I’m doing fine. In fact I’m almost doing too well. The new job has me hopping, and between that and having had to move at the end of August and not having the house set up to my liking yet, I’ve been so busy I’ve been barely able to keep up with the blogs, much less post. In fact I seem to have missed an entire kerfluffle involving everyone’s favorite target,
How are you doin’?
glad to hear that you’re getting settled in the new place. I’m doing okay, been fighting off allergies/sinus issues the past couple of weeks, but now on some antibiotics so hopefully my head will clear soon. Can’t complain, though, the weather is changing here
Around these parts, leaves come in one color, green. However, I just had to vote for purple because it’s such a cool color. ;>)
AS for email, I have 2, one for work and one for home, and I almost never check either of them. I’ve long since given up on email. I hate it. If its not buckets of spam, its people who get offended when they don’t get a response to their oh so important message within ten minutes. I think I’m backlogged with some 5,000 messages on my home account. grrr.
If it’s not cool enough that today is Talk Like a Pirate Day, today also marks the 25th anniversary of the emoticon! ;>) Arggghhhh!
I forgot about TLAPD! What a bad Pastafarian I’ve turned out to be.
Hey everyone! The weather is finally a little cooler and the leaves are starting to turn. You know what that means? Time for baking Christmas cookies:
We’ve been talking about that skit a lot this week. SO weird that you posted it!
one of the funniest skits ever…
ahhhhhh the classic Shwetty clip, only you SN, only you. hahaha
Welcome Manee!! where have you been hiding lately?
Emails? 5 or 6. Too amny spam attacks and I create a new one. Plus I have one in Argentina, but forgot which company it is :o)
hola cruz. I’ve been around, just feeling abit demoralized with all the hijinx on the Hill.
I love it!!!!!
alright, i’m off to the doctor. cyawl on the flip
This is one of my son’s friends. Suffer through the first 35 seconds of boredom because it gets cool. But, really, doesn’t he have better things to do…like studying?
OK, now that’s clever. Only on youtube would you see something like that. LOL
that got me dizzy, which means that I loved it 🙂
Howdy Folks!!! Wanted to say hi to all the old timers and the newbies!!! I am so busy it is totally crazy!!!! My new job is a blast, the new apartment will be when I get some furniture, and I have joined the Capital City Men’s Chorus and having a blast with it also. I am still blogging and podcasting and designing. LOL
Here is a design I did about a TX senatorial candidate I am not supporting. LOL
Mikal Watts For US Senate
hell hath no fury like a designer scorned? 🙂
glad to see you out and about, refi
I have 15 email accounts that I check daily and about 20 I never check. LOL
Happy hump day everyone! E-mail accounts – I have too many, but I found this very kewl open-source mail checker to help me manage them.
hola IDD! I checked out that program yesterday but will do some more exploring, it looks like a handy tool.